ok so i live by these 2 dvd stores and there really cheap and i dont know what to get, i dont get paid till the end of te month and am only looking to spend 10-20 bucks, can someone please help me out???
firewall=$5 never seen it is it any good?
underwould evolution= $5, i saw it i theaters but is the dvd any good
date movie=$5, i also saw in theaters, it was alright, hows the dvd?
v for vendetta is 10 dollars, i have never seen it but i heard it is good
jarhead is 5 bucks, i have seen this but is the dvd worth getting?
doom unrated is 5 bucks, i thaught that this was a decent film but hows the dvd?
puddle cruiser is 5 bucks, i have never seen it, any good?
the aristocrats is 5 bucks. also never seen it is it good?
snl best of comercial parriodies is 5 bucks, seen it on tv pretty funny
tony haws secret skatpark tour is 5 bucks. never seen it
i go to the store all the time, 2 weeks ago i got benchwarmers and final destination 3 for ten bucks each,
please help!
thanks alot
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