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1. Are dogs color-blind? I heard it from somewhere...

2. How should I keep my canine (Japanese Spitz) entertained while I'm busy or away from home? I feel guilty sometimes when I have to go to school. Will she get very bored or upset?

I love my doggy so much... Any suggestions?

2007-12-27 22:47:41 · 12 answers · asked by numero uno 2 in Pets Dogs

Interestingly, I leave about 6-7 toys for my doggy and she ALWAYS choose the squeaky soft ball as her first choice to play with.

And she seems reluctant to try with new toys.

2007-12-27 23:08:58 · update #1

12 answers

1. They are not colour blind.

It is not true that dogs are completely colorblind. While dogs do not have the same color vision as humans, they are able to tell yellow from blue. Like a human with red-green colorblindness, they are unable to tell the difference between red and green.
The reason for this limited range, in both the colorblind human and the dog, is that there are only two kinds of color receptors in the retinas of their eyes. While most humans have three kinds of color cells, with three different receptor molecules sensitive to blue, greenish-yellow, and red, dogs only have receptors for yellow and greenish-blue.
Canine eyes also lack another human trait: the fovea, an area especially dense with detail-sensing cells. As a result, their detail vision is not as good as ours. But they make up for this by having much better night vision and greater sensitivity to movement.

2. You should get up early and walk your dog for at least an hour before school. Then she'll be tired and sleep while you are gone. When you get back, take her for another walk.

Exercising your dog in the mornings is the best thing you can do for her. A dog wants to walk more than anything else. They need to, they are born to move forward with the pack leader, (you). A sufficient daily walk routine will fulfill her needs and ease your guilt.

2007-12-27 23:07:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Yes. Dogs are colour blind, they only see black and white.

2. YESSS. Of course never leave your dog bored during school or when you go out make sure it has plenty to play with if you don't this can cause behavioral problems and it will start chewing your lounges and furniture not to mention wire cords. You should make someone is supervising it when your away, if you can't get someone try giving it lots of toys. Also when you arrive home don't make it a big deal and run to your puppy and hug it to death like you missed it so much because this make it cry or wimpier every time you leave it alone also If you know your dog has been barking while you have been away, you must ignore him for a while when you return home. I understand this is difficult for lots of owners, but otherwise your dog believes that his barking is the reason you came back home to him. Just go about your business for a little while when you get home, ignoring your dog. When your dog has settled down, you then initiate contact with him.

2007-12-27 23:17:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No dogs are not "Color" blind but do see a bit diffrent specrum as us,, this is due to increased rod/cone arrangement in the retna (they see better in low light) then humans..

As far as feeling gulity,, plenty of toys helps,, But make sure to ROTATE them,, put a few out daily.. give her some toys stuffed with food that she has to work to get the food out,, Kongs work great this way.. replace one meal this way..and by rotating toys she will have a new set/change regulary without you having to buy tons..
KONG STUFFING http://www.k9station.com/articles/kong.htm

When you come home,, This will be hard.. DO NOT LOOK TOUCH TALK till she has calmed down,, then take her for a nice long walk... EVERY day.. if you give her too much attention when comming home,, seperation anexiety is possible,, also set a daily routien,, get her toys ready, treat/food stuffed toy,, then go

If you are away often and long time, have a pet sitter take her for a walk,, or sometimes doggie daycare is a good option..
Most people work,,, rember as long as you set a routien and do make up the time with legitimate activities/training when you are home,, most dogs are very happy,, and sleep most of the day.. the key is providing propper enrichment activities, setting a routien,, and good quality time when you are there,, to prevent anexitiy/and destructive behavior when you are away..


