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Not vegan, never.

So, if anyone became vegetarian after having eaten meat on a regular basis, did you miss it much? Really, as far as meat goes, I only eat chicken and turkey, so it wouldn't be cutting much out.

Also, lentils, chick peas, black beans, etc., are among my favorite foods, so I would be getting plenty of protein without meat.

Do you recommend it?

2007-06-21 17:50:00 · 9 answers · asked by Charlotte 2 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

Yeah, thanks. I think I probably get more protein from lentils and such as it is. I do really like the idea about meat only on special occassions.

In any case, I'm very healthy already, I'm not overweight at all, I don't have high cholesterol (although, I think it is familial), and I'm not deficient in any way. What specific health benefits are there?

2007-06-21 18:18:54 · update #1

9 answers

well come to the world of vegetarian because of you more and more animals will save their live thanks
Proteins: Body's protein needs can be provided by either animal or plant sources. Mixed protein diet obtained from various plant sources is better than animal protein and is recommended in diabetes, renal diseases and liver diseases. Mixed protein diet from different plant sources has been the pattern of diet in India for all vegetarians.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are mainly found in plant foods; like cereals, grains, fresh and dry fruits, legumes, vegetable, greens, nuts etc. plant carbohydrates include' large amounts of starches, sugar and fibers which are important for gut functions. The body is better suited to a high carbohydrate diet than a low carbohydrate diet. In fact 55% of the food intake should be carbohydrate. All animal products do not contain carbohydrate which is essential for body.

Fat: Plant fats differ from animal fats in two different ways 1) they are cholesterol free 2) they generally contain more polyunsaturated fat and less saturated fats. Plant fats usually have higher polyunsaturated fat value than animal fats.

A diet which is low in cholesterol and which contains fat of a high PIS value is associated with a lower incident of coronary health disease.

Vitamins and Minerals: plant foods are rich in many vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is obtained by exposure of skin to sun light and this is not a problem in India.

Calcium: The vegetarians can meet their needs for calcium from dairy products. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Dark green vegetables are good sources of Riboflavin as are legumes and whole grain cereal.

Iron: The problem of iron deficiency is relatively common but vitamin C significantly enhances absorption of iron hence it is advisable for vegetarians to include with each meal a food high in vitamin C which as lime, citrus fruits or juices.

Zinc: Zinc is found in large number of plant foods.

Fiber: Fiber is found only in vegetarian food like whole grain cereals, legumes, greens, fruits, vegetable etc.

Thus in vegetarian foods all requirement of nutrition for body growth and maintenance is fulfilled. One can have a complete and balanced diet provided we take enough food which is as close to nature as possible in maintaining sturdy and disease free body. It is equally helpful in curing many diseases.

More & more evidence is surfacing that directly links a prolonged non- vegetarian diet to diseases as cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, asthma just to name a few.

1. LOGEVITY: Vegetarian can expect to live 4-10 years longer then the non-vegetarians.

" Source: Seventh day Adventists study

2. LESS HEART DISEASE: Because of low fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content of the vegetarian diet the risk of heart disease is lowered. High blood cholesterol levels are associated with increased risk of heart disease.

3. LESS CANCER: Up to 40% of all cancers are diet related. Cancer death rates have been associated with obesity and high fat / low fiber diet. Vitamin A & C are thought to be protective against colon cancer. Low fat diets protect against prostrate and breast cancer. Indoles, lignans, isoflavones, protease inhibitors which are present in plant foods and shown to be potent anti carcinogens.

4. LESS BOWEL DISEASE: Diverticular disease and appendicitis occur more frequently with low fiber intake as in meat diet.

5. LEES OBESITY & LESS INCIDENCE OF DIABETES: It is easier to plan a low fat diet for a vegetarian then for a meat eater. The fiber in plant food dilutes the energy & provides a satisfying meal without all the calories. Diabetes over the age of 40 seems to be related to obesity.

2007-06-21 22:27:00 · answer #1 · answered by abafna 3 · 1 1

I went to a Vegan diet 4 years ago - I don't miss meat at all.
The things you have to be concerned about getting are enough vitamin B12 which you don't get from vegetable sources, and vitamin D - see a dietician before making the change.

if you don't go off meat completely - try doing what they do in Mexico - they eat meat only on special occasions. They don't eat meat daily like they do in the USA - they do eat meat, and when they do it's a big production - I think that's a good way to approach it if you don't quit completely. My cholesterol went way down when I quit meat/dairy - it was a good thing for me.
I do think it's a good diet. But remember you are asking Vegans if a Vegetarian diet is good . Of course we'll tell you it is.

2007-06-21 18:08:11 · answer #2 · answered by art_flood 4 · 1 0

Eggs are vegetarian. Store bought eggs are never fertilized, so there's no way they could ever be a chicken. Unless you buy eggs from someone who keeps their hens with a rooster, you're never eating a chicken fetus. It's pretty easy to make cake without eggs too, if you're into baking. Even then, you can make up your own diet. You don't need to form it around the definition of some label.

2016-04-01 11:06:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I grew up believing that if I didn't eat meat I would "get sick & die" (when I learned where meat came from I tried to rebel)This idea was drummed into my head so often that it was a little scary to give up eating flesh. When I became veg the only think I missed was KFC & it didn't take long to realize it was the seasonings that I actually missed. There are lots of meat analogs that adequately replicate the taste & texture of chicken anyway. There are so many great ways to enjoy beans & lentils, too.

2007-06-21 18:11:29 · answer #4 · answered by Catkin 7 · 1 0

I definitely reccomend it! It's a healthy and great lifestyle, after becoming vegetarian I felt much much better about myself and my body.

Red meat used to be one of my favorite foods. I would eat it all the time. It is truly unbelievable how many fake meat options there are. There are delicious fake turkey products, even fake hot dogs! Anything you'd want, there's a tofu product for it, and they are SO good.

Just make sure you get plenty of protein. Nuts, dairy products, beans, and tofu are GREAT sources. Make sure you get a few good servings per day.

Excellent recipies are on the Vegetarian Times website, and if you search for vegetarian recipies you'll find dozens more.

Good luck!

2007-06-21 17:59:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't get the point of cutting out 2 of your biggest protein sources when both turkey and chicken, if prepared correctly, can be very healthy. I only eat chicken and turkey as well and I think that is a perfect medium between a red meat lover and a vegan. Only eat the healthy meat, it makes sense. Whatever you choose, good luck!!

2007-06-21 18:16:42 · answer #6 · answered by Ali 3 · 0 3

Congratulations on you decision!

Going vegetarian is an excellent notion. It helps the body and also prevents the cruelty to animals. Just be careful about your B12

2007-06-21 22:05:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

like both, fruits: berries, oatmeal, pears, peaches, dragonfruit, pomegranate.... Vegetables: CUCUMBERS, bok choy, green beans, broccoli,.... My spouse and i guess the two are great.

2017-02-17 00:32:26 · answer #8 · answered by Patricia 4 · 0 0

After looking at peta videos noway. the smell of it makes me feel sick now. and there are many alternative. i like morning stars collection of soy stuff chicken nuggets,patties,bacon,sausage,burgers,hot dogs, corn dogs and more.they are placed in walmart at the breakfast stuff.

Got to www.pet.com
they even have a free starter kit and info. good luck.

2007-06-21 19:45:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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