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i didnt know it was wrong and i did it without knowing it was a sin. after i found out i was terrified. i was so sick of myself. i felt so guilty. i repented many times, i admitted i was wrong, i asked Allah to forgive me and i promised not to do it again. there are also many quotes i said 100 times which are said to erase sins. i ask for forgivess everyday. i feel deep remorse. i pray 2 raakat. all i want is Allahs forgivness. i have a few questions which i appreciate someone with the knowledge about this can answer.
1. is there anything more i can do so i will have forgiveness?
2. do you think i am forgiven?
3. i think about this all the time. it wont let me go. i am scared of punishment. do you think i will be punished?

2007-12-27 22:51:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

I agree with the answer of brother Kimo,

Just an addition to it. It could be satan's waswas which has panicked you so much. So, ignore such wasawis and believe in Allah's mercy. Allah loves His repenting servents.

2007-12-31 01:51:17 · answer #1 · answered by Happily Happy 7 · 2 0

MashaAllah you sound very sincere and genuine in your repentence.

I will try and answer your question as best as I can inshaAllah. Any mistakes I make are my own, and any good that come out of this are from Allah subhaan wa'atalah.

As for your question - do you think i will be punished?

I would have to say inshaAllah... that is up to Allah.

But for instance, I'll use the example of someone reverting to Islam. When someone reverts, their previous sins are forgiven and it is almost like they are reborn again. They are forgiven because Allah subhaan wa'atalah tells us that they did wrong, because they did not know of what they were doing, however, once they know what they are doing is wrong, they will be judged for all their deeds, good and bad.

Now that you know that masturbation is haram, the best form of repentance is to never do it again. Allah subhaan wa'atalah will look at your intentions, and that is how He will judge you. If you genuinely did not know, then Allah will bestow His Mercy on you inshaAllah.

Because you did not know this, I urge you to learn more and more about Islam, in order that you can avoid doing things intentionally or unintentionally that may lead you to commit sins. Because we are Muslim, we are obligated to educate ourselves because we ultimately want to be loved by Allah, and please Him. In order to do this we have to follow our deen closely, and try to perfect it.

2007-12-28 00:02:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1. It sounds like you've done an awful lot of work towards getting forgiven, as long as you meant everything you did, that sounds more than enough.

2. No-one can tell you for certain you are forgiven, only your God could do that. I think you know this anyway.

3. Any God that saw all the effort and repenting you've been through for this would not punish you. Don't be silly.

2007-12-27 22:56:37 · answer #3 · answered by Adam L 5 · 2 1

Here's what the Bible says and doesn't say about the subject of masturbation http://www.layhands.com/IsMasturbationASin.htm

Whether you think it is a sin or if you think that human beings have been the ones to decide on their own that it is a sin, the problem with the Muslim religion is the same problem with other religions that don't acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God who came to earth to save us from our sins. That problem is that a person can never know for sure if they are forgiven because they think that their salvation comes from them and not from God.

Why don't you click on the Get Saved button @ http://web.express56.com/~bromar/ and see the truth about being forgiven by God?

The idea that we can break God's laws and be forgiven if we repent is like thinking that if you break one of the laws of men that the judge will forgive you if you tell him about how you stopped breaking the law and started doing good. The judge has sworn an oath to uphold the law and he cannot let someone go free who has broken the law just because they have stopped breaking the law.

Yes, God does call sinners to repent but He has also sworn that a penalty must be payed for breaking His laws. Either you accept the payment that God has provided through faith in the sacrifice made by Jesus or you stand before Him on judgment day guilty for all of your sins.

2007-12-27 23:22:27 · answer #4 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 3

Look huni dont worry so much, you have asked for forgivness & as it tells you in the quran allah is most forgiving & merciful.

So i would think you have been forgiven, also what you did you did to yourself.
You never hurt anyone else in doing this.
Dont be soooo hard on yourself im sure allah knows we all loose our way sometimes....
After all he see's everything we do & he will know if your genuine in asking for forgivness or not.
And if you are genuine im sure he will understand that & forgive you.

2007-12-27 23:20:53 · answer #5 · answered by me myself & i.... 4 · 1 1

The scholars of Islam agree that masturbation is a minor sin .. not a major one. Allah forgives both major and minor sins if you made sincere repentance to him.

I'd like to know if you feel the same guilt when you do a major sin like backbiting? if not, then you don't know what Islam is about .. and you need to educate yourself more.

Please read what I wrote here:


2007-12-27 22:58:07 · answer #6 · answered by Kimo 4 · 6 2

I am not a Muslim.

The moment you feel bad, the moment you feel remorseful, the divinity within you is coming up.

You are already forgiven. Don't worry.

2007-12-27 22:59:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Here is a simple solution to your problem.
Accept the fact that there is no god.
You don't need to tell anyone at all. You can keep it to yourself.
Now live your life knowing that the one person to whom you are morally-responsible is yourself. Not to any fictitious god.
Once you understand that there is no real god, all these questions answer themselves and there is no more mental torture.
Nature (evolution if you like) designed our bodies to crave sex. If you are not in a relationship with a partner, then masturbation is perfectly natural and there is NOTHING at all wrong with it. In fact, I would encourage it, as it serves as a release from sexual tension.
Religion forces such stupid rules on people, initially it was all well-meant but that was the thinking of thousands of years ago.
Medical opinion today would support masturbation as I outline above but remember this - moderation in all things.

Allah does not exist. That alone will ease your mind. Maybe it will not be easy for you to reject ancient myths and dispense with the idea of an imaginary friend in the sky but billions of us have done it without any ill-effects and the numbers are growing rapidly.
Depends where you live and it depends upon your parents attitude .....

2007-12-27 23:26:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

I'm not Muslim, but....Love! Bring someone close to the peace of Allah, and you will (I'm sure) be forgivin!



2007-12-27 22:56:51 · answer #9 · answered by Pain Is All I Know 5 · 3 2

you will know that you have been forgiven when you no longer feel fear. you will know that you have been forgiven when you are no longer being punished.

i realised that i no longer needed to feel guilty as soon as i became an atheist.

it was that simple.

2007-12-27 23:09:47 · answer #10 · answered by synopsis 7 · 2 4