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I am always getting these meat eaters who question me and try to find a flaw in the veg*n diet. The most popular question is "where do I get my protein?"

What is the best thing for me to say to them so they will stop harassing me.

2007-06-21 14:53:14 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

decoratedemergency, the word vegan is not bad, but your level of education is. Just so you know, veg*n is typed this way to include both vegetarian and vegan, as in veg-etaria-n or veg-a-n

2007-06-21 15:02:10 · update #1

Abstract, you must have graduated from the same school as decoratedemergency. It is not spelled vegitarian, it is spelled vegetarian.

2007-06-21 15:05:44 · update #2

38 answers

Its amazing how YOU always get these 'meat eaters' questioning you.

Don't you think its more likely that YOU start by insulting anybody that doesn't comply with your own personal ideals, and then insult them even further when they refuse to accept your quite often misguided views.

From your previous posts it is obvious that you come from an area that has never seen any form of live farm animal, except possibly in a zoo, and that you base your arguments on PETA literature and schoolgirl invention.

SO, if we as 'meat eaters' accept that there is NO flaw in the veg*n diet with regard to protein intake, will you please also accept that there is NO flaw in ours.


2007-06-21 18:46:03 · answer #1 · answered by rookethorne 6 · 4 1

They will stop harassing you WHEN YOU stop harassing THEM by constantly exposing yourself as a Vegan. They will STOP WHEN YOU STOP.
Did it ever occur to you that you instigate nothing but Negativity and Argumentative behaviour?
You're responsible but you have the nerve to blame someone else? There is something SO VERY WRONG with YOU.

Do you know what Protein is? If so, then why can't you answer this simple Question? Is it because you're cornered with a simple truth and can't come up with a creative way to justify your Absurd Vegan views? Is the Vegan plot of propagandizing your logic starting to wear thin?

Maybe it's because even you know how ridiculous your views really are, and because you know that there is a Hint of Hypocrisy and fraudulence to your theories.

Is there any point to the existential Bull-Shiite you keep asking? Or are you merely fighting for a cause you were brainwashed to believe in? Why are you so blind to the nutritional value of eating Meat?

I suggest you come up with your own answer to this question as: a) you are the only one who should as you are being asked
b) If you had any individuality in thought, and weren't so Mind Frelled, you would not be asking us this question.

Stand on your own feet and start thinking logically about things. When the Crowd jumps over a cliff for Vegan beliefs, would you jump in after them, or try and be an individual with your own thoughts, and common respect for others to have their own beliefs as they have a right to it?

Sad... You’re so very sad.

2007-06-25 03:19:27 · answer #2 · answered by groovywoodpecker 2 · 0 0

THere is actually no reasonable flaw in the Vegan Diet its just that you have to be careful that you are actually getting all the nutrients as it is not a traditional diet.
things like soya proteins are very good have most of your essential proteins so really you should be fine

There you go ashley you were asking how to get people to stop eating meat find some nice vegan recipies for a dinner
and had them out and let people work away.
and make sure they are balanced.

2007-06-23 07:40:37 · answer #3 · answered by mixturenumber1 4 · 0 0

Well, I've been vegetarian for over 25 years now and to be honest I've noticed that fewer and fewer people are being negative about it now (I'm in England btw).

Just tell them eggs, cheese, milk, beans, seeds, that sort of thing.

Some will genuinely be worried about your health - read up on it and let them know not to worry.

Others may be saying it as a way of defending themselves. They may think that by mentioning you are vegetarian you are attacking them. Just don't go on the offensive and don't criticise them and their diet. Don't go "militant"! Don't make a big deal out of it. You may even say you don't try to convert people.

Still others will be saying it just because they are simply being unpleasant, like bullying almost. If it's obvious they are like this then you'l just have to deal with it in a calm and non-threatening (and non-threatened) manner.

All the best. By the way I'm over 6 feet tall and have done plenty of tough manual work when I was younger if that is any interest.

2007-06-23 13:30:31 · answer #4 · answered by fieldmouse 3 · 0 0

Stop making announcements about your diet choices, if these so called meat eaters are actually asking you. Which I doubt. When people find out I am vegetarian, only at social functions when I turn down a food I am offered, I don't get asked that question...by anyone.

Also, aren't you the one that claims to know all about vegan nutrition? Why can't you figure out an answer then?

2007-06-21 23:49:43 · answer #5 · answered by KathyS 7 · 5 0

Well you could just be honest and say that without your suppliments you would be protein deficient. Your not fooling anyone with this 'vegans are healthier than everyone else' thing you have going.
Hint. If you wish people to stop harassing you, maybe you could start by not harassing meat eaters and saying they are murderers.

2007-06-21 21:29:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

As a vegan I get this question a lot, but it never bothers me. Often it comes from people who are not very familiar with what consists of a vegan diet, and are just curious to know.

I think if you give a few examples (veggie burgers, rice and beans, soy yogurt, etc), and don't react negatively to the question, you'll be able to tell if they were just curious, or were trying to start some type of debate.

2007-06-21 19:14:01 · answer #7 · answered by Angela R 4 · 1 1

I simple give them foods that have an excellent source of protein as well as provide the fact that Americans actually consume double the amount of protein that they're supposed to.
Gets them every time. Soy is usually what I tell people is the number one food. It helps also with the "what about the essential acids?!? and other questions.
True, it sucks to answer it over and over, but the right answers help!

2007-06-21 16:50:43 · answer #8 · answered by shootsamshoot 3 · 0 1

Ashley, you know everything about a vegan diet, why do you need to ask? What can the meat eaters day to stop you harassing them?

2007-06-24 02:43:15 · answer #9 · answered by icklegeek 2 · 0 0

How do we as veg*ns respond to the protein question?

I roll my eyes.

Most of the responses here *looks above* make me roll my eyes, too. The funny thing is, hardly anyone I know ever even asks about protein. Maybe I just hang out with smarter people than you hahaha. Just kidding.

No I'm not.

If it's people in your school or hometown that are harassing you, tell them they need to educate themselves, recommend some books on nutrition (non-veg ones so they don't think it's biased - the big book from the American Dietetic Association agrees a veg diet is healthy and protein is not an issue 99% of us - and read it yourself so you have a good enough understanding of nutrtion to where you can shut them up), and then harumph and turn on your heels like you don't have time for their silly harrassments. If it's people on Yahoo Answers, ignore it. People just like to get a rise out of others because they are pathetic and have nothing worthwhile to do because they are boring and dimwitted.

From what I've read from you you seem to be up on all the reasons to go veg as far as animal cruelty goes, but there are a ton of HEALTH reasons as well. I really highly recommend the book BECOMING VEGAN. It has everything you could wnt to know about nutritional needs and how to fulfill them through a vegan diet.

2007-06-21 15:08:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

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