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We are the only living thing that we know of that kills for fun. For meat, it is sort of a necessity (I am a vegetarian) but the conditions the animals live in is horrible. We kill animals in torturous ways like lobster we just let them boil and heat up until they die and some people just kill them with a knife and they are wincing in pain (there is a video on youtube). I think that if we have to kill animals, it should need to be in a dignified way. Animals have feelings too!!!

2007-06-21 05:25:32 · 25 answers · asked by FSBB 1 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

I'm not ashamed of being a WhiteSox fan b/c they are in 4th and won in 2005. And the 2005 Astros who were in the World Series that year had the same record as the Sox do now.

2007-06-21 07:07:41 · update #1

25 answers

i know! i feel the same way, like some rabbits are put in cages and just hung until they die, pulled by their ears, burned! I wish those people would become animals, so they can feel what the animals feel!

2007-06-21 05:30:49 · answer #1 · answered by Cheaze 3 · 3 2

Read the posts on cats. They frequently kill just for pleasure.

And there are some animals that live better than humans. Yes, you might have a bunch of cows living in a small lot. Have you seen how many people we pack into apartments?

Those cows don't have to search for food, it is brought to them.

Living in the wild there are possible dangers as well that aren't around when they are in a lot.

As for hunting, do you think that a deer cares whether it is shot (quickly ending it's life) by a hunter who then eats the food, or by a mountain lion who will chase it and scare it and not quite kill it and then only eat part of it?

Animals do have feelings, and yes, there are irresponsible dolts out there who do things that are not right. But there are also people out there who would rather that we let some animals overpopulate and die of starvation rather than kill them humanely and use their body for sustenance.

2007-06-21 13:06:59 · answer #2 · answered by mj69catz 6 · 2 0

I feel this way also, but for different reasons. It's impossible to isolate yourself from " consuming" the earth. Bottled water creates more harm because of the use of fossil fuel to trans port it. If you shop any grocery store, you contribute to the problem of consumption. It doesn't matter what you by. The plant life so many consume, the is poison run off, that kills fish. Poisons our water supply. Killing more wildlife, and ourselves. No one cares. My wife has been a vegetarian for 20 years, I am not, but I don't eat much food anyway. People seem to eat like there is no tomorrow. The concept of " saving the animals" doesn't make sense when the animal population is steady growing. If we don't control this, the food supply will deteriorate, due to animal starvation, and lack of controlling diseases in animal populations. To me, starving to death would be worse than getting fattened up and then mercifully killed to take my place in the food chain. Remember, animals don't have the mental capacity to be resentful, or envious, they just live, as comfortable as they can, and then die. Sorry for the harshness of these comments. The reason animals don't have these conscience feelings is because nature has provided for all to survive. For you to survive on Earth, you must kill. Whether it is a plant, insect, or animal, these are the realities of LIFE. Life and death will always go hand in hand. But I do understand you feelings, but there no good alternatives to "nature's way". What God did not allow for, apparantly, is acounting for GREED among humans. So many have so much more than they need, and so many more don't have anything. You have the right idea, but your target should be broadened. Lack of CLEAN WATER will be the end of life on this planet. Just my opinion, for what it's worth. Thanks.

2007-06-21 12:55:50 · answer #3 · answered by leftyjcw 4 · 0 0

Unfortunately you're inviting a lot of criticism here. I happen to agree with you (I'm a vegetarian also), but our society has put animals into categories. We have dogs and cats as pets, so we can't eat them. Because cows and chickens are not kept as pets they are deemed OK to kill and eat. When and who decided this is the way it should be? In India cows are sacred animals, but here we do nothing but eat them. Oh yeah, and milk them. Yum Yum, nothing like drinking the lactation of another species. How is this a natural thing to do?

Back to your question. Am I ashamed to be a human. I have to say no. The only reason is because we are also the only species to be able to treat every other animal on Earth with compassion.

2007-06-21 12:57:44 · answer #4 · answered by jjfrigle 2 · 0 1

love the details of your question. I am not a vegetarian and try to do my own butchering instead of buying meats at markets. as a human there are things to be ashamed of. just look back at the lessons that were given and the shame fades because a new feeling of continuation in the means of balance arrives.

2007-06-21 12:30:51 · answer #5 · answered by eric m 2 · 1 1

Honestly - that's something you should take up with God - He created the world - including the humans and the animals in the world. God also killed the first animal himself. In Genesis it says that God made Adam and Eve garmets of skins (God killed an animal in order to clothe Adam and Eve) - and many times God commanded that an animal be killed for sacrifices, or whatever reason. God created animals, and God created animals to eat other animals.

