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I am a 17 y/o boy who tries to stay as healthy as possible. I am currently taking two multivitamins each day. I am thinking of buying Natural Brand™ Spirulina and Vitamin B-Complex 50 from the GNC. I will use them as a complement.

I only want the Vitamin B supplement because of the metabolism increase. I want to take Spirulina because of the protein.

Assuming that I take what is recommended of each supplement, do you think there is a risk that I still might overdose? Should I just choose one of the supplements in addition to the multivitamins? In that case, would multivitamins and spirulina make a good combo?

2007-12-27 16:01:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

3 answers

u need to chill, ur only 17 not 71, just eat regular healthy food and ur fine.

2007-12-27 16:06:28 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Best thing to do, my friend, is to eat a normal healthy diet, keep well hydrated, and take only one multivitamin a day. It's important to know that in the area of dietary supplements more is not better. In fact, more can actually be harmful. If you eat a normal healthy diet, keep well hydrated and get a goodly amount of regular exercise you will be healthy for many years to come. You might even live to be 100 - not kidding, dude.

2007-12-27 16:10:45 · answer #2 · answered by Richard B 7 · 0 0

the 1st/2nd answerers are probably vegetarian and if he thinks beef is the 2d worst poison, then he desires to do somewhat greater study.eating deadly nightshade is lots greater unsafe.eating spoiled water additionally, ask Africans, Being bitten by means of a mosquito, or a snake and so on. and so on. that's not the customary of the burger it is undesirable that's the quantity human beings eat. Plus they're too frequently served with chips. a hand-crafted Burger, grilled, with salad and new potatoes provides you with a sturdy balanced meal. Out of the 6 billion human beings on the planet approximately 4 billion could eat a burger in selection to what they ought to eat on a on a regular basis foundation.

2016-10-20 03:18:35 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0