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2007-12-27 23:14:55 · 12 answers · asked by intel inside mental outside 2 in Health Mental Health

12 answers

Start small, first clean up and keep one small thing clean. I keep my computer desk clean, then I keep my sink clean of dishes. I add one more thing when I mastered the last thing I added. Pretty soon your lazyness is less of a problem.
And get up and walk for at least 20 minutes a day.
That is what helped me.

Now if there is some jackass calling you lazy, beware it may just be a ploy for power over you. If thats the cause show them all thier faults. heheh jk

2007-12-27 23:24:45 · answer #1 · answered by omega_cage 2 · 0 0

If ypu are fairly suggestible, the following are reputable, and reasonably priced: 7 results for laziness

Perfect Partners: Self Motivation Booster + Self Discipline
Perfect Partners: Self Motivation Booster + Self Discipline Hypnosis Downloads
Perfect Partners: Exercise Motivation Booster + Self Discipline
Perfect Partners: Exercise Motivation Booster + Self Discipline Hypnosis Downloads
Perfect Partners: Overcome Procrastination + Improving Concentration and Focus
Perfect Partners: Overcome Procrastination + Improving Concentration and Focus Hypnosis Downloads
Self Discipline
Self Discipline Hypnosis Download
Overcoming Procrastination
Overcoming Procrastination Hypnosis Download
Stop Procrastination Script
Stop Procrastination Hypnosis Script
Self Discipline Script
Self Discipline Hypnosis Script

2007-12-28 07:42:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It won't be easy! You have to force yourself to do things you don't want to do. It isn't like you want to just lay around, you just want less to do something. Reward yourself for doing things, like when you clean your room, take a break for about an hour or so and play your video (only 1 hour not all day). Set up a schedule for yourself, realistic, and follow it for a month. Then check and modify it to find something you can live with.
Some people(like my husband) are not motivated to do anything anytime anywhere. That's just who they are. So the first and best piece of advice I can give you is, love yourself just the way you are. Live like the person who you want to be and Live and Love every day like you don't have another day. That way you have no regrets

2007-12-28 07:27:01 · answer #3 · answered by Ann S 3 · 0 0

Always eat a balanced diet and don't sleep immediately after taking your lunch or dinner. Play some outdoor games with your friends for certain time. Study with concentration. Make this all things as your daily habit. Chat with your friends and be active.

2007-12-29 08:25:10 · answer #4 · answered by ashish 2 · 0 0

Are you really serious.

Find out what u like most and on doing what u get the most satisfaction

Take it up as your career, and u will feel that u r neither lazy nor hardworking

All the best Friend

2007-12-28 07:40:46 · answer #5 · answered by surajpg2010 2 · 0 0

Get to something which triggers fire in your belly! What fires us to action is to be engaged in what you truly endowed with; get to know that from your own terms and within yourself and see what liveliness enters your life then.Forced to do something in which your self/heart is not there or trying(wasting!) to be what others are, would put us in very low motivation!

2007-12-29 01:20:57 · answer #6 · answered by Thimmappa M.S. 7 · 0 0

Start something but dont stop doing it, not even for a day and then start something else once that becomes a natural habbit.

2007-12-28 08:10:14 · answer #7 · answered by stuck on level 4 4 · 0 0

Every day answer all the questions appearing in this column and try to ask more and more questions every day. and go through all the answers to our question and select the best answer.

2007-12-28 08:28:13 · answer #8 · answered by geeyen 7 · 0 0

find something that looks fun that has nothing to do with just sitting or laying down like iceskating,snowboarding,rollerblading you know stuff that makes you want to get up and do something

2007-12-28 07:21:54 · answer #9 · answered by danielhopkins75 2 · 0 0

You cannot set yourself free from lazyness.
You are born with it....just like me!

2007-12-28 07:24:17 · answer #10 · answered by royaltejee 2 · 0 1