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My father has been suffering from severe boils. They are big and painful. We are consulting the doctors. He has been a diabetic for 25 yrs. His diabetes is under control through discipline and oral pills. He has never taken insulin. We took a second opinion and the other doc suggests him to be on insuline for 1 month for faster healing as well as to prevent new boils from occuring.

My question is - is it safe to introduce him to insulin? His current blood sigar levels are under control.

Once on insulin, can he completely be off insulin OR he will get stuck to it for life?

2007-02-23 18:53:04 · 8 answers · asked by Sanjiv G 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Diabetes

Thanks for answers so far. What I am specifcally looking for is:
Is this common for some to be put on insulin for limited period? And if so, do people go back to their normal routine without getting stuck to taking insulin for ever?

2007-02-24 00:31:43 · update #1

8 answers

I am a nurse who has worked as a Diabetic Educator. It is an every day thing for patients who have either been diet controlled or on a oral medication to need insulin. He may be able to take it for a short time according to a sliding scale and again he may need it for a lifetime. Some patients need a lower blood sugar than the technical normal for healing and cell rejuvenation. At this point it is more important to get those boils healed before he develops a major infection. Knowing what I know I would recommend the insulin treatment to get those sores well and prevent more from developing. Good luck.

2007-02-27 18:13:11 · answer #1 · answered by dcricket23 3 · 0 0

Apparently he is type 2. This is common. Type 2 diabetics usually have to take more insulin than a type 1. It's just harder to control the sugar levels sometimes. The nurse is adjusting the insulin, let her do her job. It may take a while for his blood sugar to come to good readings. I have diabetic friends that take 50 units at each meal, plus a long acting insulin. Make sure he is watching his carb intake. They can really mess up the blood sugar. His body has changed, and his pancreas may only be making a very small amount of insulin now, not enough for his body's needs. It is common for type 2 diabetics to have to go on insulin when they get older.

2016-03-12 21:26:02 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2016-09-19 09:32:43 · answer #3 · answered by Mariana 3 · 0 0

Diabetics tend to heal slowly. If I was the doctor I would look for the cause of the boils instead of messing up a diabetic regimen that is working well for your Father. If his level is good I don't see how the insulin will heal boils. You may want to go to some medical sites and read up on boils to see what could be bringing this on. Best of luck to you!!

2007-02-23 19:01:12 · answer #4 · answered by whrldpz 7 · 0 1

your dad gets boils because he is diabetic. Boils are a staph infection which is a bacteria, bacteria love sugar, what does diabetes deal with? Blood sugar. Insulin helps decrease the amount of sugar in the blood stream, thus decreasing the food for the bacteria!

2007-02-23 19:08:41 · answer #5 · answered by JNS 5 · 1 0

I think you really have to get that sort of advice from doctors. Insulin will help you Father is the doctors deem it appropriate. Insulin is not the enemy but can make you Father much better.

Let the doctors guide you Fathers treatment.

2007-02-23 18:59:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cinnamon regulates glucose, and has a polyphenol compound called MHCP that mimics insulin and activates cell receptor sites. A quarter teaspoon twice daily makes a difference. Fenugreek increases blood flow and inhibits the growth of infectious organisms.

Sorry this is so long, but it is probably the right answer to your father's problem.

Lymphatic Health

Mainstream medicine often ignores the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, but its vitality is CRUCIAL to the health of the immune system. Your lymphatic system can be compared to a freeway. When congested, nothing moves. The same thing can happen in your body. Your lymphatic system affects every organ and cell in your body. When your lymphatic system's drainage becomes blocked, you cannot eliminate toxic material. When the lymph fails to function properly, it becomes sluggish or even stagnant. The clear lymph fluid becomes cloudy and thick, changing from a condition like water to milk to yogurt to cottage cheese. Thickened, gel-like stagnant lymph overloaded with toxic waste is the ideal environment for the onset of numerous illnesses, including CANCER.

Your lymphatic system includes a vast network of capillaries that transport the lymph - a series of nodes throughout the body (primarily in the neck, groin, and armpits) that collect the lymph and 3 organs; the tonsils, spleen, and thymus gland, which produce white blood cells (called lymphocytes). Lymphocytes are absolutely vital to the immune system.