Honestly - death is quite troubling - be it the death of a person - like this week I participated in the search and rescue operation of a 7 year old boy - and they found the boy dead. It was quite upsetting to me that a little boy would be dead like that.
But, it's troubling that animals die too - death is just a horrible, revolting, and often horrid thing. It's something that is a shock to everyone - shock to me, and something I don't think I understand.

But the thing is God is God - and you and I are not - and He runs HIS world the way He wants to run it - and even though we don't like how things go sometimes (I promise you that I don't like the fact that my wife died) - God can do whatever He wants.

Like who are we to tell God that we think something He does is wrong - when He told Peter in the Bible - "Slay and Eat" - well Peter didn't want to slay and eat - it seemed like "revolting" to him, but that's what God wanted him to do.

There are lots of things that just dont' seem right - and things in this world that don't seem fair - and they aren't fair.

I think the many concerns people have expressed on this forum are understandable, they are justifyable - and reasonable, and I agree with many of them. But the thing is I'm not God - I"m His servant, but I don't like seeing animals die either. But it's worse to see people die.

My concern about the vegan movement is
1) are less animals really dying due to what we do?
2) are we going about it the right way - is there a way we can accomplish what we want to accomplish and go about it differently? I wonder if trying to get people to eat less meat - might accomplish more in a way.
3) The thing about animals killing other animals is a big thing here. I don't know what to say about that.
4) I think the problems in the meat industry are real and should be addressed, I think they are wrong too. but I think it probably takes a high profile person making a stink about it.

I'm not sure if Animals have feelings or not. I used to think they didn't - when my wife died, my dog didn't eat for 2 1/2 weeks and she cried every day for 2 months solid, so I just don't know

the number of people who hunt for fun is very small - most people kill what they are going to eat and that's it.

Some animals are much less aware of things than people are aware - there's a post on the dog forum at yahoo answers about someone wanting to put a dog to sleep because they are blind - but dogs don't have good vision anyway - and they usually use smell, hearing primarily. but people aren't aware of that. There are people who kill their dog because of that kind of thing.

I don't know.

I say - ask God if you have questions like that. He'll tell you the answer maybe - I dont know.

There's lots of injustices in the world. But it's God's World and He does what He wants - like it or not.

We have a limited time on this earth - and then when your number comes up - that's it - you die. It could be the same for animals, but I just dont' know.

and no I am not ashamed to be human. how silly of a thing to say.

I am not a meat eater - I don't eat any meat/dairy products. I follow a vegan diet.

2007-06-22 02:10:51 · answer #6 · answered by art_flood 4 · 0 2

I think Mark Twain said it best:

-Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.

-The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.

-Man is the Only Animal that Blushes. Or needs to.

-If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

2007-06-21 12:34:57 · answer #7 · answered by Rex 2 · 6 1

i agree i onced seen a video in school of chimps strapped in a cage made to smoke cigarettes now that was sick infact i actually threw up and rabbits as well do u no every gaurd at buckingham palace the hat is made by 1 black bear

2007-06-21 12:49:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Consensus doesn't mean something is true..
I have heard that before and its simply not true...
There are many animals that hunt for sport.
A well fed cat will go crazy with a little white mouse or bird. It will torture the poor little animal and kill it slowly only after the animal gets where it provides little sport for the cat. I have had too many dogs that LOVED to hunt and would roll over the dead body of their prey just to get the smell.....Oh and there are many times during the spawning of salmon that bears will get involved in the catch that they will keep killing after they are full...

Oh and do some research on chimpanzees....They will Actually hunt other primates (In some cases infant humans.) that come close to their terrain....They will eat them only after they rip out their genitals and rip of ears, eyes, and parts of their faces WHILE THEY ARE ALIVE!!! And those loveable little creatures "I estimate that in some years, the 45 chimpanzees of the main study community at Gombe kill and consume more than 1500 pounds of prey animals of all species."


Oh and to the guy below me....Many animals love tobacco...Some chimps will develop a love for smoking just as some humans do....Also take a plug or twist of tobacco out to a horse pasture...They will eat it like candy (Its great for worming a horse)....And no one forces them to love it either....

Oh and I guess I gotta blow the lid off of all of you people raised on Walt Disney shows.....The lion king was not real either....Do some research and find out what "Daddy" lion will do to baby lion if momma aint around....LUNCH!!

Oh and for all of the hippies giving me thumbs down....Does not change a thing . tomorrow the sun will rise and everything I said will happen all over again.......Remember how I started out the answer?

Consensus doesn't mean something is true..

2007-06-21 12:48:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Did you read the article this week of the 11yo boy that was drug out of his tent and killed by a bear?

Did you know when a lion takes over a pride he kills all of the cubs?

Did you know killer whales play with their food before eating?

Have you ever seen a cat play with a mouse before killing it?

2007-06-21 12:37:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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