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I'm not sure what they are.

2007-03-25 07:39:22 · 4 answers · asked by latin_flavor24 1 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

4 answers

chicharones are pieces of pork fat that are deep fried in there own lard..
we usually fry them in a caso,( a deep pot made out of steel or cooper)

get out your phone book, find a mexican meat market and start making some phone calls . when you call, ask if they have lonja (loan-ha) its pork fat pieces with little pork meat.
when you buy them make sure you get alot because they really shrink up alot
so if you start off with 10 pounds you'll probably end up with about 2-3 pounds

if the pieces are to big, cut them to a size of about 2-3 inches
so that they cook even.

you can cook these in a regular deep pot
just fill your pot with the pork fat, turn up the heat to about a low medium heat setting
add some salt
and start cooking

make sure you keep stiring these around
if not you'll end up with some hard anf burnt and some a little soft

when you notice them start to get a golden brown color
start taking one out here and there, taste and check if they are done and dont need salt
if they need salt now is the time to add

when you notice that they are little crispy and all even cooked
take them out with a large spood and put in a strainer with a few napkins in there

not time to warm up some tortillas, add your chicharones, a little salsa and cilantro and eat away : )

2007-03-25 09:35:27 · answer #1 · answered by Adrian M 1 · 2 0

Chicharrones is a popular dish in Andalusia, Spain, and Latin America and is part of the traditional cuisines of Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Colombia, Brazil (where it is called Torresmo),Peru, the Philippines and others. The singular form, chicharrón, is also used as a mass noun. They are usually made with different cuts of pork, but sometimes made with ram meat. In Puerto Rico chicharrones are also made with chicken,in Argentina with beef and in Peru with chicken or fish.

The pork rind type is the skin of the pork after it has been seasoned and deep fried. In Mexico they are eaten in a taco or gordita with salsa verde. In Latin America they are eaten alone as a snack, with cachapas, as a stuffing in arepas or pupusas, or as the meat portion of various stews and soups.

In central Venezuela, chicharrones are commonly sold alongside main highways as snacks. The recipe usually produces crispy sizeable portions of pork skin with the underlying meat. In vulgar Venezuelan slang, 'comer chicharrón con pelos' (to eat hairy pork rinds) is a dysphemism for cunnilingus.

The cueritos type are also made with pork skin and marinated in vinegar instead of deep fried. They are eaten as a snack.

In Mexico, snack-food company Barcel has commercialized a vegetarian version with chile and lime flavorings since the 1980s. In the 2000s Tostitos released its own version that can be prepared with hot water and added salsa verde (pre-packaged).

In the Philippines, tsitsaron, as it is spelled in Filipino (chicharon is an attempted reconstruction of the word in Spanish), is usually eaten with atsara, a vinegary pickled dish similar to sauerkraut or the Indian aachar, made with shredded unripe papaya and pickled in vinegar. Tsitsaron produced in the Central Luzon province of Pampanga is generally preferred by most Filipinos. Tsitsarong manok, made from chicken skin, is also very popular and is eaten with palm vinegar seasoned with chilli and garlic.

In Bolivia, chicharron is made out of pork ribs seasoned with garlic, oregano and lemon. It is boiled then cooked in its own fat, adding beer or chicha to the pot for more flavor. Pork chicharron is normally served only on Sundays and is eaten with llajua, a tomato salsa, and mote, a type of corn. There are other variations of chicharron made with chicken and fish.

2007-03-25 07:45:15 · answer #2 · answered by Tom ツ 7 · 1 0


2016-10-02 22:39:46 · answer #3 · answered by banowski 4 · 0 0

skin from pork is what you need.boil first then marinate in sauce you like then deep fry- presto younhave sitsaron!

2007-03-26 12:06:38 · answer #4 · answered by katagalugan9 4 · 0 0

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