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2007-12-27 21:40:26 · 17 answers · asked by Andurei 3 in Sports Cycling

17 answers

both are safe provided you know where you are going ;)

2007-12-27 21:43:41 · answer #1 · answered by Q 2 · 1 0

Those who think riding a motorcycle is dangerous ----when those bikes crash, the risk of the bike smashing a rider is MORE lethal while a BMX or mt. bike will just give you a scab or two. Most in motorcycles break MORE bones than freeriders, bro. I suggest those motorcyclists to view the 'Red Bull Rampage' Retrospective DVD set ( yep ---5 to be exact) and see the most dangerous stunts ever conceived on mt. bikes done by pros----and dare to do the same insane stunts on motorcycles ( make sure you got insurance ready or you'll need more credit cards for the bill-----).

2007-12-28 21:00:31 · answer #2 · answered by hummerhead2002 7 · 0 1

Riding a motorcycle.

2007-12-28 05:42:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Neither, since it depends upon the person doing the riding.

Lets start with the motorbike.

These come, like push bikes, in several styles. However, falling off encounters similar problems. Firstly, if you hit something head on, like a car pulling out on you, your momentum means that you will keep going. Three danger points hear. One, before you leave the bike fully, you may rip your fumbs off (Pull them to the top before impact) and your nads (Bashing the clocks as you fly over the bars). Two, Hitting the car or whatever you bashed into (Highest probability of death or serious injury hear). Three, the road (Best to try and role as you hit the road. As long as you stay ont the road and don't hit anything else, you should be OKish - This is where the tripple layered leathers, crash helmet and back protector come in handy). The best way to avoid injury is to go loose and floppy, but keep your arms in.

Side drop. This is quite a common one for poor weather or hitting diesel. You are cornering and all of a sudden, you lose traction. I have had this happen a few times and the way I managed to avoid the drop was to put my foot down and push up. This doesn't always work however and if you are going down it is best to lie down with the bike before pushing clear (You do not want to be anywhere near a quarter ton of metal that is careering down the road). Again, as long as you are wearing leathers, the gravel rash should not be too bad and so it is only if you hit something else that you will encounter problems. Note: keep your arms tucked in.

Rear shunt. Had this happen at a roundabout. The car behind was too busy looking at the traffic on the roundabout to look ahead of him. Fortunately, this was low speed, so I just got to hit his insurance.

Side Swipe. Either you, or the other guy miss judges it and your bike gets side swiped. This is usually where you look at a trip to A and E, since the potential for break and crush injuries is quite high, as is the possibility of amputation.

There are other ways of crashing a bike (Off road offers lots of potential), but these are the most common.

For push bikes, you have exactly the same type of accidents. Although you do not have to wear leathers or healmets. The net result will include gravel rash. XC and Downhill can also produce some interesting injuries. The speeds are lower, but the potential for accidents are higher. I have fallen off of my push bike more often than a motorcycle. This is probably because I didn't have 750 cc backing when I tried to get up a particularly tricky hill. Also, I would not have taken the motorbike anywhere near a trea root or particularly muddy bit.

However, the push bike suffers from a bit of an unfortunate image problem as far as your average car driver goes. Car drivers are an egocentric lot and, while they dislike motorcycles as a bread, at least they view them as fellow road users and are more likely to stop if they hit you. Push bikes are not viewed as being allowed onto the public highway and if you are hit, there is a strong possibility that they will take two seconds to consider the points of their licence and no claims bonus before abandoning you to blead to death in the gutter.

However, the most dangerous form of transport is neither of the bikes, but the car. Consider. There is less that 1 mm of metal between you and that other car that is powering towards you at 80. Also, if you hit another vehicle pulling out, you will stop dead. At least your body will. Your internal organs will keep going causing all sorts of problems. Those bags of shopping on the back seat also become projectile weopons. You will also never have to be cut out of the wreckage of a push bike. Unfortunately, that 1mm of metal gives the illusion of safety that many parents will buy into when thinking of transport for their loved one.

However, nothing beats experience. A motor bike will teach you about hazard awareness. Push bikes have the added advantage of getting you fit (Adding decades to you potential longevity). Complacency is learnt in a car and it is a constant battle against the central heating and your favourate tunes to stay as sharp and alert as you should.

A good book to read is the following:


It is published by HMSO and serves as the motorcylce training manual for the Police. It is a good place to start.


2007-12-28 16:12:28 · answer #4 · answered by Alice S 6 · 0 1

Both are dangerous if the propper precautions are not taken. However due to the power, weight and position into traffic of a motorcycle it tends to be more dangerous. So I have to say .. Motorcycle.

2007-12-28 08:55:17 · answer #5 · answered by Tarmac Skin 2 · 0 1

I ride both. They are as dangerous as each other though the motorbike is more fun. So many people said motorcycle but how many of you have ridden one. For those that have never ridden a motorcycle, your answer is worthless. 20 years for me.

2007-12-28 05:43:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Technically they are both bicycles however statistically speaking the bike is more dangerous because young kids also ride where as older kids ride the other thus less accidents ..

2007-12-28 05:53:28 · answer #7 · answered by boscowood 4 · 0 1

IMO, the motorcycle is more dangerous. You are going significantly faster. If you fall off, your body has much more kinetic energy when it hits the ground.

2007-12-28 11:02:27 · answer #8 · answered by intrepidfae 7 · 0 1

It all depends on you if you think all the time and take all precautions a Motorbike is safe. A pushbike is safe if all care is taken but if other road users do not have the same care as you neither is safe as the standard excuse is I did not see it either the motorbike or the push bike . More get killed on Motorbikes ~~

2007-12-28 05:52:48 · answer #9 · answered by burning brightly 7 · 0 1

On my bicycles, I'm a paragon of virtue.

On my motorcycles, I'm a hooligan.


2007-12-28 07:42:29 · answer #10 · answered by Steve C 5 · 0 1

MORE dangerous- motorcycle.
but you can also die riding a bicycle in almost every situation. bicycle is also really really dangerous

2007-12-28 07:56:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1