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i am vegan and when people find out or i tell them i never ever get mean or rude remarks usually people sound shocked and admoring they say like "wow, i eat meat so much, it's amazing how you dont eat any of that stuf..how do you do it wow...", "you don't eat meat or any animal product =O what do you add on cereal" and i say "soy milk =]" and they are just like shoked and in AWE because there is not than many vegans at my school...at all..and my family is really understanding and respect my reasons for being a vegan..
when i come on Y!A in the V&V i see all these MEAN remarks like "just eat meat dumba**", "you sick looking hippie", "people NEEd meat, eat it now!!! now! now!!!!" and all these remarks from meant eaters freakin out about the way other's eat..
i don't get it do you guys say that to vegan's faces when they tell you or act like the people at my school and in your head think these ridiculous things??????

2007-10-27 17:57:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

19 answers

WOW!!! I can't tell if you need sleep, or you just woke up. Either way, chill on the caffeine. If this is you normal, you should avoid all stimulants.
Please never forget the millions of small animals that are massacred for your precious soy bean. The cows at least get a captive bolt. The poor rodents get chewed up alive by harvesting machinery. Maybe rodents out of your range of caring.
No matter how innocent something seems, something suffers. Dieing of starvation is stupid, so you have to eat.
Just remember, you have blood on your hands too.

2007-10-27 18:22:28 · answer #1 · answered by ♥ Leo ♥ 5 · 5 2

I have a lot of respect for people who live by their principles. So, I tend to think well of vegans. Making sure that you get all of your nutrients and things as a vegan takes a lot of dedication and knowledge on your part, so I am impressed by that.

I have a problem with vegans when they act like I am some sort of barbarian for eating meat. It's also troubling when vegans say that their diet is the most healthful and natural. The healthful part I cannot comment on. I simply haven't done any research on it.

But saying that the diet is natural, I cannot abide. Humans are omnivores. We have eaten a mixture of plant and animal for a very long time. Our eyes are on the front of our head and we have sharp teeth; these are key indicators that a creature is predatory.

I have long thought that there are two kinds of pacifists. There are those who truly abhor violence and adhere to peace in all circumstances. And then there are some who claim to be pacifists so that can they feel superior to others. I wonder if there aren't two kinds of vegans too. I guess what really offends me and other meat-eaters is the snooty "I-am-better-than-you-because" sort of attitude. That is a definite trigger for anger.

There are a lot of people on Y!A who take pleasure in trolling. It's best to ignore them or report them.

2007-10-27 19:16:44 · answer #2 · answered by sassy sarah 4 · 3 1

Wow, people on here have really had bad experiances with meat eaters on here. I'm getting confused though, am I closed minded because I eat meat, or because "my kind" are "prejudice"? Anyway, the reason people are saying mean things to you on here is because they aren't talking to your face. There are no consequences when you are behind a computer.

Personally, I like meat and milk and all kinds of stuff you think is "wrong." And it's cool to not eat meat, it is your life after all. But when it gets excessive, like when someone won't eat food unless it has naturally died (I heard about a woman who died because she would only eat fruit when it has fallen off the tree and wasn't picked), or when a country is getting obese because they can't stop stuffing their faces with beef and burgers from McD's, than it gets sick and wrong and gross. But, like I said, there is no consequence to what people say on here, so it doesn't really matter what people say on here.

2007-10-27 19:21:14 · answer #3 · answered by Will Bleed For Kicks 3 · 1 0

It goes both ways... Whenever I answer an opinion question on whether or not eating meat is ethical, I get a bunch of hate mail from vegans that borders on utter retardation.
People just feel more liberated to say what they really think online.
The hard part is, that there is no set in stone right or wrong answer. The right answer for you is the choice that feels right for you. Granted, factory farms need to improve and I think most people agree with that and wouldn't mind paying a bit more for meat or eggs to cover the improvement.
My dogs, cats and snakes eat meat. I also choose to eat meat, though I try to buy things I know were ethically raised and slaughtered.
The hate mail and negative comments go both ways though. I'm looking at three nasty letters from tonight from people that hunted me out in the pet section. I don't even post in this section, some weird vegans found me in another section to send hate mail too.
You have to respect others beliefs if you want them to respect yours. I haven't been around a single vegan that didn't make a point of going into gory detail while I'm eating just to make a point. Granted, it doesn't effect me anyways, but, I'm just saying it goes both ways..

PS, the only reason I'm here is to see if the people who wrote to me ever say anything positive before I block them. Trolling goes both ways.
Wow, I wrote a really well balanced answer that in no way was prejudiced against vegans and all I got was three thumbs down. That just reinforces my opinion that vegans are just as disrespectful of others beliefs as the meat eater's they claim are bullying them.
Prove me wrong and just one person here give me a thumbs up.. I don't think I'll hold my breath on it though.. lol

2007-10-27 18:33:09 · answer #4 · answered by Unknown.... 7 · 2 3

It's best to learn to not let them get to you, I know their comments get annoying, but just shrug it off because you know you are doing the right thing.

Edit: conpanbear, the asker meant a troll according to the yahoo guidelines for Answers, I don't think you are actually one of these, are you? lol....I do have to admire that you were so gracious about being a call a "meat eating troll."

What is a troll?
A "troll" is someone who intentionally and persistently posts inflammatory messages about sensitive topics to bait users into responding or provoke a confrontation. We also consider people to be trolls when they persistently misuse product features such as the ratings system to negatively target others.

2007-10-27 23:30:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Er, I'm a "meat eating troll", but I have nothing against vegetarians/vegans. My older sister and her bf are vegetarians, and I have no problem eating vegetarian when I'm with them. Just ignore those people. In the words of Mr. Jefferson, "they're just ignorant"!

2007-10-27 18:17:35 · answer #6 · answered by conpanbear 2 · 4 0

I am a meat eater but I think you have the right to eat whatever you want , it's not what you put in your mouth that makes you what you are it's what comes out of it ,as long as you are happy and healthy thats all that matters .

2007-10-28 01:22:10 · answer #7 · answered by mc 2 · 2 1

Most of us don't care that you don't eat meat. it is your choice. it is also your choice to make an issue out of the fact that you don't eat meat. I personally respect a vegan more at a dinner party who quietly and politely chooses the food he or she prefers to eat. I do not respect vegans who choose to deride and belittle the other guests for eating the meat dishes. Just as I would respect a recovering alcoholic who chooses to be respectful of the other guests, I would not respect a recovering alcoholic who got into everyone faces for having a drink. enough already. so you chose not to eat beef or pork or chicken ----Hooray for you--- Is the only way you can feel good about your choice belittling those who have not made that same choice?

2007-10-27 18:31:31 · answer #8 · answered by Pegggo 3 · 5 3

This is just speculation, but I think some meat-eaters are intimidated by us vegetarians. When ppl insist that we *need* to eat meat, when we so obviously don't, it might be that they *want* to believe we need meat. They may not like the idea that animals suffer & die simply to satisfy their taste for flesh. Otherwise, why should they even *care* that we don't eat meat?

2007-10-27 18:04:50 · answer #9 · answered by Catkin 7 · 3 4

as long as you feel good about yourself that's all that matters isn't it? all I ask is that you don't look down at me because I CHOOSE not to live like that. Here you will face that. sorry. People will speak there mind here because there is anonymity,

2007-10-27 18:15:22 · answer #10 · answered by a person of interest 5 · 4 2

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