The space between cells occupies about 18% of the body. Fluid containing plasma proteins, foreign particles, and bacteria that accumulate in these spaces between cells, is called lymph. The primary purpose of the lymph system is to collect the lymph and to return its contents to the bloodstream. More specifically, the lymph system collects waste products and cellular debris from the tissues to eliminate toxins from the body.

The lymph flows upward through the body to the chest (at the rate of 3 quarts per 24 hours) where it drains into the bloodstream through two large ducts. Lymph also flows down from the head and neck into these drainage sites. Unlike the blood supply, the lymphatic system does not have a pump (the heart} to move it along. Rather, its movement depends on such factors as muscle contraction or manual manipulation (why inactivity can lead to increased illness).

The lymph circulation is also a one-way circulation - it only returns fluid to the bloodstream. The lymph system becomes particularly active during times of illness (such as the flu), when the nodes (particularly at the neck) visibly swell with collected waste products.

When the collecting terminals become blocked, it's like a bottleneck; lymph starts backing up in the system creating a toxic OXYGEN-DEPRIVED environment conducive to degeneration and disorder. Toxic lymph can be stored for a long time in the system. This is not a healthy condition. MOVING STAGNANT LYMPH IS A KEY TO WELLNESS. Once you clear up the lymph flow, which is an essential component of the immune system, you can enhance the body's natural healing ability to clear up illness.

Your lymph system is actually a vital circulatory system with an extensive network of vessels throughout the body. Your body contains about 50% more lymphatic fluid than blood. The system contains over 600 collection sites called lymph nodes. These nodes are formed at the junction sites of the lymph vessel network.

The system is responsible for supplying plasma-rich protein to your blood as well as carrying away toxins and other debris. It is your primary defense against bacteria, viruses and fungus. Most chronic (disease) problems occur at the junction of lymph vessels called lymph nodes.

In men the inguinal nodes, in the crease of the groin, are the primary channel for release of accumulated lymh from the prostrate. In women the axillary nodes, located in the arm pit, are the primary channel for releasing accumulated lymph from the breasts.

An impaired lymph system often results in Colds; Flu; Sinus Problems; Excess Water and Fluid Retention; Impaired Heart Health; Fibrocystic and Tender Breasts; Cellulite; Enlarged Prostate; and Cancer.

There are many inter-linked conditions that can contribute to sluggish lymph circulation and may be IMPROVED by lymphatic treatment. These include but are not limited to: allergies, menstrual cramps, arthritis, prostate disorders, ulcers, breast lumps, parasites, eating disorders, cancer, respiratory infections, cellulite, emphysema, sinus headaches, intestinal blockages, muscle and tissue tension, structural misalignment in the neck and shoulders, and mental confusion and emotional disorder. Most physical and emotional challenges can be AGGRAVATED by blockage of the lymph flow.

Factors that can contribute to lymph system blockages include chronic constipation, stress, LACK OF MOVEMENT AND REGULAR EXERCISE, inflammation, poor eating habits, and unexpressed emotions such as anger, fear, or resentment. Other factors can also hamper the natural cleansing process. Artificial and restrictive clothing (such as polyester blouses and tight bras and jeans), air-conditioning, and even antiperspirant deodorants prevent excretion and natural cleansing of toxins. Your skin is the largest eliminative organ and about one third of your body's toxins are excreted through it, which comes to about a pound a day. Blocking this flow of natural design with antiperspirants works against both the lymphatic and immune systems.

A healthy lymph system can absorb and discharge unwanted body fat. It carry away excess body fluids and toxic ASCITES (abnormal accumulation of protein and fluid in the peritoneal cavity). It can aid in healing challenges associated with the muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and nervous systems.

Once again-- your lymph system affects EVERY organ and cell in your body. We do not know of a person who cannot benefit from lymph therapy!

A clogged lymph system can benefit from outside help. A professional can use her/his hands, manually, to MASSAGE and stimulate your lymph system, or use special equipment designed for that purpose. GERMANIUM AND OXYGEN THERAPY can help break up the protein congestion in the lymph, turning it from "cottage cheese" back to it's balanced state of clear fluid. When the lymph is moving freely again, it drains into the bloodstream, to eliminate toxic wastes from your body. Moving sluggish lymph flow is a MAJOR KEY in achieving and maintaining good health and vitality.

Best of luck.

2007-02-27 13:39:22 · answer #7 · answered by Dorothy and Toto 5 · 0 0

Answer --> http://DiabetesCure126.etnin.com

2016-03-22 08:40:56 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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