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okay so this guy never texts anyone, not even his best friend, and if you text him, he'll just ignore you

but a few days ago he texted me first and we talked for 3 hours through text and then after that we have been texting randomly and so idk i've liked him for awhile now so i'm sure he knows it and i also told he's best friend that i like him, and he said that he would ask him if he likes me back whenever he gets the chance, but the best friend hasn't yet so i'm stuck sitting here and wondering

but yeah i'm just really confused, or am i over analyzing too much? anyways, do you think he likes me? oh and the best friend even said that him texting me first was really strange that he did that cause he never talks to anyone, and he also said that it was a good thing

2007-12-27 22:35:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

yeah..um.no he deff. doesn't text anyone cause a lot of people get really mad at him for it

2007-12-27 22:51:49 · update #1

15 answers

haha this is too cute. i'd say he likes you. and the fact that you're thinking about him at 3 in the morning makes it even sweeter. puppy love in our modern day, haha. texting is such a good way to flirt and get to know someone. next time you're texting him try being a bit more aggressive, i.e telling him you think he's a really sweet guy, or that he's really cute. good luck =D

2007-12-27 22:41:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It might be a good thing since you both spoke through texts for 3hours. You should go up to him and ask him yourself. Until you find out for sure just try to forget about it so your not beating yourself up over it in the mean time. Good Luck!

2007-12-28 06:44:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well yea it probably that he does like u too but might be shy in these thing to even tell his friend cause i used to be like that....
yea well he doesnt really text and he texted u to talk to u for 3 hr then yea most likely he does but he might wanna make sure 100% before anythin if hes the way i think he is
so try texting him and see if he responds

2007-12-28 06:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by retrogrease 3 · 0 0

first of all... how do you know that this guy never texts neone.... maybe he and his best friend are just working sum way up so that you are the one who asks him out bcoz maybe he doesnt wants to take the initiative or may be he is confused about your feelings..... so dont take the words of his best friend, get him out of the scenario and ask the person yourself.... and ya if you people go out sumtime just check the outbox of his cell and see whether he really doesnt texts neone ar was it just to know your fellings.....

2007-12-28 06:46:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

how can you be sure he never texts other people..maybe he does..you can't really be certain...if he doesn't like you say then maybe he's interested...that's a good sign..just try to get to know him first and become friends.

2007-12-28 06:54:58 · answer #5 · answered by what goes around comes around 3 · 0 0

yea it is a pretty good chance tht he likes u hes probably just shy and 2 nervous 2 talk to u in person.

2007-12-28 06:42:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its a good sign that he texted you first

if you want to know if he likes you just ask. or invite him to share a coffee or somehitng.

stop stressing about it and the over analizing will leak into your conversations with him and possible scare him off.

just be yourself.

2007-12-28 06:39:27 · answer #7 · answered by LBB 5 · 0 0

Instead of texting him, CALL HIM & and ask him if he likes you! Hands down.

2007-12-28 06:54:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

when in doubt, ask him yourself. never rely on other people to do your "dirty work" because SOMETHING (usually an important SOMETHING) always gets lost in the mix. Ever hear of the "telephone game?"

2007-12-28 06:45:17 · answer #9 · answered by :-) 6 · 0 0

Just ask him. The worst that will happen is he says no. Then you can move on and not wonder anymore.

2007-12-28 06:44:28 · answer #10 · answered by Ryan 2 · 0 0