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It's been almost a week now, and people are still fussing over Anna Nicole. Shouldn't they just let her rest in peace? Who here believes Howard K. Stern contributed to her death?

+ I hate greedy people. =]

2007-02-21 12:39:31 · 12 answers · asked by Innocence 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

12 answers

Does anyone but me out there feel a little compassion for Howard. He donated his life to her to be her ., he obviously loved her very much. He gave up his law practice to be by her side.(at her request) and to have to see her date others while he sat at the side line, had to be horrible on him. But he loved her and what she wanted she got,

as far as her son he probably got into hers, and already had something in his system. He obviously had a drug problem too. That had to be hard to have Nicole for a mother.

So how is Howard to blame if he was hooked on it to??? I am sure he wasn't before he meet her

as far as the video with him walking in and her having her face painted, that is the kind of stuff she liked to make money off of. Nothing went on her site with out her permission. It is pretty obvious that the person who robbed the place is the guy that claims he owns the house. Shouldn't criminal charges be against him, the day she dies he is in there ransacking the place....yeah he was a great friend (not)

she wanted Howard to be the father not that photographer and who knows maybe it will come out and not be either one of theirs, who knows it could be the old man (her husband) that would be a way that she would make sure to get the money. She could have his sperm frozen.....Hey I have heard Weirder things

I just wish the next person that wants to trash someone in this case ......would cast the first stone, I pray God will give Howard strength to get through this and the people will stop saying such terrible things....you don't know all the facts

she wanted to go to the bahmanas, to keep the baby away from the greedy photographer. He send her e-mail a few days after her son died, throwing even more stress on her, and threatended to take her to court for the baby. there was obviously a reason she didn't want any part of him. do you really think he meant her no harm, he is the one looking for money. I would like to know how many other girls out there have got pregnant by him and if he would go this far if money wasn't involved. I bet if he was told there is no money he wouln't be fighting so hard..and who knows there will really not be any. She had more debt then money, then he gets nothing. As far as the other trial she is in, he can't count on that money either

he was selling pictures of her and her son 2 days after he died. He is the reason she kept doing more drugs he is the reason she move to the Bahamas, so by the way you are all talking,,,he killed her

she knew what she was doing, that is why she went there. I don't understand why no one has any compassion for Howard, he just lost his best friend and the women he loves and her son, shame on all of you, which one of you will through the first stone

It's like he is being punished by all of you for being her best friend, if he was after her money he would have had her set him up with a contract saying if they split or she died that he would receive an amount. He wasn't worried about that he thought him and Anna would last for ever. Just proves he was there because he LOVED her,,pleas people let the guy grief and show some compassion

2007-02-24 20:25:39 · answer #1 · answered by helen 2 · 0 1

i think anna should be put to rest because she needs to be in peace. i honesty belive howard had something to do with anna death and the death of her son because he know anna was coming in to a lot of money and he know if something ever happen to her it would go to her son so he got rid of her son and then he got rid of anna so he could say he was the father of her baby and since the baby would get everything and howard is broke so if he is finds to be the father he would end up with all the money. i truly belive howard know how sad and upset anna was when she lost her son and he took control of her like he has in the past. i also think howard contol anna when it came to her mom and her father and her brother and sisters so they would not be in anna life so he would be all she had. i think people should rember that their is a baby involed in all this mess this baby just lost her mom and brother know the baby could be in danger because of howard i think howard is greedy and all he is truly worried about is money. i pray he is not the father of the baby and i think child proctive services should take the baby so nothing happens to the baby

2007-02-21 12:49:10 · answer #2 · answered by crystal w 3 · 1 0

I agree totaly MARK, His evadeing takeing a paternity try says all of it. i think of his getting drugs via the internet in Anna's call and giveing them to her and the youngster understanding or no longer careing they might die. If he gets the baby she be lifeless as quickly through fact the warmth is off.Enertainment this evening follows him around and defends him like he's a serial killer. They under no circumstances say something approximately different information or questions something he does. it fairly is pethetic the way he trys soo hard to act unhappy and any moron can see how STONED out of his techniques he's. I additionally think of his sister is in on the crap.

2016-10-16 05:15:07 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

According to her last will and testament she left her son Daniel everything with Howard stern executor of the estate. There was no provision for who would receive her estate if Daniel predeceased her.

However 88 million Dollars and another 1.9 billion from the estate of her deceased husband is a huge motive, but it still remains to be seen who will inherit. In my opinion it should go to her little girl. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

2007-02-21 13:52:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i do ii think he had something to do with Anna's and her sons death they have made a field day with this whole thing let her rest in peace people and find out who her baby's daddy is i hope it is Larry birkhead not the others who think they are i just want Anna to rest quite to her self

2007-02-21 13:00:00 · answer #5 · answered by disney_fan84 2 · 0 0

Yo man, dude is innocent. Just like O.J. Nah, just kidding. Homeboy loved her and protected her, he has no motive. Unless Anna left him some loot.

2007-02-21 12:44:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He definately did something to her and her son. I think (after watching the trial this week) that he's been plotting this for awhile. He's after her money and knows that if he was to be Danielynn's daddy, he'd get it all. I seriously hope he fries!

2007-02-21 12:46:35 · answer #7 · answered by ricksgrl2005 3 · 1 0

Howard jerk smith said that she bought everything for years,she bought his meals 'his clothes ect,,, they said where did you get your money you have now..he said his parents loaned it to him,,,he is a loser punk ahole little ***** ect,,,,, i think she was gonna get rid of him and he snapped and now she;s dead along with her son....he;s involved..the methadone had the name Howard k,stern,,,,i hope he hangs for this,,,,,

2007-02-21 12:53:29 · answer #8 · answered by Cami lives 6 · 0 0

Well, yes, he did smuggle a duffle bag full of drugs into the hospital for her when she was trying to get off the drugs (during her pregnancy!).

2007-02-21 12:46:06 · answer #9 · answered by F 5 · 1 0

I agree it's really sad, if you saw him on the stand today you can tell he is not telling the truth he is holding something back they need to let her be

2007-02-21 13:01:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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