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What does it feel like. I am hearing all sorts of different answers. I mean, I know some peoples are worse than others, but I'm confussed. I talked to a nurse who told me it was extreamly painfull, and acted like it would pritty much ruin my life, and then I talked to a guy who has it and he said that he has not had an outbreak in 5 years and that even when he did it was no big deal and did not even really hurt. Can anyone tell me what it's like for them? Thanks, I really apprecialte it.

2007-06-21 03:16:09 · 9 answers · asked by wingedstrider 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

9 answers

Herpes outbreaks are VERY painful. It won't ruin your life though!

EVERYONE is different, but usually the first few months and even years for some people are the worst. They are hurt, confused, shocked, you name it. Until they accept the fact that they have this virus and will have it their entire life, a lot of people feel like their life is "ruined", but it's not.

The longer you have herpes, the easier it tends to get. I have had genital herpes for 6+ years now and it's no big deal to me at all! Of course, if I had a choice, I wouldn't want to have herpes, but it's not the worst thing that has happened to me. I hardly ever think about having the virus and have a normal, healthy, great life. The outbreaks are painful, but when I am not having an outbreak I live a normal life, just like anyone else. I've been outbreak free now for over 2 years.

Hope that answered your question!

2007-06-21 04:37:07 · answer #1 · answered by Alli 7 · 1 0


2016-05-01 22:39:48 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2016-08-31 00:38:08 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

First outbreak was painful. I didn't have any blisters, but I had a 'cut' at the entrance to my vagina which was very sore, and I had lower abdominal pain. The worst thing though was I felt like I had the worst dose of flu i'd ever had - running a fever, feeling very ill. This lasted maybe five days.

Subsequent attacks? To be honest I have to look for them. Tiny sore, which heals in 2 or 3 days, often I don't notice it until the blister has burst. Not painful. I had a few outbreaks the first year, maybe five, now I occasionally get one when I'm run down but that is it. Maybe once every six months if that? And I only caught it two years ago so I am still supposed to be in the worst phase.

I sometimes get sore skin on my left thigh down the nerve path, like you do on other parts of your body if you are coming down with a virus. This tells me the virus is activating and I may get an outbreak, but mostly it goes away on its own. Even this only happens once every few months now.

People think every outbreak looks like the worse case scenarios of first outbreaks you are shown in sex ed but believe me they don't. I hardly even remember I get herpes, it doesn't impinge upon my life at all physically.

The stigma everyone associates with it does make me feel bad sometimes, but I try to educate people because herpes really isn't deserving of all the bad press it gets.

2007-06-21 06:46:31 · answer #4 · answered by mayflower25 6 · 2 0

I have had HSV2 now for 11 yrs. It is EXTREMELY painful when you have the first onset outbreak. To describe it, it is like being on fire and itching uncontrollably at the same time and never being able to get rid of it. I thought I had a really bad yeast infection when I first got it and treated it as such. After one week of treatment for yeast infection and no change, I went to the doctor and found out that I had HSV2. (I got it from my ex who slept with another girl then me without cleaning himself and I never knew) I have not had an outbreak in about 2 years and usually only have them when I am extremely stressed out (stress can cause a flare up). I take Famvir 250 mg for three days and then I am fine. But like I said, it's been a while for me.

The hardest thing for me was finding acceptance from others who didn't have it. Friends who found out I had it were sometimes mean or cruel about it, but my true friends have been great. Dating was difficult because I would tell men about it and the normal reaction was that they didn't want to date someone who has an STD.

I am lucky in that what is now my husband never turned away from me. We have been together now almost 10 years and though sometimes it is difficult, we are very careful and he does not have HSV2 nor has he ever had any outbreaks (yes, he has been tested and he is negative). There are also a lot of support groups for people living with STDs like MPwH.com where they have a forum for chat, etc.

It is just going to be the way you take it, either you take it as ruining your life or have it make you stronger, it's up to you. I took the stronger approach and I am extremely glad I did!!

Good luck!!!

