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I usually brush my hair when i get out of the shower and then blow dry it. But then some people tell me i shouldn't brush my hair when it's wet...My mom tells me that if i don't blow dry it i'll catch a cold...what should i do?

2007-12-27 21:04:37 · 4 answers · asked by Aimee 3 in Beauty & Style Hair

4 answers

You should use a wide tooth comb on your hair when it's wet, not a brush. Brushing it causes the hair to snap and break off therefore leading to loss of hair. Try spraying a de tangling product on your hair after towel drying it but before combing it. The 'catch a cold with wet hair' thing is an old wives tale. There is no scientific proof. The best way to go about it is leave your hair to dry naturally for 20 mins while you get dressed, brush your teeth, do your make up etc and then blow dry the last part.

2007-12-27 21:36:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Never Ever brush your hair when they are wet. that could be the only reason why u are losing your hair. try not to do that. Also, blow dry the hair only when they are half dried up naturally. i am sure you cannot catch cold so easily. so just give it some time, try to ease them with your fingers if required, but never use the comb.


2007-12-28 05:11:44 · answer #2 · answered by anousha_patil 2 · 0 0

my hair breaks off all the time.
1. maybe you should jus stop getting it wet all the time when you get in the shower.like that makes no sense. but put a cap over your hair to keep it dry so everyday you dont have to blow dry it all the time. when you hair is wet it can break off more

2007-12-28 05:13:33 · answer #3 · answered by beansabeans 1 · 0 1

I recommend seeing a physician, who might refer you to a dermatologist. Perhaps its being caused by a thyroid problem or autoimmune issue?

A similar thing happened to my sis when she was 16. She'd broken up with her BF three months before........which is interesting because I've read that three months after a stressful even is when hair can start doing that. Did something stressful happen in Sept?

P.S.--My sis' hair is OK now.....

2007-12-28 06:07:30 · answer #4 · answered by YearoftheRat 5 · 0 0