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In regards to a lying, cheating, two-faced, coke-head, that I happen to be in love with STILL.

I love him for who he is and aside from those things....hes funny, charming, witty, kind, intelligent, fun, wonderful taste in music, he's pretty much a millionaire, the sex is great, we were really good friends first too. BUT HE LIES TO ME AND HURTS ME OVER AND OVER

My rationale was that i love him& he will come around and realize. i know he feels bad-i can see it hurts him to see me hurt, but not enough i guess. I've been patient, understanding, and forgiving. I bite my tongue- grin and bare it....yet he continues. I've trying yelling, crying, fighting, talking....WHAT WILL WORK??? even if he never changes and I leave him with no explanation...do you think he will one day wake up & feel bad for everything he has done to me? If anything-i just want2 know that he will hurt atleast a little if I go. Knowing that, I may have the strength to go-ive just been scared bc i know he wont follow

2007-12-23 23:54:52 · 13 answers · asked by Michelle Bell 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

13 answers

I know i'm not a guy but i wanted to answer this! First, lying can be handled but cheating is where I draw the line! Like a saying goes love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to. You let him into your heart, but his trust wasn't there whats so ever! You're just in it for the wrong reasons. Most people will stay in a relationship because of the fear of getting beat if you ever break up with him, that your emotions are telling you to stay because of great sex, and maybe the money is withdrawing you from leaving because you don't want anything less! How can you say that he's a good person and a bad person at once! It's either or, sure there's times you have problems but not to an extent that it involves cheating, that's when you leave, no questions or regrets! He'll keep on doing that to you because he knows he's in control and that you wouldn't settle for anything less! Nothing will work!!! He'll be the same person no matter what, you can't change people on how they are!

2007-12-24 00:05:16 · answer #1 · answered by Rachel 3 · 0 0

Okay I know you want answers from guys but I'm in a similiar position and my mother was in the same situation. Here's the thing...

A guy can be a great friend, a great human being, a great father... but it does not mean he is a good boyfriend/husband. My father was a loving father, a fantastic friend to his all friends, a very polite and funny guy, rich, good looking, he was helping everyone.. he was simply perfect. BUT NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP! He was insulting my mother because of his own issues, it's always been that way and he never changed. My mom lost 30 years of her life with hoping maybe one day he will treat him like he treats other people, because like I said, he was a fantastic human being.

I know it's hardest thing to do leaving someone you love, in your case, when the guy has too many good qualities it's even harder. But you may be missing your chance to meet someone funny, charming, witty, kind, intelligent, fun, wonderful taste in music AND HONEST!

Be brave, honey :)

2007-12-24 08:08:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have what they call a battered wife syndrome... You justify all the evil things of your partner because you LOVE him and he will reform. You do not love him anymore rather YOU ARE SCARED not to find another one like him--which is not true.
There are plenty of eligible men around( I'm included-with the same qualifications as your man) but would treat women with respect and love.
Why would you be scared that he won't follow??? The way that he is acting is he wouldn't and aren't you glad that he won't hopund youforver??/
Get help! and believe me you will get the same answers. I am a pro and I know you will end a LOSER if you continue with this decadence.

2007-12-24 08:03:53 · answer #3 · answered by wolfass 3 · 1 0

he's a lying, cheating, two-faced, coke-head that hurts you over and over again. two words- dump him. drop him like a sack of potatoes. don't walk run. if he hasn't woken up to the fact that he is hurting you by now, he never will. no amount of crying, yelling, fighting, or talking will change him. here's the question you ought to be asking yourself- would be happy being with someone that i can trust? someone that will listen to me and more importantly understand me? why are you biting your tongue and grinning and baring it? it is worth you getting hurt over and over again? why do you want to be a doormat for this guy? dump him and find someone that would actually care about what they are doing to you.

2007-12-24 08:07:37 · answer #4 · answered by dsm37127 6 · 1 0

Live with it or leave him

You admit you're in love with a lying, cheater drug addict.

People don't change. They especially don't change when they have no reason to. You're giving him every thing he could possibly ask for without his having to change on bit.

If you have any chance of happiness, you must leave him- and make it a clean break. If you are as important to him as you think you are, then leaving him him make him change his ways.

I warn you. IF you take him back (at some point, possibly months from now) he WILL slowly go back to hurting you.

That's who he is.

2007-12-24 08:04:15 · answer #5 · answered by chocolahoma 7 · 0 0

Soon the money will run out, the coke will ruin his ability to have sex, he will be in prison or dead, without the drugs and money he is nothing, all you are is a toy to him, sorry but youneed to pack it up and move on before he drags you down, or worse, you could be there when he gets busted and go down with him.

2007-12-24 08:02:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The truth is already as you know, if one lies it is because they are ashamed of themselves and they are weak, Be real with him and yourself find the strength to walk away,one who loves another does everything in their power to keep them from being hurt,you sound like a very intelligent woman, you already know the awns er to your question.

2007-12-24 10:03:26 · answer #7 · answered by writer 1 · 0 0

You're living in a dream world. He's a bum and you know it. You'll get sucked into his world and be as lame as he is if you don't get out. He has no conscience so don't think he'll break down.

2007-12-24 08:00:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not good. No question that you should walk out and never look back.. He's not going to change.

2007-12-24 08:03:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh he is a drug addict and you want to fix him? That don't happen, he has to want to fix himself.

2007-12-24 08:02:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0