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I'm just wondering who pays for the honeymoon?? I have to know because my sweetheart thanks that my parents are suppose to pay for it all.. I'm paying for most of the wedding my self because my parents aren't happy and think that i need a very very small wedding.

2007-12-27 03:48:42 · 17 answers · asked by kdrck1 2 in Family & Relationships Weddings

17 answers

For the honeymoon? Since you are both going on it, both of you. Groom's family pays for the rehearsal, Groom pays for flowers (bridal party/bride's), Groom pays for rings (hers), Bride's family pays for wedding, Bride pays for his ring. Both pay for honeymoon. At least that is how I understand it.

2007-12-27 03:52:46 · answer #1 · answered by yogurt777 3 · 4 3

There are no rules for the honeymoon.

Ordinarily, the couple pays for their honeymoon...unless someone offers. Since you are paying for most of the wedding, maybe you can talk to the parents about pitching in for the honeymoon to help alleviate some of the costs to you and your significant other.

2007-12-27 13:04:20 · answer #2 · answered by CorpCityGrl 7 · 1 0

I don't think there are any hard and fast rules anymore on who pays for what. Since you are paying for the wedding, maybe you can talk your parents into paying for the honeymoon. Or maybe, you may have to delay your honeymoon until you can pay for it yourself.

It's all highly individual. It all depends on what you want, and on what you can afford.

2007-12-27 11:55:35 · answer #3 · answered by kj 7 · 2 0

These days I think it is up to the bride & groom to pay for everything unless someone (her parents and/or his) offers to pay. Most people have everything they need or two of everything when they get together so getting money as gifts instead of more toasters is a way to help foot the bill.

2007-12-27 12:43:14 · answer #4 · answered by Pogo peeps 6 · 2 0

In my situation, the bride & groom are picking up the tab for everything relating to the day of the wedding. Others are paying for the engagement party, wedding shower, and bachelor & bachelorette parties - - - if there are going to be any.

2007-12-27 12:03:32 · answer #5 · answered by nova_queen_28 7 · 1 0

In my case, my parents decided that they would give us money for this purpose. However, I think that someone needs to OFFER the money instead of you telling someone that they are obligated to do it. If nobody offers to pay, it falls on you. Traditionally, though, I think it is the parents of the groom since the parents of the bride are "supposed to" pay for the wedding itself.

2007-12-27 11:56:11 · answer #6 · answered by Drew 3 · 1 0

the tradition is that the grooms parents are supposed to pay for the rehearsal dinner and the honeymoon. But in this day and age, traditions dont go far. me and my husband paid for our own honeymoon.

2007-12-27 12:58:31 · answer #7 · answered by Minny715 2 · 1 0

In my opinion, silly old traditions DON'T apply anymore in 2007! My fiance and I are attempting to pay for most of our wedding on our own as well. We don't feel that any one family should bare the burden of such a costly event. Both of our families have contributed in amounts that are comfortable for them and that's more than enough for us. :) I agree with you...your parents should not have to foot the bill.

Throw tradition out the window!

2007-12-27 13:15:17 · answer #8 · answered by Why? 5 · 1 0

Typically the groom pays for it. Thats his gift to the bride! But Im sure that now that you be a couple the bride can help pitch in some money to make it nicer.

2007-12-27 11:57:59 · answer #9 · answered by grassneedscutting 4 · 3 0

Wedding expenses are borne by whoever (whomever?) has volunteered to bear them. How exactly does your sweetheart expect you to MAKE your parents fork over this money? Cry? Threaten? Pout? Maybe you should give some serious thought to your parents' objections.

2007-12-27 13:18:27 · answer #10 · answered by kill_yr_television 7 · 0 1