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Hello everyone! I am 16 year old girl, with a pretty big weight problem. I am about 5'3, and weigh about 180 pounds. Frankly, I am tired of being overweight, and have fineally decided to take a stand. I HAVE to lose weight. Not only for it to help me look better, but also for my future health. It has taken me a long time to reach this point, this point of refusing to succumb to the restraints of being overweight. Im done with dealing with it, and now i am trying to move on. For a while now, I have thoroughly devised a plan to my weight loss. I want to only consume about 1000 calories a day, and workout for 2:30 hours during the week, 3:30 hours on friday, and 5:00 hours on the weekend.And every day drinking about 6 bottles of water, and two cups of green tea. My questions are, Does my plan have any flaws? And, How long would it take for me to lose 60 pounds? Thank you so much for listening to me, i humbly appreciate you all.

2007-12-27 14:42:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

For your FREAKIN information theonewiththequestion_13 the last time i went to the gym (wich was about a week ago) i went on the eliptical for one hour and 45 minuets STRIAGHT...

2007-12-29 11:13:38 · update #1

4 answers

First of all, you shouldn't consume any less than 1200 calories daily...

Second of all, do you honestly think you're going to be able to work out over 11 hours in a week?!

It sounds to me like this is your first attempt in dieting and weight loss. You shouldn't try to go too hardcore with dieting, it's just too much for someone barely starting out.

I would suggest consuming a minimum of 1200 calories (no junk/fast food, soda, sugary crap), consume around 8 glasses of water daily (6 is fine, too), and do 45-60 minutes of cardio 3-6 times a week (do NOT exercise every day...you should not overwhelm yourself).

I think you could lose 60 pounds in about 5-6 months, depening on how dedicated you are in the LONG run.

2007-12-27 14:51:07 · answer #1 · answered by Britta Britta 6 · 0 0

I think it's good that you are finally ready to make a change. That's the first step.

You are being VERY ambitious with your plans, though, and I think that might be a flaw. 1000 calories is not enough for you to be eating a day. You should talk to your family doctor and see if he or she can help you get started on a diet regimen. He or she will be able to tell you how many calories a day is healthy.

If you're not exercising at all now, going from nothing to that very intense workout plan you have planned for yourself will be extremely difficult. Why not start out vowing to walk for a half hour 5 days a week or something like that? You can always step up intensity and time spent, etc.

It's healthy to lose 2-3 pounds a week, so on average, it will take you about 7 months or so to lose 60 pounds.

Good luck!

2007-12-27 22:53:55 · answer #2 · answered by That's not my name 7 · 0 0

From what I can see, it would be a good idea to increase your calorie intake by at least 200 calories in order to keep your body from going into starvation where there's a chance it'll cling onto any food it can get. This is especially important since you are working out way more often than what your body is used to.

It's great that you are drinking water and green tea... two of my favourite drinks!

One more thing I'd like to add is just be sure you are eating balanced meals --- whole grains, lean meats for protein, low-cal dairy, fruits and vegetables and all those kinds of goodies, while keeping processed foods to as much of a minimum as possible.

Good luck! It's awesome that you are takin' charge of a new, healthy lifestyle!

B.T.W --- you should be able to drop 60 pounds fairly quickly... keep in mind 2 pounds a week is a safe amount of weight loss.

2007-12-27 22:53:06 · answer #3 · answered by Life is Beautiful 2 · 0 0

Honestly, I think that you are going a little crazy on the exercise.
Your body weight doesnt seem like it would be able to exercise for more than 20 minutes at a time, no less 5 hours.
No offense or anything.

2007-12-27 23:19:54 · answer #4 · answered by theonewiththequestions_13 3 · 0 0