2007-06-22 08:08:23 · answer #5 · answered by Icee 1 · 0 0

Most people don't show any symptoms, some only have mild symptoms (sometimes so mild that they don't notice it) and some have it worse.

It is usually the first outbreak that is worst. It is very painful, beyond belief. But after the first outbreak the outbreaks aren't so bad. Some people don't get anymore outbreaks. Some have certain triggers (like stress) that bring them on.

It is different for everyone.

For me? My first outbreak was extremely painful. I was in bed screaming for nearly 5 days. I was too scared to pee because it hurt so bad.

I've not had an outbreak in nearly a year. And I've learned to love herpes.

Like I said its only a small amount of people that get the most painful outbreaks.

2007-06-21 11:03:54 · answer #6 · answered by sparkle 5 · 1 0

I was diagnosed 4 years ago and have yet to have any symptoms. Every now and then, I get an ingrown hair "down there" that I get paranoid might be an outbreak. However, when I do further examination, I can see the infected hair follicle.

You get different answers because it is different for different people. Generally though, outbreaks get less severe or eventually disappear over time.

The biggest issue is the social stigma associated with having the virus. Hope that helps!

2007-06-21 04:35:59 · answer #7 · answered by Agape 5 · 0 0

Herpes can be painful if you a lot of them I'm sure. I only get outbreaks about every 3 years and they only burn a little bit when using the bath room other than that I can fully function with out problems. I wouldn't have sex during the outbreak though because that makes them spread to others and makes them worse for you. They are little blisters and if the fluid in them gets out and lands somewhere else on your area then another one will come up in that spot. So be careful not to pop them and make sure that you take your medication as ordered by your doctor.

2007-06-21 03:23:02 · answer #8 · answered by Amber 1 · 0 0

The first time outbreak was very painful.
I was with this guy for quite some time. I eventually agreed to
have sex with him. I was trust worthy and trusted others way to much. We had alot of sex, I was unexperienced and 18 yrs. old. He was divorced and 29yrs. old so if you can imagine?
We did it alot, like 5 times a day for about a week. I was very sore. I noticed in that time frame I was experiencing problems urinating, I felt like I had to go real bad, but never could. I didn't think it was an STD, like I said trust... I noticed I was getting blisters, I thought it was from the sex. It was rough. My urine got darker and smelly(UTI) (sympton of Herpes) . Then I got really bad. I didn't get it taken care of, because I thought if I drink alot of water it will go away and my boyfriend screwed me over and over on top of these blisters. Then my body began to ache and I had a slight fever. I went to lay down. My body broke into a cold sweat. Keep in mind I let mine get really bad. The guys ( my roomies consisted of 5 guys, don't get along with girls) were trying to get me to go to the hospital. I wouldn't go, couldn't afford the doc. I was missing work, because I was in so much pain. By now my vagina had swolen and my skin was splitting, because of having sex on top of this, it was horrible.
I started going out of it, I could barely keep my eyes open, this had went on for about 8 days nows. The guys were talking to me and they got all blurry and I could here them talking about taking me to the hospital then I passed out, they took me out to the truck and drove me to the emergencly room. Where I foun out what was wrong with me. Nothing like being with your guy pals and finding that out, huh. They were really supportive and everyone wants to hurt the asshole that did this to me, but after being in so much PAIN!!!! I got well quick. I haved had it for like 2 years now and I have had one outbreak, didn't hurt a bit. Just a little pain peeing. Nothing I can't handle. Never have sex on top of it. Herpes really isn't that bad, but just for the fact that some people thinks it makes me gross, I hate the guy that did it. He should have told me.
Not just that, but he knew what was going wrong with me and how much pain I felt and he screwed me. Your life is not ruined and when you meet the right person they won't care that you have it. I am just fine, I met a great guy, were getting married, and we want kids. So don't think it will ruin your life. You will be just fine.

Accept it, you will have it the rest of your life. I fought the thought of it for a year before I would accep it. Now that I have accepted it, I am happy. I live my life like everyone else.

2007-06-21 04:46:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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