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For the last six weeks I have had classic symptoms,.....nettle rash, tingling swollen lips, wheezing as soon as the anti- hystamine tablets wear off. The tablets usually last 12 hours. Any suggestions ?

2007-12-27 23:36:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

23 answers

Definitely! It's actually how most people find out with the common phrase "I ate peanut butter my whole life!" I myself, just developed a Wheat intolerance after 25 years, which really sucks.

Best bet, go to an allergist. You taking the Benedryl could be just covering up the problem. You need to find out what it is and avoid it. They can do a simple blood test and see what your body is posing reactions to. They will also ask you to eliminate certain things from your diet in the mean time to find out exactly what is giving you all those reactions. Good luck!!

2007-12-28 04:54:36 · answer #1 · answered by fluttergy312 2 · 0 0

Long ...BUT well worth the reading.

Make the connection.

I am a nurse with over 25 years experience in this area and I have seen a lot of people with various illnesses caused from chemicals and fragranced products as well as VOC’s in their homes, schools and workplace. This problem is growing as more and more chemicals are being introduced and used on a daily basis.

We are now seeing more and more children with Asthma, Allergies, Hives, Eczema and many respiratory illnesses. I can not emphasize how important it is to educate yourself about MCS and the harm you may be doing to your health by using chemicals and fragranced products.

If you or a loved one suffers from Asthma, Allergies, Autism, chronic headaches, reproductive problems, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia, you need to read further and learn about the signs and symptoms of MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

Most doctors will not inform you about this because patients as a whole like to walk out of a doctors office with a prescription for some magical medicine and they do not want to be told that their expensive new perfume or newly installed carpet may be the culprit. So, the doctor will give you medications and many of these meds either do not work or cause other health problems.

Chemicals and fragranced products are often the root of all evil when it comes to your health. Many of the below mentioned items are common triggers to sinus, asthma, itching, headaches, Migraines and allergy problems amongst other health issues. Get rid of them and your lungs will thank you and you will breathe easier.

And, it is not only personal body or cleaning products causing havoc on your health….many people become ill after wearing brand new clothing, dry-cleaned clothes, installing new carpet, painting, buying a new mattress or after home renovations because of the Flame Retardants, Benzenes, Formaldehydes, etc. used in these products. So the answer is NO, you are not imagining that 2 weeks after your home, office or classroom got renovated you started to become ill, get dizzy or have headaches. This is happening more and more these days and adults as well as children are becoming sicker and sicker.

Unfortunately, too many doctors compound the problem by prescribing chemical medications to try to alleviate the symptoms of an already chemical overloaded body and they rarely tell the patient to eliminate the chemical offenders. How many times have I seen people in the grocery store with Bounce, Glade Plug-Ins and Febreeze in their shopping cart along with a bottle of Benadryl , Migraine Excedrin and a box of Allergy Tablets ? Why don’t they make the connection?

Here is a Brain Spect Scan Before and after a whiff of perfume:

No Bounce or dryer sheets
No Febreeze
No Glade Plug-ins
No scented candles
No Fragranced Products on Body, Hair or Clothing
No Smoke
No Dander
No Sprays

And remember, it is NOT the smell it is the Chemicals that make up the smell. So, even if something is "Fragrance Free" these products often mask the smell with another chemical !

More and more offices and schools are creating “Fragrance Free Zones”… why do you think this is?

Feel free to contact me on this subject.


2007-12-30 09:32:46 · answer #2 · answered by Smart Nurse 5 · 0 0

Yep, it is as easy as that. Once the cells in the immune system become 'sensitive' to a substance you are stuck with it. This can happen at anytime.

If you can not identify what is causing it, go get a skin patch test done. Involves specialist pricking the skin then exposing the areas to a number of substances. The ones that react will identify the allergies.

The other question you may want to ask yourself is whether or not you have been exposed to any chemicals or toxins they also produce similar responses.

2007-12-27 23:46:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

On Oprah the other day Dr. Oz showed and shared about a NETTIE POT.

It looks like a tea pot that you put salty warm water in and tilt your head over the sink and pour into your nasal cavity (nose) to wash out contaminants. Blow thoroughly then do the second side.

A lady in the audience had had allergies and demonstrated it.
She had cleared hers by using it. It seems it would be worth a try if you could clear up the problem.

2007-12-27 23:42:19 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I dont know about allergies but it is possible to get an intollerence out of the blue- one day your body has all it can take of certain foods/chemicals...etc and throws out symptoms. If you cut out the thing you think caused the allergy, it will go away and leave it long enough you can go back to consuming the item you originally found to cause the problem and have no ill effects.

2007-12-27 23:41:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The only role in allergy is that "ANYONE can become allergic to ANYTHING at ANYTIME".
For six weeks!!!, then it is time to seek medical advice, a lot cab be done regarding finding the cause( skin sensitivity tests and others, though not always helpful), and regarding treatment ( there is a very big family of "anti-histamines", and not all are helpful for every one. You should used UNDER MEDICAL SUPERVISION

2007-12-28 00:05:12 · answer #6 · answered by Ali D 2 · 1 0

I am sorry to ear it but, yes I have eared of allergies coming out of the blue. I became allergic to "Sand flies" practically overnight.
Usually there is very little you can do about it except avoiding the irritating items.
A dermatologist, or even better, somebody specialised in allergies should be able to run test about the offending Item.

Good Luck

2007-12-28 00:14:08 · answer #7 · answered by The Rugby Player 7 · 1 0

Yes you can develop allergies at any age, any time, the fact that you have had it for 6 weeks suggests its something that you are using every day, or eating! You should start really thinking about EVERYTHING you eat or put on you, even washing powder that washes your clothes. And maybe start to eliminate these things one by one and see if there is any improvement.

2007-12-28 02:28:53 · answer #8 · answered by Lorraine M 2 · 1 0

Yes! My grandfather developed a milk allergy at 80....and he had been a dairy farmer all of his life!
Write down the symptoms. Go to your doctor and ask for an allergy test. I take Zrytec D and it makes all the difference.

2007-12-27 23:45:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know in animals it is very common for allergies to start up, at any age/time/stage in life. Contact, food etc, the list goes on and on!

I'd recommend seeing a doctor and if it persists getting a referral to a specialist who can determine what type of allergy.

Good luck!

2007-12-27 23:40:40 · answer #10 · answered by Jade 2 · 1 0