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I have only flitted around a little and already I have seen several, with their frankly rude and unhelpful comments. I cannot for the life of me see why omnivores would want to 'bait' V&V's - it truly is pathetic.

2007-12-31 12:38:21 · 12 answers · asked by Ellesar 6 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

Sugar Pie - no apologies - rudeness inspires rudeness. I know 2 wrongs don't make a right, but if someone (and I've read about 5 in the last couple of hours) wants to go on about how good it is to eat meat on V&V then they really are just being deliberately offensive

2007-12-31 13:33:59 · update #1

12 answers

Well, anytime someone says "eat pork puffs" or "eat a big juicy bloody steak, mmmmmm!" to a question, I feel like that person is really quite awful... it's like going up to someone in a wheelchair and hopping up and down and going, " Look! Working legs!" or going up to a Christian and dangling an upside down cross and going, " Jesus isn't God, nyah nyah nyah!"...

It's basically RIDICULOUS, confrontational, controversial, rude, and downright idiotic. After all, it's not like I'm going to read some rambling jerk's comment about how fantastic raw, juicy, bloody beef is and then repent for being vegan and start eating meat... you know? It's ridiculous, I don't even know what they want to accomplish with it. They just want to hurt and offend.

Thirsty, Drink Me - Hey, you're my omnivore buddy on here :) I didn't mean you. You know that. Nothing against omnivores, just rambling fools. exsft, you're pretty okay too.

2007-12-31 13:49:24 · answer #1 · answered by Maggie 6 · 7 1

Not all omnivores are offensive and it is not only omnivores who are offensive on V&V.

There are some deliberately provocative questions by 'vegans' targeting 'meat eaters', knowing only too well that some of the omnivores will retalliate.

Neither is it only V&V that is targeted by the the rude and unhelpful questions and comments, take a look at some of the other categories.

BTW, I am an omnivore who happens to enjoy vegetarian meals for lunch and look on V&V for some inspiration. I do get put off by the baiting in both directions and yes, it is pathetic.

The best thing to do is block, ignore or report the offenders, without responding to them.

2008-01-01 05:44:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Most omnivores who find their way here because all V&V questions appear on the main Food &Drink page.

There certainly are some rude and unhelpful ones - one-off and occasional visitors who drop in to say 'Eat meat!' 'Vegans are gay/stupid/smelly' 'How do you cook a cat?' and other such drivel.

There are regular rude and offensive users, it's true, and we know who they are; but there are also omnivores who make an intelligent and sincere contribution, either as a one-off reply to a Q or as regulars. Some of those regulars may have come to mock, but if they did they have stayed to discuss and debate, and I for one don't mind them poking a little fun now and then or challenging what they see as pomposity or incorrect information - hell some of us veg*ns do that on occasion too!

2008-01-01 07:48:08 · answer #3 · answered by lo_mcg 7 · 3 1

im an omnivore cruising here for good veggie recipes. just cause i eat meat doesnt mean i dont like to try new things :)

2007-12-31 23:17:26 · answer #4 · answered by Jenna H 6 · 7 0

Why do you automatically assume that the trolls are omnivores? For all we know, they could be veg*ns trolling that way just to make omnivores look bad and to validate their claim that the veg*n lifestyle is the best there is. I'm sorry, but when it comes to trolls, I don't assume they are the opposite of what ever it is they are trolling, I just believe they are immature individuals with too much time on their hands with an internet connection.

2007-12-31 22:43:22 · answer #5 · answered by littlevivi 5 · 2 3

Because they can. It's an open forum and people are entitled to ask a question or answer whatever question they want. If you find the questions and/or answers rude, then report them or ignore them. Remember that though this is under the "Food and Drink" section of YA there are many questions and answers from vegetarians/vegans that are not about food at all Shouldn't they be removed too? As there is no rule that states you have to be a vegetarian/vegan to answer/ask questions here, there is also no rule that states you have to respond or react to every question posted.
Also, a V&V question always appears in the general "Food and Drink" category first.

2007-12-31 22:38:06 · answer #6 · answered by exsft 7 · 5 3

Please don't stereotype us omnivores. That would be pathetic. If you aren't here on a regular basis you have no idea what goes on or who is who.

My personal reason for being here is I came here on a random question and stayed because I was intrigued with the subject matter and made many friends through my interaction here.

While you lament the fact that some children come here to post meaty nonsense, there are just as many vegers who post disinformation as a form of propaganda that needs to be tempered and balanced.

Hopefully, if you post here again, there will be some positivity involved.

2007-12-31 22:02:25 · answer #7 · answered by Love #me#, Hate #me# 6 · 9 3

I hang out here b/c I hang out in the "Food and Drinks" area, and v&v is part of that. Sometimes I can answer questions about protein or iron intakes for veggies. I rarely post a rude comment unless the question was rude... and your's is bordering on it.

2007-12-31 21:29:38 · answer #8 · answered by Sugar Pie 7 · 9 6

They want to let us know how fanatical and generally wrong we are about our life choices. They'd also like to let us know that meat is delicious, and we are missing out on so much by not eating it. They like to come here and preach to us about our preaching to them which we don't, but they'd like to convince us that we do. Basically, they're just poor misguided souls looking for a place to belong. :(

I almost forgot- they also feel the need to warn us that we're all going to turn white, shrivel up and die without the life-giving goodness of dead animals.

2007-12-31 21:26:24 · answer #9 · answered by iAm notArabbit 4 · 7 3

They're just trolls. End of story.

2007-12-31 20:57:13 · answer #10 · answered by Spiderman 4 Ⓥ 6 · 6 2