I can agree w/ your comment, I had not really looked at it like that,I am glad you pointed that out.
WOW, I am applauded. I will share this info w/ some of my family and friends who are supporting her. I never was and surely am not now.
It seem that this the type of society we would probably have if she wins.
2007-11-11 02:03:03
answer #1
answered by Sista Big Bone 2
Hibby, I'm going to discuss things that LDS understand, but not a whole lot of others will get.
Do you know what the difference is between Comunism and the Law of Consecration?....
1) the administrator-- In Communism, the administrator is a very human (and therefore flawed) government. In the Law of Consecration, the administrator is a loving, all-knowing Savior.
2) choice-- In Communism, there is no choice, except to maybe move out of the comunist nation (not always feasable). In the Law of Consecration, you always have a choice- if you choose to contribute, you also choose to benefit. If you want to still live in the community and not contribute, that's still ok.
Her ideas are good- the common good is always... well, good, but her method of implementing them isn't. The time for her ideas isn't come yet. She needs to wait till the Savior comes again, and will be here to govern.
2007-11-11 04:37:59
answer #2
answered by Yoda's Duck 6
I will comment piece by piece:
Another question for Hillary Supporters? Would you agree that she's a socialist?
If not, how do you explain the things that she's said?
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good" 6/29/2004
1. Yeah, what's wrong with doing the common good? Whether is is Christianity or Communism, hasn't the common good always been a key factor...?
"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity." 5/29/2007
2. So she means the government should equally represent all the people not just a wealthy white plutocracy..... good idea. Isn't true democracy a representation of all? Down with the aristocracy! Didn't George Washington oppose King George and his tyrannical aristocracy.....?(in other words the rich government of, by, and for the few....)
"(We)...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people." 6/4/2007
3. Yes, you mean like we can't just let rich corporations do whatever they want, we have to make them accept corporate responsibility and actually care about their employees.
"I certainly think the free-market has failed." 6/4/2007
4. Considering that the richest nation in the world has no national health care system for its people and there are 3 million homeless.... perhaps she is right in many ways... How come people in Iceland have a higher standard of living than the United States of America....? I find that strange.
I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched." 9/2/2005
5. Yeah, agreed. It makes me sick when one of our wonderful senior citizens has to pay $200 for a bottle of heart medication because big medicine companies enjoy making profits more than helping people live! Or how about business criminals like Enron.... maybe that's who she is talking about...
"We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own...in order to create this common ground." 6/4/2007
6. Maybe she means like in Finland, Sweden, Germany, and Denmark, where people pay higher taxes but they have free health care and 100% free education and an extremely high standard of living.
"Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies."
7. Yeah, like offering war veterans and senior citizens free health care.
"it's time to replace an "on your own" society with one based on shared responsibility and prosperity."
8. Jeez, it sounds like something out of the Bible.... you mean we should actually care about our fellow citizens....?
My judgement is she has strong humanitarian morales. I am pretty sure she believes economically in a market economy; however, it is quite possibly politically she believes in a democratic socialist government such as what Sweden has.
2007-11-11 02:27:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you say 'socialism' in America everyone rolls their eyes and say 'God-dam Commies'!!!!, if i was you i would check under my bed because Hillary and her Red friends are hiding there and ready to spring out and ambush you.Your common good will be stolen away and your free market will give you everthing that you need and will never exploit you. You must have been to college you seem so wise about the rest of the world,have you been overseas? We both know the answer to that don't we.
2007-11-12 03:28:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
O,K, Misha you did a great job, breaking the questions down , , but I dont think Hilary means what she is saying ,
She speaks with a forked tongue, I think she is useing those words to make it sound good to people but in fact her meaning is COMMUNIST , She is not one to give up any of her power or money to help the common person, I really think she wants ALL THE POWER TO CONTROL
If she did say the part about the Govenment , That statement shows where she is really heading !
If We end our Government (thu it does suck right now) The only way to go is being A communist county ? That I think is what she wants ::Her and Her only IN the seat with all the power, Like I said read between the lines people ,, see what she is really saying ,, She is a SOCIOPATH,,
Please dont vote for her, Ron Paul sounds like the best ???
2007-11-11 05:15:42
answer #5
answered by luv them horse's 6
The truly frightening thing is the people who don't see the evil in socialism and shrug their shoulders or even argue 'what's the big deal?'
In less than two decades, this country has forgotten the morals and values which caused us to wage a cold war against communism and socialism which lasted over half a centruy.
They have forgotten the bread lines in the Soveit Union. They have forgotten that only by introducing capitalism has Russia & her satellites become prosperous to any degree. Much of the people under the Soviet Union and Communist China live[d] without heat, without decent housing, without decent food, a health care system fraught with horror, let alone the terror of the KGB, Gulags & state police.
Ultimately, Socialism and Communism are the antethesis of what our founding fathers and veterans have given us.
"Are we disposed to be of teh number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?
"I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -- Patrick Henry
2007-11-11 03:41:37
answer #6
answered by strplng warrior mom 6
Do you know what socialism is?
Do you know we have socialism in the USA now?
Do you understand what she wants is socialism for NEEDED SERVICES
Do you understand she does not want socialism for all the rest?
I find so many contradictions when it comes to health care in this country that it baffles me.
For instance, right now we have universal health care. Our military has it, as well as our federal leadership gets to use one of the best bastions of that, the Bethesda Naval Hospital. Yet those same leaders spend enough money for several universal health care systems through pork barrel politics and our belief we should be the worlds policemen. All while they get Universal Health Care. All of that to the privileged while we have our military, in vary strengths, be it from embassy protection to wars, in 135 countries. Plus, here is the real kicker, through war funding; both Iraq and Afghanistan have universal health care, provided by us.
I am truly baffled by how many contradictions our people allow.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare,
and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Promote the general welfare..........there you have it, our military and our federal leaders welfare, along with welfare for those we are at war with, but not OUR OWN PEOPLE.
Do you really need a more compelling argument why Universal Health Care should be a right, not a privilege for a few, especially our leaders?
Signed, vet, USAF/ANG, Honorable June, 1983
2007-11-11 02:10:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
everyone knows Hillary is a communist. She just wants to be president, and she doesn't really care about the people, or she would've run for senator from Illinois (where she was born and raised), Massachusetts (where she went to school), or Arkansas (where she worked in a law firm). she's so fake that it's both disgusting and insulting, and morons and feminists (like the idiot that just answered before me) love her anyway because they want a female president more than they want someone that will actually do some good.
2007-11-11 02:05:44
answer #8
answered by Shattered Dreamz 2
Pulling quotes out of context like this seldom yields a true meaning of what was said. It appears you are a not a Hillary Clinton fan. Neither am I. I am a Ron Paul fan. Hillary is a seasoned politician and she did try to provide universal health care for Americans. She failed. I hope she tries again if she is elected. Almost all first world democracies take care of their citizens with the notable exception of the U.S. of A.
2007-11-11 02:11:00
answer #9
answered by BillParkhurst 4
The statements that you have cited do not indicate socialist leanings at all. These are similar statements made over and over by our founding fathers,presidents and politicians throughout U.S. History. The "common good" is the basis of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. If these are socialist ideas, it is about time the U.S. returned to its' socialist roots.
2007-11-11 02:13:21
answer #10
answered by fangtaiyang 7
If she truly believes those statements then she is indeed a socialist, if not an outright proponent of communism. However, that really isn't much of a surprise. Can you guess her political stance while in college? See: http://www.clevelandseniors.com/images/quiz/famous/bill-hillary-clinton.jpg
Who's that standing next to her?
2007-11-11 04:42:55
answer #11
answered by George B 6