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How can I tell which rice will make "sticky" rice in my rice cooker? I used to live in Japan and love that kind of rice. Now minute rice or other similar ones just taste horrible to me. I know this will sound ignorant, but I saw that my grocery store had some rice without any English on them so I stupidly thought they would be sticky...asians eat sticky rice right (that's the ignorant part...don't mean to be racist...) and it wasn't sticky at all. So, whether it's in English or not, does anyone know how to tell what rice is sticky? I've bought three different brands now and still don't know what I'm looking for in a bag of rice...

2007-12-31 16:46:36 · 9 answers · asked by Erika H 5 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

Ivy, that's what I'm doing...here. Now. On Yahoo Answers.

2007-12-31 17:42:50 · update #1

i can't pick a best answer because I don't have a general concensus on what to get! Looks like I have a lot of ricebuying in my future...long grain, short grain, asian, thai, basamati, soaking it longer...etc...you guys were NO help! :)...LOL.

2008-01-02 15:49:06 · update #2

9 answers

Buy Calrose rice. (Diamond G or Botan brands are good) Can be found in most grocery stores (also in the Asian isle). Typical cooking instructions: 2 cups of water to each 1 cup of rice.

2007-12-31 16:55:41 · answer #1 · answered by Becauz 2 · 0 0

Sticky Rice Brands

2016-10-03 08:54:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First, it does depend on the type of rice. Glutinous rice (sticky rice) is actually eaten in chunks almost like bread. For long grain - non-sticky type rice - rinse the rice in cold water and pour off the water - repeat this process until the water is relatively clear. This helps remove some of the excess starch and dust from the rice. When steaming the rice, use about 1/4 cup less of water to make up for the moisture that the rice retains from rinsing.

2016-03-18 07:52:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

sticky rice?
How can I tell which rice will make "sticky" rice in my rice cooker? I used to live in Japan and love that kind of rice. Now minute rice or other similar ones just taste horrible to me. I know this will sound ignorant, but I saw that my grocery store had some rice without any English...

2015-08-18 23:37:57 · answer #4 · answered by Marybelle 1 · 0 0

Japanese produced short-grain rice possesses amylopectin, which gives Japanese rice its wonderful texture and a slightly glutinous quality that accounts for its natural stickiness. That is why Japanese prefer their own local rice and reject imported rice.
So if you've become addicted to Japanese rice, the frank answer is there is no perfect substitute and you'll find Japanese rice is generally more expensive than other Asian rice and also if it's available at your location. Other short grain rice like Calrose do not taste the same and long grain rice (eg. jasmine, basmati) eaten in most of Asia do not have such glutinous quality.
There is a type of rice that is very glutinous, even more than Japanese rice, but it is not used for normal rice eating. It is better suited for making savoury rice dumplings & sweet desserts. You could possibly use this rice & normal rice in a 50-50 mix but would still not replicate Japanese rice.
If you want Japanese rice (kome or o-kome) or to understand different types of rice, ask your local Asian grocery or gourmet store. They should be able to explain different types of Asian rice sold.

2008-01-06 06:00:14 · answer #5 · answered by Stillwaters 6 · 2 0

I think you would prob want basmatti rice which is a long grain rice. You have to soak it for at least 15 mins before cooking are it will be hard. Thats what all eastern people eat with their dishes! I am not sure how a rice cooker works bc I just soak mine and put it in the pan with spices for a few and it cooks great. You prob want yours just white since its an Asian dish though, right?

2007-12-31 19:48:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My brief research says that you want short-grained rice. It's starchier and will give you that sticky texture you're looking for. You might also want to try glutinous rice, although that rice is more commonly used for desserts and is slightly sweet.

2007-12-31 20:08:52 · answer #7 · answered by Sophra 3 · 0 1

Get Calrose or Botan. Cook in rice cooker two cups water, one cup rice. Perfect.

2008-01-01 03:25:43 · answer #8 · answered by lpaganus 6 · 0 0

Glutinous rice you can get it in any Asian store. I love sticky rice & Mango mmmmm..

2007-12-31 17:35:47 · answer #9 · answered by taste_the_sunshine 2 · 1 0

try Jasmine Rice...go to an Asian market, they will tell you what to buy.

2008-01-01 00:54:03 · answer #10 · answered by deb 7 · 0 1