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i have a university degree and if i can obtain the correct visa i can go anywhere in the world. if someone could point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.

2007-12-27 13:30:14 · 9 answers · asked by john t 1 in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

uk training is expensive, and as the pound is strong against other currencies and the english weather is bad i thought i would give this a go.

2007-12-27 13:40:54 · update #1

9 answers

United States Military...or in Florida

2007-12-27 13:32:59 · answer #1 · answered by Albert H 4 · 2 0

You may want to have a look at South Africa. I have been out of the country for 4 years, but do remember that several years ago, many people from all over the world, and particularly the UK came to South Africa for flight training due to the relatively low cost.
The SA currency is still relatively weak against the UK pound, wages are generally lower, and Avgas is not as heavily taxed as in the UK.
Flying training is based on the British model and is of a high standard.
Cost of living is also relatively cheap.
Good luck.

2007-12-28 03:48:03 · answer #2 · answered by paullie1 1 · 1 0

There are schools all over the world, some that also have campus's every where as well. As to type of school it all depends on what your goals are. Due to post 9/11 requirements most schools will require an extensive backround check prior to admission to a flight program. If you intend to continue schooling along with flight training I would check out Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as they have campuses around the globe(I went there). If you are just desiring to learn to fly but unsure of how far you shall go with training I would start with getting a private license which would allow you to investigate your probability of further training and ability without large expense. It is not cheap but there are various licenses and amounts of hours required that all total leads to an expensive proposal

2007-12-27 21:39:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Florida is the flight training capital of the world, and the cheapest place I know of. There is a flight school at almost every airport and several at every international airport (except for MCO and MIA, Class Bravo). Look on the internet, most offer JAA courses and student loan programs also. I train lots of foreigners in Sanford. The school will also take care of your visa application. And dont worry about the background check, its not very difficult to pass, the US government isnt really worried about terrorism from foreign student pilots, thats just a bunch of propaganda hype.

2007-12-28 03:20:14 · answer #4 · answered by joepilot 1 · 2 0

Don't come to the USA. Some foreign nationals have already knocked down the World Trade Center towers. We now look suspiciously on any foreigners who get pilot training.

2007-12-27 21:37:55 · answer #5 · answered by googie 7 · 0 1

Dept. of Homeland Security in the United States.

2007-12-27 21:34:20 · answer #6 · answered by James S. 2 · 0 0

In this day of terrorist attacks the minute you ask such a question people think you are a militant trying to learn how to fly planes to blow up buildings. Don't they have training in the U.K? Have you called up British Airways and asked how one goes about working for them?

2007-12-27 21:37:45 · answer #7 · answered by phillygirlz 3 · 0 0

Jordan or Egypt

2007-12-27 21:43:15 · answer #8 · answered by young_widow_in_black 4 · 0 0

Don't even go there. 9-11 comes to my mind.....

2007-12-27 21:34:31 · answer #9 · answered by blondie 2 · 0 0