Ol' Mulligan is sittn' in a pub having a drink of ale with his son and says "son look out the widow, you see the courthouse at the end of the block- I built that courthose with me own 2 hands but do they call me 'Mulligan the Courthouse Builder' no son, they do not." Takes another swig of ale. "Son look across street- I built that church with me own 2 hands but do they call me 'Mulligan the Chuch Builder' no son, they do not." Drinks more ale. "Son, you see this finely crafted bar on which we rest our mugs of ale, I built this bar with me own 2 hands but do they call me 'Mulligan the Bar Builder' no son, they do not! Slams Down His ALE! "But you screw one stinkin' goat and they'll sure nuff call you "Mulligan the goat F*****" fer the rest o yer life!
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Jokes & Riddles