2007-12-27 23:36:45 · answer #3 · answered by Amanda B 4 · 1 0

I don't know anything about whether or not they are colored blind, but i can give you some suggestions about how to keep your dog entertained while you are away.
Continue leaving toys around, and try the type of toy that you can put a dog treat in or something. Also if there is a type of music that you tend to listen to a lot leave it on while you are gone (for example I always leave a country station on for them (but not to loud because they have better hearing then people)). Also leave a blanket with your "sent" on it in a place where your dog normally goes to lay down. (My dad has left a pair of his pants in a box and my toy poodle tends to jump in the box and lay on the pants while my dad is gone at work.)

2007-12-28 02:36:29 · answer #4 · answered by Gretchen 4 · 0 0

No, dogs are not color blind, they can see some colors.
Put him in a crate when you live the house and he will go to sleep. Don't feel guilty because you are getting an education, in about 10 years that dog will not be around, but, you will still need a job and a future....
The last phrase you used scares me, so, make sure the dog gets in a good obedience class that will train it to behave like a good dog should.
Hope I helped!!

2007-12-27 23:07:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

yes dogs are colour blind

Step OneHave a variety of chew toys and chewable items available to your dog when you are unable to interact with him. Leave out 4 or 5 items that your dog will like to chew. Some suggested items might be rope knots, cow hooves stuffed with oatmeal and frozen, bully sticks, rubber chew toys made specifically for chewers.
2Step TwoChange out which items you leave for him every few days and take up the items when you are home. This will keep the toys novel and interesting to your dog.
3Step ThreeAdd in a few toys that make noises or flash when nosed or rolled. Many dogs enjoy toys that "do" something. Again, do not leave them out all of the time as this ruins their novel appeal.
4Step FourHide dog treats and chews around the yard or house for him to find. A dog who is sniffing around for a treat is not barking or chewing.
5Step FiveYou may create a digging space for your dog by filling a children's sandbox with playground sand and some doggy treasures like chewables and hard dog cookies.
6Step SixInstead of feeding your dog his daily ration of kibble from a bowl, stuff any one of the various interactive rubber dog toys with some kibble and a small amount of peanut butter, baby food, or yogurt. Most of these toys resemble a bell or beehive with a large hole and one end and small hole at the other. Once your dog has mastered using this toy, get several and hide them so that he may hunt for his food.
7Step SevenKeep in mind that most dogs require more than 30 minutes of daily exercise. In addition to their normal exercise routine, take 30 minutes each day to do activities with your dog. Brush him, train tricks, play with toys, or just snuggle in front of the television

2007-12-27 22:58:00 · answer #6 · answered by DIVAY B 3 · 0 0

They are not "colour blind" but see in a much lower resolution than we do, i.e. paler shades of everything they look at, so without using their noses, they wouldn't be able to see, say, a brown disc on a brown carpet, but would sniff it out if they were looking for a favourite toy, but if the disc was a different colour they would see it.

To keep him amused while you are out you could use things like stuffed Kongs, balls with holes in them that you can put kibble in, plus leave him with something to chew, rawhide etc. and TV on for company. The washing machine soothes my dog to sleep..

2007-12-27 23:06:49 · answer #7 · answered by Outhval 7 · 0 0

Dogs certainly can be called colour blind as they are blind for red and green colour. Dogs see brighter and also a less detailed world when we compare their vision to humans.
try a kong stuffed with goodies.. if you google "kong recipies" there are sites that have lots of ideas on layering treats inside the kong, including peanut butter, canned dog food, kibble, treats, etc. A frozen kong lasts even longer.

2007-12-27 22:58:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Dogs can see certain colors. i forget which ones they are.. i think they can see red and green but anyway....No, i don't think you can call them colorblind...

Dogs do get bored. Leave the television on just to keep it company. the sounds seem to soothe them whether you're away or not. My dogs don't like to be left alone, but there are other ways you can remedy keeping your dog occupied. Giving it bones before you leave. Even getting a pet sitter for them if you're going out for a long period of time...

2007-12-27 22:57:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

she doesn't need to be entertained while you are at school,, she should be resting in her crate waiting for you to come home

2007-12-27 23:12:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0