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I ran my first Half Marathon this December. It was the St. Jude's Memphis Marathon and I finished really strong. I am looking for a good first full marathon in the mid to late spring, and wanted to know your thoughts. PLEASE do not reply and say it is too early to do a full marathon, I have already completed a 20 mile long run in a moderately hilly area. I just want to make sure this marathon has good support, runner friendly, and is a good overall experience. There are mixed reviews at http://www.marathonguide.com/races/racedetails.cfm?MIDD=1726060429 but that doesn't mean much to me because there was a lot of criticism about the St. Judes and I thought it was great! Somebody who has run both the Memphis and Louisville Marathon input would be appreciated.

2007-12-27 12:01:57 · 1 answers · asked by cmbriggs3 2 in Sports Running

1 answers

If you're ready, then it's a good marathon, just research the course so you know where the hills are, if there are any.

I don't really go on others opinion, I run a race and decide for myself, some people are just too critical. I have yet to run a race that I didn't enjoy.

Good luck.

2007-12-29 11:45:00 · answer #1 · answered by WestCoastin4Life 7 · 0 1