Answer all the riddles
What word contains all of the twenty six letters?
When you stop and look, you can always see me. If you try to touch you cannot feel me. I cannot move, but as you near me, I will move away from you. What am I?
I have two arms, but fingers none. I have two feet, but cannot run. I carry well, but I have found I carry best with my feet OFF the ground. What am I?
You heard me before, Yet you hear me again, Then I die, 'Till you call me again.
Weight in my belly, Trees on my back. Nails in my ribs, Feet I do lack.
I am only useful When I am full, Yet I am always Full of holes.
I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I?
At the sound of me, men may dream, Or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh, Or sometimes weep.
I drive men mad
For love of me,
Easily beaten,
Never free.
I play on a diamond, I play fair, I always get dirty, And then I run home. What Am I?
Ripped from my mother's womb, Beaten and burned, I become a blood-thirsty slayer What am I?
it goes up when rain comes down
My tines be long,
My tines be short,
My tines end ere,
My first report.,
What am I?
forwards its heavy, backwards its not
What goes in like water and comes out like rock? what am I?
The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?
Open me, and you can't see me without a mirror. Close me and you can't see me at all. What am I?
Alive without breath, As cold as death, Never thirsty, Ever drinking, Clad in mail, Never clinking, Drowns on dry land, Thinks an island, Is a mountain, Thinks a fountain, Is a puff of air.
There was once a girl who was always jealous of her sister. One day a genie appeared and told her that he was "half magic" which meant that he could grant her wishes, but her sister would always get two times more than she did. She had three wishes. First, she wishes that she was the richest person in the world, but her sister soon became the richest because she got two times the money. Her second wish was that she was the most beautiful woman in the world, but her sister gets twice as much beauty. What was her third wish?
And The hardest one
You are given a set of scales and 12 marbles. The scales are of the old balance variety. That is, a small dish hangs from each end of a rod that is balanced in the middle. The device enables you to conclude either that the contents of the dishes weigh the same or that the dish that falls lower has heavier contents than the other. The 12 marbles appear to be identical. In fact, 11 of them are identical, and one is of a different weight. Your task is to identify the unusual marble and discard it. You are allowed to use the scales three times if you wish, but no more. Note that the unusual marble may be heavier or lighter than the others. You are asked to both identify it and determine whether it is heavy or light
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♥ The One You Love To Hate♥
Jokes & Riddles