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im planning a bridal shower and were playing who knows her best. i need questions!!! please!

2007-12-27 08:13:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

11 answers

First pet? Mother's maiden name? Middle name? First crush? First pet? Ideal job? Favourite film? Favourite food? Favourite colour? First kiss? Best friend? Shoe size? Favourite animal? Eye colour? Favourite tv series? Mobile phone make? Mobile network? Siblings names? Date of birth? Favourite music? Favourite song? Favourite artist? Favourite actor? Favourite soap? Favourite place?

That's 25 questions for you to take ideas from.

2007-12-27 08:54:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1) What's her favorite color?
2) Do you prefer a man in boxers or briefs?
3) Does she like a fireman or policeman better?
4) What's her favorite animal?
5) What's her favorite pizza?
6) What's her favorite alocholic drink?
7) What's her favorite non-alocholic drink?
8) What's her favorite liquor or beer?
9) Where does she want to go on her honeymoon? (dream place)
10) Where did she get engaged?
11) Where is she getting married?
12) Where is she acutally going on her honeymoon? (actually if different from her dream place)
13) Does she want kids?
14) How many kids does she want?
15) Does she prefer a boy or a girl?
16) Where does she work?
17) Who is her best friend?
18) What is her fiances name?
19) Does she have any brothers or sisters?
20) If so what are there names and gender?
21) Where does she live? (the whole address)
22) Does she smoke?
23) What is her favorite cuddling or kissing?
24) Which does she prefer night walk on the beach or a night out at the movies?
25) Does she prefer a couples night out or a just her and her fiance's night out?
26) What's her favorite book?
27) Who's her favorite author?
28) What is her favorite thing about herself?
29) What is her favorite thing about her fiance? (body part)
30) What does her fiance do that she loves? (action)
31) Does she prefer a bath or a shower?
32) Cat lover or dog lover?
33) what her favorite dog?

You really get to know the bride when you play this game. Have fun with it. (if there's little kids involved then don't go too crazy if there isn't then have lots of fun with this.)

NON-Kids Questions:
1) favorite sex position?
2) leather or lace?
3) sexy night or nothing?

2007-12-27 08:31:48 · answer #2 · answered by Starsky 3 · 5 0

(Thanks to Michele T.)

COST: $0 - $5.00 and the cost of the prize(s) you give away.

Details: Have the hostess sit down with the bride and write down around 25 questions about her. There will only be one master sheet with the answers that nobody will see. You can personalize this sheet by writing


1. How many tattoos does the bride have?

2. How old is the bride-to-be?

3. What color eyes does the bride-to-be have?

4. At what age did (insert name) Carol meet (insert name) Tom?

5. Where did the wedding proposal take place?

6. What is the bride-to-be's favorite color?

7. What type of car does the bride-to-be drive?

8. When is the wedding date?

9. What size shoe does the bride-to-be wear?

10. Does the bride-to-be prefer a panty or a thong?

Etc ... up to 25 questions. (the questions can be as funny as you want. They can also be as racy as you want depending on the guests and the bride-to-be's preference)

The person who answers the most questions correctly wins a prize.

Note: Be sure to let everyone know there is no cheating and no talking!!

2007-12-27 08:19:56 · answer #3 · answered by Brandee 5 · 5 0

here are some that i have used int he past. 1. What is your favorite food? 2. What is your favorite animal? 3. What is your all-time favorite song? 4. If you could build a house and live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 5. What is your favorite part of your man’s anatomy? 6. What is your favorite color? 7. What part of your home is most important to you? 8. What one piece of clothing do you like best? 9. What drink do you like to order most when you eat out? 10. Who is your favorite female vocalist? 11. Who is your favorite male vocalist? 12. Who is your favorite music band? 13. What is your favorite TV show? 14. How many kids, if any, do you WANT to have? 15. How many kids, if any, WILL you have? 16. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be? 17. What is your biggest fear, or the thing that scares you the most? 18. What part of your anatomy, face to toes, do you like best about yourself? 19. What is your biggest pet peeve? 20. If you had ONE wish from a Jeannie, what would it be? 21. What is her Favorite childhood Toy? 22. Where is her hometown? 23. What was her first pet, and what was it’s name? 24. Where did bride & groom meet? 24. Where was the first date? 25. when did she know he was the one?

2016-03-13 23:25:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where did Sally meet Joe?
Where did they go on their first date?
Who introduced them?
What class did they have together?
How old is Sally?
What is her mother's name?
What colege/university/high schools did they attend? (pick only one to ask)
What is her favorite soft drink?
What was the first gift he gave her?
Where did he propose?
What is his mother's name?
How many sisters do they have combined?
What is their wedding date?
What are the colors in her wedding?
What shoe size does Sally wear?
What is Sally's favorite TV show?
What is their favorite restaurant?
What is his best friend's name?

This game is a good conversation starter. However I would ask Sally to answer the questions beforehand so there won't be any favoritism shown.

2007-12-27 08:24:54 · answer #5 · answered by Woods 7 · 3 0

FAvorite movie
Worst Movie

Favorite band
Worst band

Favorite member of a band

Favorite reletive (this can be fun with the right crowd)

Along wiht the usual, favorite food, favorite color etc.

2007-12-27 08:21:03 · answer #6 · answered by Marvinator 7 · 2 0

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bridal shower game "who knows her best?"?
im planning a bridal shower and were playing who knows her best. i need questions!!! please!

2015-08-24 05:59:19 · answer #7 · answered by Shanta 1 · 0 0

The City she was born in?
Her first pet's name?
What her senior prom dress looked like?
Her first car?

2007-12-27 08:22:53 · answer #8 · answered by J'adore 4 · 2 0

Where or when was their first kiss?

When did she first say "I love you"?

Who was the first person she told when she got engaged?

2007-12-27 08:35:51 · answer #9 · answered by Katie G 6 · 2 0

Day she got engaged? The first boy she kissed?

2007-12-27 08:19:42 · answer #10 · answered by a_woman_with_a_brain 3 · 2 0