I was 19. My mother told me to find someplace else to live. I got a job and was out within a month. Moved in with a "sister" four years older than I who wanted to move out from her JW mother.
But I was still welcome in my parents' home. They are Christians not affiliated with a particular denomination.
Being asked to move, though, was great for my notion of expecting "persecution" as a Christian and that being part of the "proof" that the witnesses were "true" Christianity.
Funny, my parents and non-witness family never really shunned me. But the witnesses do now, because I left them. Even though I was never disfellowshipped. Just quit. On principle.
2007-12-27 08:37:50
answer #1
answered by Suzanne 5
I raised with my mother who is JW. I become JW also. When my mother started the study my father made troubles in house and after some time he left. Also we have problem with the rest family. After some years, when my sister married, my father returned at home.
For Weird Darryl
If you have a question create a new topic, don't ruin other...classic opposers..
2007-12-27 16:33:03
answer #2
answered by Cretan1986 2
I was born a Witness. The Witnesses are presantly growing very slowly, mainly due to kids born to Witness families that come of age, not to door to door converts.
In 2005 approx 250,000 added and 150,000 disfellowshipped. That would be a net of 100,000 which is approx 2% growth. The population of the world is growing by approx 2%.
Watchtower 7/1/02 page 19
"Yes, it is faith-strengthening to consider the main points of Isaiah chapter 60. It is comforting to see that so far in advance, Jehovah knew that his people would go into a spiritual exile and then be restored. It astounds us that so far in advance, Jehovah foresaw the great increase in the numbers of true worshipers in our day. Moreover, how comforting it is to remember that Jehovah will not leave us! How loving the assurance that the gates of “the city” will always stay open to receive hospitably those who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life”! (Acts 13:48) Jehovah will continue to shine upon his people. Zion will continue to be a cause of pride as her children let their light shine brighter and brighter. (Matthew 5:16) Surely we are more determined than ever to stay close to the Israel of God and to cherish our privilege of reflecting Jehovah’s light!
Wow, what a great increase. Roughly at the rate of the Worlds population.
Good job!! Better get out there door knocking!!
2007-12-27 16:45:11
answer #3
answered by isnrblogdotcalm 5
Former Jehovah's Witnesses? Did you family members/friends turn their backs on you after you left the JWs?
2007-12-27 16:28:48
answer #4
answered by Weird Darryl 6
Darryl you are right, you are weird, isnrblog you were not born a JW you have to make the choice to become a JW. I was raised by parents that are JW as I came to know and love Jehovah I dedicated my life to him and symbolize my dedication by baptism.
2007-12-27 18:11:00
answer #5
answered by Vivimos en los Ultimos Dias 5
My family was baptist, though not all of them practiced their faith. No, they did not turn their backs on me when I chose to follow the Truth.......some didn't like it, but oh well! I'm happy!
2007-12-27 17:23:50
answer #6
answered by sugarbee 7
There is no honorable way to leave the WT.
2007-12-27 16:37:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My dad was 'Church of Christ'
My mom was 'Presbyterian'
Both were 'disappointed in me, until they learned all the lies they had been told about were that, LIES.
My mother got to the point of telling me about her neighbors that could use the bible for help in their lives.
She was always telling me to go and talk to "so and so" cause her husband just left her, their father just died, etc.
Wow, three thumbs down for telling the truth.
2007-12-27 17:29:27
answer #8
answered by TeeM 7