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My dad has been smoking a number of years..more than i was alive for..anyways, how can i make him stop! Ive tried threatning him, nicotine gum, and i just have run out of ideas! Please help me....best answer goes to the first person WITH the best answer

thxs a bunch

2007-09-22 03:44:20 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

46 answers

Let your dad know how important his life is to you. That you know that smoking is bad for him. I'm sure he wouldn't like it if you started because smoking kills. Let him know that you love him so much and will be dedicated to help him quit so he can see more of life to come. Good luck to you and you're a great pearson for caring so much. Your dad is lucky to have you in his life.

2007-09-22 03:48:51 · answer #1 · answered by Cheryl L 4 · 1 0

Natural Quit Smoking Magic

2016-05-17 02:54:42 · answer #2 · answered by Katherine 4 · 0 0

Everyone is correct...you can't make anyone stop smoking unless they want to stop bad enough.
If you could get him to walk through a hospital ward with you, where patients are on ventilators because they have smoked too much & too long, maybe that might make him think about quiting.
I'm glad you are worried about your Dad. You should also tell him that you don't want that smoke in your lungs either.
I wish you well.

2007-09-22 23:24:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can't make him stop. You have to convince him.
He needs a reason to quit. I have been a smoker for many years and I would love to quit. It's not like you can just lay them down with out a reason. My uncle went to a hypnotist, he didn't want to go by himself so he asked my dad along (which was a smoker too). My dad ended up quiting but my uncle didn't. Different methods work on different people.

I want to get an x-ray of my lungs, I think if they are ugly looking that might help me quit. See if your dad will do that.

Good Luck

2007-09-22 03:53:48 · answer #4 · answered by Gypzee 2 · 0 0

Does he want to quit? You could try hypnotism, i know it sounds weird. But if part of his brain is convinced that his cigarettes tastes like something awful then it will help him desire to stop.
There is also a WONDERFUL drug called Zyban that you can smoke while you take it, but slowly you will find you think less and less about smoking. Next thing you know, you haven't even thought about cigarettes. Gum and patches just give someone a chance to become addicted to some other form of nicotine products. Remind him that you want him to be around for your life and your children's life. Tell him that you know its hard, but in the back of his mind and heart he knows its the right thing to do.

Best of luck

2007-09-22 03:54:15 · answer #5 · answered by Third_Eye_Dude 2 · 0 0

Unfortuantely, you can't make someone do anything they aren't ready to do. But remember that you can constantly talk to him about negative effects.. tell him how much you love him and how u want him to be around to walk u down the aisle.. just keep subtly and gently talking to him while sticking stop smoking pamphlets in his reading materials, etc.. This may eventually get into his psyche and he may someday decide to quit. But hon, if he just can't quit, love and respect your dad no matter what. Sounds like he has a VERY loving daughter. Good luck :)

2007-09-22 03:52:48 · answer #6 · answered by S&NFervor4Ever 4 · 0 0

They do have a new medication out now that is very effective. It comes in pill form.

Actually, there is nothing much you can do to get him to stop until He Wants To. As long as he wants to continue smoking, he will. This is a decision he has to make on his own.

:Probably, you pestering him about it so much only makes him smoke more. You have stated your case, he knows how you feel about it...so leave him alone. There is nothing more you can do. If he doesn't want to quit...he won't.

2007-09-22 03:55:50 · answer #7 · answered by ShaamAnsu 3 · 0 0

same thing happen to my father. He keep smoking and my mom got sick of it. So my mom keep yelling and yelling. Then one day he just stop. Had no idea how he did it.. but he did it and he say he chew gums.. Until now after 24 years I m so prove of my father that he stopped.

So I think you go tell your dad this, "Dad for my entire life you did everything for me and I am very thankful for it. But if you could do me one last favor for me, I know it is big and very hard for you. But if you could try to stop smoking, it will be the greatest thing in my life. So later on in life and I look back and I know how great a father you are because you stop smoking for our family and for your own life. This will be your greatest accomplishment toward me and you will be forever my heroe and my lovely father."

Say something like this to him and see if he have any reaction.

Don't try to force him, men don't like to be forced.... Sweet talk to him. Put tears into it.

I hope he will stop sooner.

"I have know many people that stop smoking and I m very prouded to all of them" good work guys.

2007-09-22 03:54:59 · answer #8 · answered by kennilope 3 · 0 0

I hate to say it, but I don't think there is anything you can do to MAKE your dad stop smoking. It is something he himself must choose to do or it'll never happen.

Trust me, I quit 6 years ago, but only after seeing several people die of cancer, and deciding I did not want to end up that way.

Most smokers are well aware of the dangers of smoking, but have developed the ability to put that in the back of their minds and not dwell on it. Just like everybody knows they are going to die, but most people don't think about it 24/7

2007-09-22 03:49:55 · answer #9 · answered by My Name Is Ken 5 · 2 0

My dad did the same thing
This is what i did to stop him.
At the time, I was going through a d.a.r.e course,
and it taght you about bad stuff about smoking and drugs and so forth, so everything I learned, I brought back home to him, and he'd get sick looking at a cigarette cause he knew what it would do to him. ALSO, I told him that when he buys a pack of ciggarettes he has to but DOUBLE ammount the money in my piggy bank, becuase its unfair to me that he smokes, after A while, He quit, because it was costing him to much, and he knew it was bad, and I ended up with 60 extra dollars :]

2007-09-22 03:50:19 · answer #10 · answered by Klaudiaisbananaz 2 · 2 0

Unfortunately you can't make anyone stop anything they don't want to. What i do suggest is that you speak to him and let him know how much it's hurting you. If you really sit him down and express how you are feeling....and if he clearly understands that and cares, he will try. The best way to get through to him is for you to put your foot down and make him see how much this is killing you to see. I wish i could help more but if that person doesn't want to change there ways and they are stuck to that, then they won't. They have to want to do it for themselves before anything else. I've had a very similar situation. You need to sit him down and talk to him- very seriously and express your feelings and emotions. Good luck :(

2007-09-22 03:53:08 · answer #11 · answered by mynxnyc 3 · 0 0

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