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does it work?
i want to use it as a webcam.
i think it is possible but i want to know if any of you have ever gotten it to work.
i might try downloading eyecreate on my computer and seeing if that will do anything...
any help will be aprieciated.
i know the eyetoy works on the pc.

2007-12-27 21:34:01 · 1 answers · asked by S.I.C.K. 3 in Consumer Electronics Games & Gear PlayStation

1 answers

You can bet it will be possible, but noone has done it yet. drivers have to be made for windows and linux, or mac, that will run the thing. It didn't take too long for other ps2 and ps3 hardware, though.

the eyetoy works, but it's been around a lot longer. At first, it didn't work, either. It had to be hacked as well. The PSEye is just too new. (At least, I couldn't find one in 5 minutes, which normally can if there is one available for the public)

On the other hand, if you already have a pc webcam, try it out on your ps3. It'll work, most likely. One of the firmware updates included support for pc webcams.

2007-12-27 22:43:34 · answer #1 · answered by kozzm0 7 · 1 0