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Which is best for street self defence? Dont say Karate or boxing. All arts are not equal. If they were, karate black belts would be winning mma and never get beat up outside the dojo. In my opinion, its 50% person and 50% art.

2007-12-27 10:17:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

5 answers

Saying it's the art, is like trying to blame misspelled words on your pencil: You can't do it.
If you're talking about how people train, then yes. If you train to kill, you learn to kill. If you train to score a point, then you learn to score a point. That's what matters.
Skill > Training Method > Style
There's actually alot of Karate black belts that win in striking contests like k-1, but they all take a HARD style of karate like Seidokaikan, Enshin, or Kyokushin. Their success lies within their training. When you say "Black belts would be winning with MMA," you're being completely clueless on the combat ranges that Karate covers. Do you expect a boxer to do well in a grappling match? What about the opposite? Think about it. Styles like that don't fail because their ineffective: They fail in MMA because they're missing certain fighting ranges, hence why people cross-train.

Try out all of them, and research them. They revolve around each other in some way or another. If you take Jeet Kune Do concepts, you can be taking anywhere from 2- more than 30 different styles, just like MMA. Krav Maga has a lot of concepts that are centered around Aikijujutsu, and the training is specifically centered toward preparing for self-defense with all the dirty tactics and renditions you can think of. It really depends on what you want, and it's not a matter of which is best. You have to find that out on your own.

2007-12-27 11:26:23 · answer #1 · answered by Kenshiro 5 · 1 0


You can't really compare all 3 of those, Jeet Kune Do is virtually impossible to learn because most supposedly called "Masters" are phony. Unless you go to one of the 3 or some number dojos on the planet where Bruce Lee invented it.

But to be completely honest, MMA would do best for self defense and also has a good amount of offense in it so you get a piece of the action, but why not do it for sport too, it's beautiful.

Good luck with it.

2007-12-27 10:24:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You wouldn't have very many competitors if there was absolutely no rules. No matter how good you are, would you want to compete in an event knowing that you could very well leave blind because of eye gouging? I know I wouldn't. Self-defense on the street is one thing, but I wouldn't voluntarily enter something where eye-gouging was legal. That being said, in the early UFC's, grappling fights took forever. However, today so many fighters are so well rounded in both striking and grappling, that I don't think the fights would take like 30 minutes, but I do think they would take a lot longer. Essentially I think you'd end up with fights that are mainly on the ground 99% of the time, and the fighters would strike a lot on the ground until one of them can't continue anymore.

2016-04-11 03:59:14 · answer #3 · answered by Janet 4 · 0 0

for STREET self defense krav, if you dont mind going to jail for killing the guy you got in a bar fight with. mma is designed for sport fighting with rules like no hitting over the head with beer bottle. in a sanctioned fight mma. people who are actually skilled in a street or combat style self defense should be able to handle those who are not. but like i said before if you tear a guys arm off in a bar fight, have fun in jail

2007-12-27 11:20:05 · answer #4 · answered by spacemonkey1958 5 · 0 0

MMA because single martial arts mainly focuses on either defense or offense. but when you mix them (mixed martial arts) you have an equal amount of offense and defense. but when you are talking about self defense. you dont want to just block attacks thrown at you, you want to try and stun them with your offense also.

2007-12-27 10:43:39 · answer #5 · answered by B-B-B-Bozeman 3 · 1 0

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