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It is one of my major hates.
I eat meat, but if I was vegetarian I would not eat fish. It's hypocritical. Oh, and leather shoes! Even more annoying.
I would like to hear vegetarians and meat eaters point of views on wearing leather and eating fish when vegetarian. Thanks :]

2007-10-27 11:25:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

I KNEW someone would say that.
"If you eat meat how can you hate vegetarians eating fish?"
Because; I find it incredibly hypocritical.
I'm sure I stated that.

2007-10-27 11:51:19 · update #1

I don't support animal cruelty; the animals are being killed for a use.
And yes, I do point out others flaws a lot, I think it's linked with the narcissism which fuels me.
P.S. Hitler was vegetarian.

2007-10-27 12:57:38 · update #2

All I ask for are opinions, and people get angry.
Well, "the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about" I suppose.

2007-10-27 12:59:34 · update #3

Oh, and Jessica, if I could take back my thumbs up, believe me I would. ^_^

2007-10-27 13:00:29 · update #4

17 answers

It doesn't make me sick. It annoys me because then I have to follow behind them and clean up their messes by properly educating people.

Greydoc: Vegetarians don't eat fish. And as a doctor, you should be able to admit you've had little to no nutritional training. You're speaking from your own personal opinion, not from an educated standpoint.

Charlotte: Speaking of hypocrites, do you admit you support animal cruelty? Or are you being a HYPOCRITE (since you like to use that word) by saying you're against it, but still condoning their abuse by eating meat? As I've said before, those who point out others' flaws the most are the ones doing the least.

P.S. Hitler wasn't a vegetarian.

A temporary doctor-ordered meatless diet does not a vegetarian make. Especially not when it's said that his favorite meals were liver & caviar.

And lol @ taking back your thumbs up because I pointed out your own hypocrisy.

Gomanyes: It doesn't matter their reason. Vegetarians don't eat animals or anything they had to die for (i.e. gelatin). People can eat whatever they want, but why use a label they don't fit the "criteria" of? The only time their reasoning is going to factor in is in products like leather, fur, suede, etc. A "moral" vegetarian isn't going to use them. A health vegetarian probably will.

Charlotte: The people posting aren't getting angry. YOU'RE getting angry because you're getting called out. What did you expect?

2007-10-27 11:36:36 · answer #1 · answered by Jessica 4 · 7 1

I've been veggie for 17 years and spend an inordinate amount of time in restaurants explaining that no, I don't want the fish thanks, or indeed the seafood. Generally I don't eat anything that had a face. It bugs me beyond belief. Almost as much as the nearly vegetarians (but I still eat chicken/ bacon/ McDonalds/ whatever) and the used to be for a week vegetarians (and you're telling me this because?) I don't understand the desire to say you're something or nearly something you're quite patently not. I guess people are trying to stand out or identify with you or some cause they think they should believe in. Personally I couldn't give a monkeys what other people eat and as I'm a cook I regularly cook meat for others, I just don't eat the stuff, don't see the need when you can live without it. As for leather, guilty of wearing that I'm afraid. When they come up with a decent, affordable and practical alternative I'll be straight there but at the moment there's not a lot out there, believe me plastic and canvas only get you so far when you're not a student. I wouldn't say I'm a hypocrite though because I don't ram my beliefs down other peoples throats, I respect other peoples opinions and my reasons for being veggie are more health inspired than any bunny hugging sentiments. I guess it depends on your reasons. It's the evangelists who feel they must convert you and save your soul (both veggie and carnivorous) that really get up my nose!

2007-10-27 19:29:47 · answer #2 · answered by moodybluetwo 2 · 2 2

Isn't that pescetarianism, not vegetarianism? Its impossible for a vegetarian to eat fish because they would not be a vegetarian, but a pescetarian.

They could be veg/pes for environmental or health reasons rather than moral. Maybe they don't believe fish have the ability to comprehend being alive or to feel much pain (similar to small insects). I do not know if that's true so don't get mad at me if it isn't.

