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It shoots a 300 gr. copper coated hollow point

2007-12-27 16:52:44 · 17 answers · asked by Preston 1 in Sports Outdoor Recreation Hunting

17 answers

No it can not because it needs to be a subsonic round and it is illegal. A federal crime, with no parole, if convicted.

2007-12-27 16:57:09 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 1 7

Yes it can be done. But there are problems. While there are extended barrels for the DE that are easily threaded to attach a silencer, there are no 50 caliber pistol silencers mass produced at this time as far as I know. You can contact one of the major manufacturers in the USA (you live in the USA right?) and have one custom made, but it will probably cost more than $1000. One of the manufacturers may be able to make a 50 caliber steel version of an aluminum 45 caliber silencer.

You must also live in one of the 35 states that allow civilians to own silencers without a license. Then there is the tax stamp (this is routine) to obtain and $200 tax to pay to the ATF.

If you know how to operate a lathe, then you can make your own silencer. Plans are available from the US patent office online or at the below links. This also requires the same $200 tax and stamp from the ATF. The 50 AE cartridge used in the DE is high pressure like a rifle's, so any sturdy silencer is going to add 1-2 pounds of weight to the gun unless titanium is used. A good silencer will reduce muzzle blast noise by 20-30 decibels (100 to 1000 times), so it is suitable for use on supersonic cartridges, but will be louder than a gun with subsonic ammo. Good luck.

The license to manufacture silencers is the routinely issued FFL/SOT. If you want to make a silencer without a license, then you just use the ATF form 1 to obtain the tax stamp. Contrary to what randy c says above, ATF approval is routine for those who fill out the paperwork correctly, and the typical wait time is 1-2 months now. Nothing on the ATF from 1 (make) or the form 4 (buy) allows the ATF to violate your fourth amendment rights against being secure in your home. Licensed dealers/manufacturer/importers are subject to one inspection a year (more if there are problems with them), but the average person who legally makes a silencer does not have to worry about the ATF caring about his/her stuff unless they are breaking other laws.


2007-12-30 02:04:39 · answer #2 · answered by ranb40 5 · 1 1

Desert Eagle Silencer

2016-11-03 23:08:48 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

first, outside of hollywood, there is no such thing as a "silencer" only a "noise suppressor". could a suppressor be made for a desert eagle? yes. would it work? no. First off, the bullet has to travel sub sonic, that is, slower than the speed of sound. Which the .50 does not. but, if you loaded the round light enough to make it sub sonic, it would not cycle the action of that big heavy desert eagle, or have anykind of performance. The sound of the slide working on that pistol alone is quite loud as well. Lastly, it is illegal to manufacture a silencer. It is a big time felony. Yes, you can legally purchase a silencer, but you have to go through a very tough background investigation which takes from 3 months to a year, then you have to purchase a $200.00 tax stamp, and open yourself up to inspection of your residence by the ATFE at any time. They will be checking to see if the supppressor is stored in a manner that meets their approval. That you have the tax stamp and paperwork with the suppressor at all times etc.

2007-12-28 05:07:45 · answer #4 · answered by randy 7 · 2 1

Can it be made... well yes.

Is it legal... depends

Is it effective... not as much as you would think / like. They tend to work better with subsonic rounds

If you are talking about a commercially available "silencer" or suppressor... you would most likely need a threaded barrel in order to screw one on to the end.

As others have said... a Tax stamp would need to be purchased in order to make this a legal operation.

If talking about an illegal modification, such as a garage made suppressor, etc... anything is possible. Just expect to go to jail for a period of time if caught with one...let alone use one... even if just "plinking" at a range.

2007-12-28 04:46:11 · answer #5 · answered by C M 3 · 4 0

It is possible to make a silencer that will reduce the sound of the shot but it will be rather large. The problem will be with the sonic wave produced by the bullet traveling faster than the speed of sound. This wave will not be reduced and will cause a loud crack. The only way to successfully supress the sound of a gun is by using sub-sonic rounds along with a properly designed sound suppressor (silencer).

2007-12-28 00:36:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Look while its great to have people answer gun question here. People need to consider some thing. What if some one’s answer is misunderstood and they end up in jail or prison?
Think liability here folks. Say you are asked how many grains of H110 to use in a given round and you recommend x amount and they try it and blow their gun up from some blunder of their own? They could in a court of law find YOU libel for their accident. Or if some one asks any of a number of gun questions and you answer in a way that could remotely make you accessory to the fact you could be in cuffs for aiding and abetting. This has happened before on the internet.

I am not trying to tell folks what to do, just advising caution.

As for this question;
You can even go to jail for having one on a air rifle or paintball gun;

As said by JD and Beeds you have to have ATF tax stamp for one.
A silencer is considered a weapon by it self on an air gun that is not classed as a firearm.
Those crazy gun laws again.

2007-12-27 17:34:23 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 3 1

Anything is possible. But it would be pointless and hardly effective.. Who would want or try to supress or silence a 50 caliber Desert "EAGLE" ??
It would make a better boat anchor, than a practical handgun.

*William B......There are currently 35 states that allow the use and possession of Suppressor/Silencers and as long as you have a proper BATFE approved application and pay the $200 Tax Stamp fee, they are perfectly 100% LEGAL to own, use or build, nor is it a Federal Offense in states where LEGAL....Sorry.

2007-12-27 17:01:26 · answer #8 · answered by JD 7 · 9 2

No because the DE is a pos. That would look so much more stupid that it already does.

I am sure you could but it would not work all that well. Like someone else said the rounds need to be subsonic. If the bullet is supersonic the suppressor would suppress the sound of the escaping gas but not the supersonic crack of the bullet.

2007-12-28 02:08:47 · answer #9 · answered by cpttango30 5 · 0 3

Yes it can, BUT its illegal big time;
Read what the Judge thought of a silencer.
As another stated it would have to be sub sonic ammo.

JD is right again. But I tend to avoid letting people know about that. For if they were educated enough about guns they wouldn't need to ask that. So I am a bit concerned about bringing up ways to get one.

Ok who is going thumb down crazy?

EDIT; Look if you make a silencer with out the proper ATF Approval you go to jail. I knew a fool who made some in the 80s to show off with; he went to prison. Fact. Now bring on more thumbs down!

Ok here is the dope on silencers and the states that allow them;

2007-12-27 17:06:25 · answer #10 · answered by Bear Crap 7 · 4 3

Not legally.

You might be able to purchase one if you wished to pay the Federal Tax, and file all the state and Federal paperwork, but it is not worth the effort. Sound suppressors don't work as well in real life as they do in the movies.


2007-12-27 18:47:49 · answer #11 · answered by Doc Hudson 7 · 2 2

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