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1. Are you vegetarian, vegan, omnivore etc?
2. Do you exercise (how much?)
3. Liberal or Conservative
4. Pro Choice or Pro Life
5. Healthy BMI
6. Do you wear Leather?
7. How long have you been vegetarian or vegan
8. Why are you Vegetarian?
9. Favorite Food
10 Male or Female
11. Age

2007-10-27 07:36:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

23 answers

1. Are you vegetarian, vegan, omnivore etc? - Vegetarian
2. Do you exercise (how much?) - Not much at all
3. Liberal or Conservative - Liberal
4. Pro Choice or Pro Life - In the middle
5. Healthy BMI - Yes
6. Do you wear Leather? - No
7. How long have you been vegetarian or vegan - A few months
8. Why are you Vegetarian? - Eating something that was alive is weird to me, and I don't want to eat anything that might have been treated with cruelty.
9. Favorite Food - Macaroni and cheese
10 Male or Female - Female
11. Age - 16

2007-10-27 07:44:41 · answer #1 · answered by g33kish 3 · 2 0

1. Are you vegetarian, vegan, omnivore etc? Vegetarian.
2. Do you exercise (how much?) Not quite enough.
3. Liberal or Conservative. Mostly Liberal, but it depends on the issue.
4. Pro Choice or Pro Life. Reluctantly pro choice. The idea of abortion disturbs me but I think it's better to have it safe and legal.
5. Healthy BMI. A little too high.
6. Do you wear Leather? I prefer not to.
7. How long have you been vegetarian or vegan? 23 years.
8. Why are you Vegetarian? Reverence for life; influenced by Hindu concept of Ahimsa (non-violence)
9. Favorite Food. Indian food.
10 Male or Female. Male
11. Age. 50.

2007-10-27 13:15:53 · answer #2 · answered by majnun99 7 · 2 0

1. I am a vegetarian, hoping to become a vegan.
2. I do sit ups every day and I stretch a lot.
3. I consider myself liberal on most things.
4. Pro Life
5. Yes, I have a healthy BMI.
6. No, I don't wear leather.
7. I've been a vegetarian for a year.
8. I am a vegetarian because I don't agree with the way that factory farm animals are treated and I think meat is gross.
9. I don't know, I like a lot of food.
10. Female
11. teenager

2007-10-27 10:17:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1. Are you vegetarian, vegan, omnivore etc? I want to be a vegitarian but I can't because of my parents...
2. Do you exercise (how much?) During the week...
3. Liberal or Conservative what?
4. Pro Choice or Pro Life ....i dont get it
5. Healthy BMI Ya
6. Do you wear Leather? No
7. How long have you been vegetarian or vegan I'm not one yet
8. Why are you Vegetarian? I hate what animals go through
9. Favorite Food - Rice
10 Male or Female - Female
11. Age - 13..thats probably why I didn't get some of the questions...

2007-10-27 07:49:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1. Are you vegetarian, vegan, omnivore etc? vegan
2. Do you exercise (how much?) I walk for I have no car -_-
3. Liberal or Conservative Liberal
4. Pro Choice
5. Healthy BMI, yes? lol
6. Do you wear Leather? no O_O
7. How long have you been vegetarian or vegan, ....3 yrs
8. Why are you Vegetarian? moral rights on civilization and religious views
9. Favorite Food, bananas lol
10 Male or Female, female
11. Age, 17

2007-10-27 08:01:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1. Are you vegetarian, vegan, omnivore etc? Vegetarian
2. Do you exercise (how much?) Yes every other day
3. Liberal or Conservative? Liberal
4. Pro Choice or Pro Life? Against abortion but Pro Choice
5. Healthy BMI ? Yes
6. Do you wear Leather? No
7. How long have you been vegetarian or vegan ? 2 Years
8. Why are you Vegetarian? Hormones are nasty
9. Favorite Food ? Veggie stir Fry over Rice
10 Male or Female ? Female
11. Age? 17

2007-10-27 07:57:02 · answer #6 · answered by collins 17 4 · 1 1

1. vegetarian
2. yes I exercise I am getting back into the habit and am striving for atleast 5 days a week
3. Liberal or Conservative- It depends on the topic I don't lable myself
4. Pro Life
5. Healthy BMI- I think so
6. I do not wear Leather or any other animal skins, nor do I wear silk, wool or down
7. 12 years being vegetarian
8. I do not want to be apart of the torture or murder of animals
9. Favorite Food- depends on my mood
10. Female
11. 38

2007-10-27 13:59:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. Vegetarian.
2. When I have time. It varies a lot.
3. Liberal.
4. Pro Life.
5. Yep.
6. No.
7. 6 years.
8. I just felt grossed out if I thought about what I was eating when I ate meat. I don't think there's anything wrong with others eating it, though.
9. I don't have any one favorite. My dad has had at least one vegetarian child at any given time since I was very young, so he has a vast repertoire of great dishes.
10. Female.
11. 24.

2007-10-27 10:19:13 · answer #8 · answered by emily_brown18 6 · 3 0

1. Vegan
2. Probably not enough. I finished a couple triathlons this summer and then got lazy after the season was over. :(
3. Liberal
4. Pro choice
5. At the top of the healthy range
6. I'm still using leather items I bought before going vegan, but haven't bought any (and won't) since I started seriously considering it.
7. Vegetarian for almost 21 years, vegan for a couple months
8. I can't think of any good reason not to be. It's better for my health, better for the environment and better for the animals I'm not exploiting.
9. Recently, pumpkin muffins
10. Female
11. 37

2007-10-27 09:46:25 · answer #9 · answered by mockingbird 7 · 2 1

1. Vegan
2. Yes. 3-6 days a week, depending.
3. I have my own beliefs.
4. Pro-choice. (I don't like how you worded this. Pro-life is not synonymous with anti-abortion. Real "prolife" people would be vegan as well.)
5. This is not a question.
6. Never.
7. No red meat almost 14 years, Vegetarian almost 10, Vegan almost 1.
8. Numerous reasons.
9. Depends on what sounds good at the time.
10. Female
11. 25.

2007-10-27 10:10:29 · answer #10 · answered by Jessica 4 · 3 1

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