2014-06-23 22:41:30 · answer #3 · answered by Taylor 1 · 0 0

I would rather this remark had come from a vegetarian. If it makes me sick when "vegetarians" eat fish, it's because the stuff smells vile. I do wish people who ate animal flesh would NOT call themselves something they are not, but it is the false labeling that angers me more than anything.

Now, just so you know, dear Charlotte, you cannot say you eat meat but don't support animal cruelty. There is no such thing as humane meat. There is no way to humanely kill an animal for food. I'm sure if the animals could speak human language, they would be pretty emphatic about not wanting to be eaten. I'm sure they'd rather not be put to that "use." And 95 percent of all animal cruelty in the U.S. is related to the meat, dairy, and egg industries. Stop eating foods made with those, and you've really cut down on your contribution to animal cruelty.

2007-10-27 22:26:37 · answer #4 · answered by VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps! 7 · 2 2

Hitler was NOT vegetarian, do some research.

It is literally impossible for a vegetarian to eat fish. If you don't know why, I apologize.

If you eat meat and have laughably convinced yourself that it isn't cruel to breed something with slaughter in mind, you have no business complaining about people that eat fish.

Jeffrey Dahmer turned young men into vegetables so that he could USE them. Does that make it not cruel because he was so nice to have given them a purpose?

2007-10-27 21:04:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes i get very annoyed when you have customrers come into the restaurant bragging about being vegetarian but end up ordering chicken, fish and also egg dishes, if only they stopped tro think what fools they made of themselves.

2007-10-27 19:32:58 · answer #6 · answered by Ray M 1 · 4 0

1) The technical term for a vegetarian that eats seafood is a pescatarian.
I have a tendency to eat seafood, but I've found that most people don't know what I mean when I say that I am a pescatarian so I usually just say that I am a vegetarian that will occasionally eat seafood to explain it to them.
2) Me being a vegetarian has nothing to do with me being against animal cruelty or a member of PETA it is simply because I don't enjoy the taste of meat. I do however enjoy leather shoes so therefore I wear them.
Ps there are multiple layers of vegetarianism, but they become simplified to vegan or vegetarian. When in reality there is:
Vegan: No meat or animal byproducts
Orvo Vegetarian: Does not eat meat, but will eat egs
Lacto Vegetarian: Will not eat meat or eggs, but will eat or drink dairy products
Orvo Lacto Vegetarian: Will not eat meat, but will eat both eggs and dairy products
Pescatarian: Won't eat beef,pork,or poultry, but will eat fish and possibly eggs and dairy products

2014-09-23 20:44:20 · answer #7 · answered by mae 2 · 0 0

It annoys me when people eat any kind of animal and call themselves "vegetarian."

I'm actually tired of calling myself vegetarian because other people have made the word meaningless.

Hitler apparently called himself a vegetarian but there are several accounts of people who knew him saying he ate caviar, ham, liver and squab (which I presume is some kind of game bird).

2007-10-27 20:23:07 · answer #8 · answered by majnun99 7 · 5 0

You assume all vegetarians have made their choice because of a desire not to kill animals.

Some people are vegetarian or vegan because of the health benefits - not all vegetarians base their choice on ethics.

I consider myself a vegetarian because I prefer to avoid meat in my diet - it is healthier. That is a fact. I consider the small contribution I make to avoiding unnecessary killing a bonus.

2007-10-27 19:51:09 · answer #9 · answered by Buddha13 4 · 3 1

well, eating fish means that they're not vegetarians no matter what they say. and LEATHER(and suede,etc.), oh my gosh. so yes, they're not vegans but they're still obviously very unaware and just being vegetarian to be cool and i don't like that image at all, it's so stupid. like you care more about what others think of you than these poor innocent creatures

2007-10-27 19:41:48 · answer #10 · answered by ❤fabulousSARA❤ 4 · 2 0

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