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I am an aspiring photographer.
So for Christmas, my mom bought me tons os gadgets and filters and lens' for my camera,
but I'm really not sure when I'm supposed to use it all..
I just barely figured out the works of my camera..
I'm still very confused about aperture + shutter speed..
Well, I'll list what I got and maybe SOMEONE can help me?

Digital High Definition 2x Photo Lens
Digital High Definition 0.5x Wide Angle Lens
Fisheye Lens,( I get this one :) )
Macro Lens, (This one too ;) )
PL filter
UV filter
F-DL filter


2007-12-27 00:08:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Photography

I have a FujiFilm S700, by the way.

2007-12-27 00:24:02 · update #1

5 answers

All I know i s that the fisheye lens was designed for photographing fish's eyes under water. They are so cool I have a portfolio of fish eyes that I took with my fisheye lens

2007-12-27 09:22:14 · answer #1 · answered by coolbeans1998 3 · 0 0

aperture = The amount of light entering the camera lens expressed as a ratio. An aperture of 2.8 lets twice as much light into the camera as one of 5.6. The larger the aperture number the greater the sharp depth of the image (this is called the greater depth of field) The Aperture Preferred automatic exposer setting on your camera keeps the aperture at whatever you set it and changes the shutter speed depending on the amount of light available.

Shutter Speed is the speed of the camera shutter as it opens and closes. 1/30 is half as fast as 1/60 but lets twice as much as light into the camera. You should be able to hold the camera steady enough for a sharp at about 1/30 second or faster, otherwise use the flash. The shutter speed priority setting exposure setting on your camera keeps the shutter speed at the same setting while adjusting the apature depending on the amount of light available.

Digital High Definition 2x Photo Lens - this is Telephoto lens that makes objects in your picture seem twice as close.

Digital High Definition 0.5x Wide Angle Lens makes seem twice as far away.

PL filter (or Polarizing filter) - helps you reduce glare in your photos. Rotate the filter until the glare disappears.

UV - reduces Ultra Violet light rays in your landscape pictures.

F-DL filter - reduces color tint from florescent light sources. You may not need this as your cameras auto white balace feature probably takes care of this for you.

I hope I havent confused you more than you were when you read this.

2007-12-27 09:28:16 · answer #2 · answered by hfrankmann 6 · 0 0

You should have also mentioned the type of camera that you have and maybe somebody else can finish answering your question.

But here is some information to help you.

1. You should learn the technical aspects of photography and your camera (composition, shutter speed, rules of thirds, depth of field etc), once you understand these you will be able to create better images.

2. Shoot in "M" (manual mode) because you will have more control over your camera and not the other way around. When you are in one of the "Auto" modes the camera will just read the highlights and shadow areas and try to get you a picture. The camera is not smart enough to know what you are shooting.

3. You can start reading all kinds of books on this subject and get information from the internet. This includes web based classes, manufactures web sites to personal blogs.

4. Start shooting with your camera to get practice and from what you are learning from reading and doing you will get better. Practice does make perfect. Take notes while shooting and then look at your photos on the computer find the best one from that set and see what you did to get the shot and why you like it more than the others.

Since you have access to the internet here is a start: Some you have to pay for and some are free.. start with the free stuff of course.



Hope this helps,

2007-12-27 08:17:07 · answer #3 · answered by nikonfotos100 4 · 0 0

Digital High Definition 2x Photo Lens - Increases your telephoto ability
Digital High Definition 0.5x Wide Angle Lens - Gives you a wider picture area but without the distortion of Fisheye
Fisheye Lens,( I get this one :) ) - good
Macro Lens, (This one too ;) ) - good
PL filter - Take this out on a sunny day and turn it on the lens and you will see saturation increase and reflections disappear (polarizing filter)
UV filter - Eliminates Ultra Violet light like haze in mountain scenes, many use it as a protection for the lens leaving it on all the time.
F-DL filter - color correction for under florescent lights - pretty obsolete with the white balance abilities of digital

2007-12-27 08:22:05 · answer #4 · answered by Perki88 7 · 1 0

Wide angle lens are used for a panoramic view or something like that and filters are used to filter out light, hence the name, and adjust contrast and brightness of your pictures, Google it for more information on which filter does what, I'm not exactly sure because I never got to that in my photography class but I do know you can get some really cool effects with them.

2007-12-27 09:13:21 · answer #5 · answered by purplecows500 2 · 0 0