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i am not knocking you for being a veggie i just want to ask what do you eat for xmas dinner please

thank you and all the best upsy daisy xxxx

2007-12-23 17:33:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

9 answers

For Christmas day we're going to my grandma's and we'll be doing whatever side dishes I can set aside before butter or milk is added to them. I'm bringing the sweet potato casserole and pasta salad so at the very least we'll have that.

For Christmas eve we're going to my in-laws and my motherin-law is kind of a freak (in a wonderful way). She was saying she wanted to do her regular dinner but she was also going to do sweet and sour pork, but she'd leave out the pork in the sauce so we could have the sauce and rice. I suggested we do a whole Chinese feast for dinner instead, since she just did a turkey for Thanksgiving and THEY AGREED! So, here's out big Xmas Eve dinner menu...

Chinese Spinach Salad - tender baby spinach, green onions, cilantro, and chopped water chestnuts tossed with spicy peanut vinaigrette and topped with chopped peanuts and crunchy Chinese noodles.

Sweet & Sour Sauce with Brown Rice - my mom-in-law is making this and she says it's just like the brown rice at PF Chang's.

Mini Spring Rolls - They are mini because I can't find big eggroll wrappers that don't have egg in them. The little wontons are vegan so I use those and just make a bunch. I just got done wrapping up a whole panful of these not ten minutes ago. I used grated carrot and cabbage, diced onion, roasted garlic, chopped water chestnuts, pepper, Bragg's Aminos, and a handful of Morningstar Farms meatless sausage crumbles. I heated up a few tablespoons because I couldn't resis and it is YUMMY.

Tempura Veggies! My mother-in-law is making these. She does an incredible tempura using 7-Up. I think. It's been years since she made it, but I think that was her secret.

For dessert...
I did two flavors.
A dark chocolate filling with coconut and pecans tossed with agave syrup then I'm going to dust the fried rolls with powdered sugar and drizzle chocolate syrup over them
walnut and pistachio filling with cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, and lemon juice tossed with agave syrup that I'm going to drizzle hot grapefruit honey over and then sprinkle on more chopped pistachios.

I know I'm awful because of the honey, but I really love my local honey and I trust that my beekeeper friend and his bees have a relationship that is acceptable to all parties involved.

I threw my deep fryer out a long time ago so I had to buy a new one for this occasion. I know it's a lot of fried food, but what the hell. It's Christmas!

That meal is at night, but during the day we're snacking to our heart's content. I'm bringing olive hummus, tomatoe and basil hummus, (vegan) cream cheese with a smoked peach salsa poured over it, french onion dip and chips, guacamole and tortilla chips, and two kinds of crackers.

I've changed my eating habits so much over the past couple years, but Christmas in our family is all about indulging. This year will be no different, even though we've given up ALL animal products (well, except for that honey).

Merry Xmas!

2007-12-23 20:17:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I know this is a lame answer, however I just consume the whole thing else however the meat. Getting tougher seeing that i am spending extra vacations with my in-laws than my precise household, but here is how we accommodated once I lived with my mothers and fathers. Me and my sister are veggies, and everyone else eats meat. There could be ONE meat dish (like ham or turkey), and a bazillion part dishes. With turkey, make the stuffing separate and with veggie broth as an alternative of hen broth. With mashed potatoes, use a meatless gravy (we used serv-a-gravy packets however i don't eat them anymore cuzza the MSG, now i use an organic brand). With candy potatoes/yams/squash, NO marshmallows, or have them on the side. When you love it sweet you should use brown sugar, or even higher, a combo of brown sugar/beaten pineapple. These are my three fave vacation dishes anyway. In many instances my mom just makes meatless lasagna anyway, so we don't ought to fear about that. Despite the fact that these days it's a lot tougher due to the fact my in-laws are website hosting and look so as to add hen broth to everything, so I pig out on salad and rolls. (sound excellent, huh? Although she makes a pleasant salad) This year I used to be going to take a look at a Morningstar Farms stuffed "turkey" breasts I noticed an ad for, if i will be able to to find them at any place close me. I've had Tofurkey however didn't quite find it irresistible. Confidently that you could talk to whoever is the fundamental prepare dinner to your household and plan some stuff ahead of time, so that you're going to be equipped to eat all the stuff you want.

2016-08-06 13:03:06 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I am not a veggie but I do like the veggie foods. If I was a veggie I would have roasted veg with some goats cheese.
Happy Christmas.

2007-12-23 19:59:00 · answer #3 · answered by ANF 7 · 1 1

VeganVegetarian Christmas Dinner !


Melon Balls with Mint
Grilled Red Pepper Soup
Panfried Tofu cubes rolled in almonds & crushed peanuts
served with hot green tomatoe and Basil sauce chutney.
Oven baked root vegetables
Steamed plum & nut pudding served with thick apple & cranberry sauce

2007-12-23 21:49:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I eat the potatoes and veggie dishes, rolls, and dessert. A couple of slices of cheese and handful of nuts from appetizer tray is more than enough protein.

2007-12-23 20:38:30 · answer #5 · answered by barbara 7 · 1 0

I'm a veggie and Indian. We have some lovely Indian food and Ice - Cream, Cake and yummy things!!!

2007-12-23 22:43:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There are many healthy fruits and vegetables. Fresh vegetables like broccoli and green spinach contain calcium and are packed with fiber.

2017-02-18 06:54:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not a vegetarian but my friend is and she sometimes does a nut roast (which is very nice) and has the usual vegetables

2007-12-23 18:42:45 · answer #8 · answered by Baps . 7 · 2 1


2007-12-23 23:53:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1