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They have a vaccine for it now, but this is for people who have already had it.
Does folic acid really give you what your body needs to fight off HPV? I have been reading this book recently and it talks about how folic acids helps your immune system fight off the HPV virus by producing new cells...is this true? Has anybody ever had or have HPV? Did it go away? Did it turn into cervical cancer? I'm really interested in some information about this virus from people who have actually suffered from it. Most people that talk about it never had it.

2006-11-19 16:08:58 · 6 answers · asked by Tainted Soul 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

6 answers

Registered Nurse here; First HPV, has been around for about 15 to 20 years. Yes that's right, but recently it has gotten much attention for it's been discovered as a link to cervial cancer. Now it various greatly from female to female, for some HPV clears on it's own, for others it requires laser sugery of the cervix, for others it's advance to cancerous. So it is a very broad area this HPV, the only certain way to treat it is to find a OB/GYN that you have trust in, and discuss it with he or she, they are by far your very best resource regarding HPV. Folic Acid, does it help, well the statictics are not in, so no scientific study can say yes or no at this point. I can tell you Folic Acid want hurt you, and if not effective against HPV, it is still very good for the individual. I nornally do not share this, but I had HPV in 1993, before it became popular so to speak. By GYN was on top of it, I had to have laser surgery and get a divorce, for I had been 100% loyal to my husband of 12 years, I went for yearly check-ups so I KNEW without a doubt where I had contracted my HPV. And as hard as my husband tried to convience me I got it from a toilet seat. Well, my reply was and I guess a meterorate will fall from the sky and hit me on the head. Another words he was full of it, and being in health care, I knew it. The laser surgery rid me of HPV, I have had a clean pap now for 12 years, but I'm always so nervous that it will reappear, or that cancer will evolve on my cervic or elsewhere for we are still in virgin territory so to speak as to the long term effects of HPV.
I appreciate the opportunity to address a question as important as this one, I also hope it informes other females of this virus.

2006-11-19 16:21:55 · answer #1 · answered by Strawberry Pony 5 · 2 0

I haven't been updated on HPV for a while now, but I thought the HPV 'vaccine' was more of a preventative, and being that there are at least 80 strains of the HPV virus, I guess it would be a preventative for someone who has one strain from getting another. They say only females who are 26 and younger should get the shots.

Many strains just give warts and those do not test positive on a pap. A few give cervical cancer and those are the strains that show positive on a pap test. It just so happened that those are the ones that got the most attention. I know someone who had her cervix frozen and I know someone who let it go so long they had to go in with a laser to get it all. The virus for the most part goes away or lies dormant, which ever you feel more comfortable with saying, but you literally do not have to deal with it after a few years of misery. It just disappears, but they say it's always there because it's a virus. After you get warts for a few years, they go away if you stop shaving (raking infected cells over healthy cells with a razor blade) and stop intercourse with someone that has physically them. (You could cover them with bandaids during intercourse, but the bandaids could come off...and there's no way to put a bandaid on an infected cell that you can't visibly see yet.) The warts on their skin that touch your skin spread the virus. There's also something called molluscum contagiousum...a highly contagious, very irritating bump that looks like a wart in some cases, but it has a hard white egg like thing inside it and the bump does not go away until you get that egg-like thing out (pop it like a pimple.) The people that I know that have had positive paps, that got the cervical cancer treatment have not had any flare ups since. Pregnancy is always a concern though. They say it will most likely flare up again with all of those chemicals at pregnancy. I hope this helps.

2006-11-19 16:51:58 · answer #2 · answered by Stephanie 4 · 0 0

I have it. HPV doesn't go away because its a Virus. It can turn into cervical cancer if not treated which is why it is vital to have yearly pap smears. Sometimes they are normal and sometimes they come out abnormal which can seem scary, your doctor will have you go back in a couple of months to retest. Sometimes an inbalance of hormones causes abnormalities but that is why its important to go back to recheck. If it comes out abnormal the second time, they will do what is called a biopsy, where they cut a piece of your cervix to examine. Then from there they will decide what is needed. Now if it that comes back bad, they will do what is called a colposcopy, which is kind of like a biopsy, but they cut more pieces around to study. This is where they can find precancerous cells. After that there is LEEP treatment to burn those cells, and its up to you to keep checking to see if they don't come back. Its not fun to get a pap, but hey is healthy and can save your life!!! To be completely honest with you, I'm going in tomorrow to have a procedure, well actually the LEEP treatment to burn those cells that can cause cancer if not treated, hope this helped. I'm nervous but rather know now that later!!!!Good luck

2006-11-19 16:18:51 · answer #3 · answered by Iris G 2 · 1 0

HPV is a disease that is caused by sexual contact... eating certain foods will not prevent you from getting this. Think of the flu shot... even though you received it you may still get it.

No one knows for sure if HPV clears on its own or if it just goes dormant in the woman's (or mans) body. There isn't any medical research that can provide clear answer.
The best way to prevent HPV is to limit your sexual partners... however 80% of women (and men) have this, so even having sex once almost guarantees you will be introduced to the disease at some point in your life.

2006-11-21 11:23:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The vaccine is not just for women that have had HPV. ANY and ALL girls and women should get the vaccine. The HPVirus turns in to cervical cancer. Some women have the virus and it goes away and with some it turns to cancer and some women just don't get it. Luckily I am one that has never had it.

2006-11-19 16:17:54 · answer #5 · answered by koko 2 · 0 1

i am a male . and it turns to cervical cancer this yoiu learn in medical school , fact. my opion?

2006-11-19 16:11:58 · answer #6 · answered by the_silverfoxx 7 · 0 2

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