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do you agree that smokers have no right to deprive others and themselves of good health???

ps. i will argue my point... (the purpose of this question)

2007-06-04 16:13:21 · 20 answers · asked by dots4allupeoples 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

i don't mean to deprive them of thier rights... if they wanna kill themselves... they can go ahead... the only problem is that homes do not hold in the smoke, and the stuff it does effects everyone that goes in and out. Kids, my age and under (most likely) don't get a choice whether our parents smoke... luckily i don't have a parent who smokes. but i do have athsma that i obtained by being in public places. I know a family that has a smoker and everyone hates it but because it is his choice whether he smokesin the house they are probably will get bad health.

2007-06-04 16:27:36 · update #1

Tobacco kills about 420,000 smokers every year. There are 53,000 deaths from secondhand smoke also. About 3,000 of the 53,000 die from lung cancer, and 37,000 from heart diseases. (Academic American) That means that on average every ten minutes someone dies of secondhand smoke, every hour six people die from secondhand smoke, and every day 145 die of secondhand smoke.

2007-06-05 14:14:50 · update #2

20 answers

I really hate when smokers compare banning smoking to drinking alchool, etc.. Do you not get how disgusting this is to non-smokers??? The fact that when you light up, we breath in your smoke? Do you not get that we actually do NOT want that into our lungs? When you take a hit of Vodka, I am not personally effected what so ever by your choice, unless you get behind the wheel, which then, you are breaking the law! So why is it acceptable for smokers to puff away increasing our risk of lung problems? Why should we smell like an ash tray? I couldn't believe after visiting a casino last weekend, I came home and reeked of smoke! It I wanted to smell as bad as you people, I'd pick up a pack myself!

2007-06-05 10:51:16 · answer #1 · answered by Christine O 2 · 1 1

It wouldn’t matter if it was illegal, people would still smoke because they have an addiction. Drugs are illegal and look how many people take them. As for ruining your health, I’m not denying second hand smoke is bad for you, but have they really come up with any proof that it kills non smokers? Should you also not drive a car because the exhaust is harming the environment, use electricity, eat processed food or use hairspray? To say someone else smoking a cigarette is killing you is kind of redundant. I’m not saying “Ya, people should smoke”, but compared to all the other harmful things you put in or on your—body and not to mention all the crap floating around in our environment—smokers are definitely the least of our worries.

2007-06-04 16:37:03 · answer #2 · answered by PhoebeBB 3 · 1 0

Funny how those who believe the government should control every aspect of our lives don't really think things through. While I do not smoke and believe it is a nasty habit, I also don't drink but don't want prohibition to come back either, causes more problems than it solved. Yes it causes a lot of health problems especially with the fact that over the years the cigarette companies have done everything to make the cancer sticks more addictive by changing their molecular composition. Is there really a good solution? not really. You know how companies are. If thy see a customer base they are going to find a way to make a product for it and market to it. As to that family with the smoker you mentioned. That is a matter of respect. Obviously the smoker doesn't have enough respect for their family to at least take it outside.

2007-06-05 04:07:23 · answer #3 · answered by bhc32219 3 · 0 1

I smoke and because I smoke I have COPD/Emphysema .. I get to die, period. I will be starting the patch soon. i don't want my daughter around N E 1's smoke. I smoke outside away from others. Hubby smokes where ever he wants too. I don't believe as a smoker I have right to be next someone who doesn't and blow my smoke at them .. ewww. I made a choice that was uneducated at a young age. Why did the law allow party stores to sell me smokes at 10 yrs of age. Can't out law something that we can get anyhow. but I think a smoker should give nonsmokers the common courteous not to help kill them. Thats my thoughts on it. when I light up a non smoker standing near is enhaling all those toxins that I chose to put in their body. Pretty nasty to do to another human.

2007-06-05 01:28:49 · answer #4 · answered by sunshine2212 1 · 5 0

Smokers (should) have just as many rights as non-smokers have. Those rights, however, should end when it begins to affect other people, but it should be at the business' discretion as to whether or not they want to have smoking sections.

Personally, as an ex-smoker, I have no problem with smokers. If they want to smoke, that's their choice. I don't mind being around it but I do see why others do, which is why I believe that all places (bars excluded) should have a COMPLETELY separate seating area for smokers and then for non smokers.

But to take away a smoker's right to smoke is no better than taking away a non-smokers right to clean air.

There has to be a balance somewhere.

2007-06-04 16:17:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Well sorry however I don't believe legislating that is the correct strategy to move. Punishing individuals who smoke is not more correct than being subjected to it whilst you don't. If the goverments weren't cowards and made certain children didn't have entry to them till they're truthfully mature sufficient to pick. (21) Do simply that and it's going to come to be non existant on its possess. If the smoke bothers you at your loved ones inform them approximately it and don't move in the event that they can not make a difference whilst you seek advice from. And In your possess house you could have each and every correct to dictate what occurs there,nobody will have to be smoking to your condo. You have a correct to breath blank air. Now out aspect nobody has any correct to mention something until anybody is being obnoxious the out doorways are in which they have got been pushed. The air could be very so much worse available in the market for you than the smoke from a passerby. There have got to be locations for those men and women to move in which ever they move. Then you'll discover much less wanting to be status round smoking it's going to be rarely noticable. I have smelled matters so much worse than that too. The poisonous air we breath in our possess houses from our paints,fancy electronics, finishes,chemical compounds ,fibers,insulation,fumes will have to be extra of a problem. That will kill you first. Unless you're in a restricted house with regular smoking and no recent air it's going to no longer influence you . They are having amusing including untruths to whatever that has sufficient dangerous there's no argument that breathing in smoke always can not be well . Smokers even have rights this can be a authorized product for over a number of hundred years,like spirits and wine and we see what legislating it did for the ones. Time and directing the energies to preventing children from establishing, you'll discover few people who smoke at present or in my day who began as adults. Give them time to develop up and they'll make the correct alternative,they'll no longer begin. Kudos for opting for to simply breath that different stuff. Take Care ~A~ Just tossing my Opinion within the Opinion Pool <>< <>< <><

2016-09-05 22:14:33 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I no longer drive. I believe, since the average vehicle emits more particulate pollutants into the air in one day than a smoker does in one year, that individually owned vehicles should be illegal. Also, as a nurse, I believe that since obesity costs American taxpayers, through health care and loss of work, over 30 times more than smoking related problems for society, that obesity should be illegal.

2007-06-04 16:23:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I personally do not smoke, but I don't consider myself to have the right to control what another person wants to do with their own body, if someone smokes and knows the risk associated then that is their decision, then its not mine to make for them. I agree that a smoking ban in public places is the correct thing to do, but telling others what not to do in their own homes is no one elses business.

2007-06-04 16:18:06 · answer #8 · answered by Dr. Chris (DDS) 4 · 2 1

even smoking in the home is a pain. hubby and i have bought a house that was smoked in and you pretty much have to replace the drywall because its near impossible to get the tar out of the walls. I have cystic fibrosis so we HAVE to replace it. because when there is even a little moisture in the air. even with fresh paint the tar seeps through an I start having breathing prollems. I fully agree with it being illegal. EVERYWHERE including bars. Arkansas finally made it illegal in restaurants. YAY

2007-06-04 16:45:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Why stop with smokes, why not fast food and alcohol which are proven to cause bad health as well

2007-06-04 16:20:30 · answer #10 · answered by jlassw101 4 · 3 0

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