1. Britney Spears- slutty, untalented, bad mom
2. Brangelina- get married already and leave us alone!
3. Tom and Katie Cruise- go away, please!
4. Jennifer Aniston- get a new man and stop feeling sorry for yourself!
5. Kate Moss- Crack addict!
6. Paris Hilton- see description for #1, delete "bad mom" and put "boyfriend stealer"
7. The Olsen Twins- Twiggy and Twiggier are stupid, untalented, and need to gin at least 30 lbs. to look like normal human beings. They should also get back to school- just in case people et sick of them, stop buying their stuff, they lose heir fortune and need something to fall back on. Hoefully that happens!
8. Nicole Richie- Wow! Can ya say "walking corspe!" She's also untalented.
9. The Duff sisters- somebody, please feed them! They both need to be fired- they stink at acting and singing!
10. Rosie O'Donnell/Donald Trump- SHUT UP!!
11 The Simpson sisters- see #9
12 Nick Lachey- hot guy, but needs to get a job
13. Vanessa Minillo- publicity whore
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