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Can someone explain to me why British cars are so expensive? I know they have to put the steering wheel on the other side, but you'd think that the incredibly strong Sterling would offset that. I've just been thumbing through a UK Top Gear Magazine and Brits are being screwed! Pretty much any car you care to mention is double the price of the US equivalent. I was thinking of moving back to the UK in the next few years, but being ripped off was one of the reasons I left in the first place.

2007-12-23 23:22:56 · 2 answers · asked by ZCT 7 in Travel United Kingdom Other - United Kingdom

2 answers

TAXES AND FEES maybe even stamps!. Remember, the Boston Tea Party

2007-12-24 01:40:16 · answer #1 · answered by ontheedge 2 · 1 1

hi, Your coverage top rate could desire to decrease each year venture to no claims. After the 1st year declare unfastened you acquire a million years no claims bonus representing 30%, 2 years is 40%, 3 years 50%, 4 years 60% and 5 years is sixty 5% it fairly is optimal. as quickly as you attain 5 years you will acquire the choice to guard your no claims bonus which does cost extra yet there are some companies that purely cost upto £50 to realize this and that's fairly worth it!! i artwork for an coverage brokers and the quantity of people that turn down %. at renewal and by ability of right here renewal they have had a declare is unbelieveable. the reality which you're under 25 has no longer something to do with it. It relies upon on how long you have held you licence fairly than how old you're. wish this helps :)

2016-11-24 22:28:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0