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Do PETA supporters not eat meat because of the way they are treated beforehand (ie:slaughterhouse) or for the sole reason of eating an animal?

If it is for the sole reason of eating an animal, how come they don't realize that hundreds of other animals eat meat (other animals obviously)? Why don't they go yell at a jaguar for eating a gazelle? We just happen to be more dominant, therefore we get to eat all the tasty meat we want.

I am against animal cruelty, but I love eating meat.

2007-10-27 10:22:16 · 13 answers · asked by subzerofun 2 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

I was asking about PETA.

2007-10-27 11:42:05 · update #1

And thank you to those who answered nicely. As to the others who pretty much made me look like a jackass, you suck.

2007-10-27 11:43:19 · update #2

13 answers

I am a vegetarian, but i do not support PETA. I don't eat meat because I don't like the idea of eating flesh when we don't need to and animals are tortured on factory farms. It is disgusting.

I understand that other animals eat other animals. They need to, we don't. Plus they don't torture the animals that they eat on factory farms. Humans have the resources to not have to eat meat. Are you saying that you have the intelligence of a jaguar?

2007-10-27 10:35:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I can't speak for PETA supporters because I don't particularly care for their tactics. You make a big mistake lumping all veg*ans in with PETA.

I don't eat meat because, quite simply, the stuff disgusts me. And everything I have learned about the process of turning animals into meat sickens me as well. My friend, you cannot say you are against animal cruelty while gnawing on the flesh of a dead animal. Ninety-five percent of all animal cruelty in the U.S. is in the meat, dairy, and egg industries. I mentioned this in another question of someone who thought she could eat meat but oppose animal cruelty. No, you can't.

As for the jaguar going after a gazelle, there's a big difference between that--the gazelle had a pretty natural life up to then, and the jaguar will make the death fairly quick--and what humans do to animals to produce meat, which has doubtless been detailed numerous times, so I'll leave it at that. Plus, the jaguar won't need to cook or season the gazelle to make the flesh palatable, as humans must do to the animals they eat.

2007-10-27 22:43:07 · answer #2 · answered by VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps! 7 · 0 0

PETA supporters don't eat meat or animal products because of the cruelty beforehand. I don't think they'd have so much of a problem if the animals were killed humanely and weren't drugged and killed as soon as they were big enough.

As for the jaguar thing, that's true. Other animals do eat other animals. There is a difference, though. Animals (i.e. Jaguars) don't have the intelligence and common sense to konw what they're doing. It's all instinct. Us, though, we have the brains to know what we're doing, yet we do it anyway. That's the difference.


2007-10-27 23:17:24 · answer #3 · answered by VegHead 2 · 0 0

YES!!!! I know animals eating other ones is normal!!!!
But if this jaguar took the gazelles to a teeny tiny cave, locked them up there for the rest of their lives, forced food into them and then killed them.....I would go and yell at it. Carnivores are natural. But what humans are doing to animals these days is so far from natures beautiful balance that we have no right anymore to use nature as an argument for eating meat.
By the way, I feel healthier since I've been a vegetarian. But of course, it's for everyone alone to decide wether or not to eat meat. It is after all your dinner, right?

2007-10-27 17:47:10 · answer #4 · answered by saskia r 4 · 3 0

Do you really think we're that stupid? Of course we realize other animals eat meat but they do it for survival and from instinct. What separates humans from animals is our ability to reason and have a set of ethical principles. A lion may eat a human... does that make it ok for us to do so? No, because we use our rationality and conclude that it would be wrong. Like this, vegetarians believe the same about other animals. We don't need meat to survive... it's just to please our tastebuds and I for one consider lives to be more important than the pleasure of our tastebuds. You said it yourself... you love eating meat. You don't need to. It's our dominance that permits factory farming which is where most meat comes from. I don't get on people's case for eating meat but I personally don't want to eat pain and death.

And by the way not all vegetarians are peta supporters and not all peta supporters are vegetarians.

2007-10-27 17:45:17 · answer #5 · answered by jenny84 4 · 3 0

I'm a vegetarian, however; I don't do it because PETA told me to. I do it for my own reasons. Just to clear that up...
And to answer your question, I am not against eating meat. I understand that we are at the top of the food chain, etc. I am just against factory farming. The way they treat animals these days is absolutely disgusting, therefore; I do not support it.
And another thing...you're not against animal cruelty. You are the CAUSE of it.

2007-10-27 18:30:26 · answer #6 · answered by eleanor rigby 3 · 4 0

You're against animal cruelty but you love eating meat?

Is like saying,

I'm against drunk driving but I think it's OK to drink and drive. That makes NO sense...

Yes, many wild animals do eat meat. Do you put yourself at the same level as a wild animal?

Perhaps vegetarianism is just an evolutionary step. Just like when modern man had to put up with the annoyance of his less intelligent Neanderthal relatives. :)

2007-10-27 20:00:06 · answer #7 · answered by Buddha13 4 · 5 0

Actually, my biggest reason for avoiding meat is the environmental toll, and the fact that every pound of meat I eat is sixteen pounds of grain that could have been used to feed others.

Just because you are the strongest in a situation doesn't make it right to do whatever gratifies yourself. Imagine applying that same logic to the environment, to the schoolyard, to that jerk in the Honda who cuts you off on the highway when you're driving a Mack Truck. It's childish, selfish, and makes others suffer.

As for PETA, most vegetarians don't support them. Most of us are too busy with life to pay much attention to them, not that we actively avoid them.

2007-10-27 17:54:18 · answer #8 · answered by drusillaslittleboot 6 · 1 0

So, what you are saying is that humans don't have any more moral or ethical aspect to our intelligence than that found in a jaguar or other carnivorous mammal?

Feel free to make your own choices but I will seek out better ways of living and promote them as best I can.

I will not model myself after an uncivilized predator that lives without any compassion or ablility/desire to improve the lives of itself or others.

FYI - Not all PeTA supporters are vegetarian so this question doesn't make any sense.

2007-10-27 17:32:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

First of all, it's not supporters of PETA, it's people who are vegetarian because they don't want to eat meat. I don't eat meat for both reasons.

Animals don't know what they're doing when they kill. They just view it as neccessary for survival.

Humans don't NEED to eat meat. We know that it's cruel and we're smart enought to know that it hurts animals when we eat them.

2007-10-27 17:29:42 · answer #10 · answered by music_literature_freak 5 · 4 1

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