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Canon IXUS 70 photo camera comes with the standard rechargeable Li-ion Canon battery type "NB-4L".

I want to buy one more so I can always have a spare charged battery when the current one needs recharge. Do you suggest buying the same as the one that came with the camera or is there a better alternative (preferably with more capacity)?

2007-12-23 21:49:14 · 4 answers · asked by Saxtus 4 in Consumer Electronics Cameras

4 answers

Consider the "Impact" brand, as sold by B&H Photo. I got one as a spare from them, but I don't know about your suppliers in Europe.

It has 900 mAh capacity instead of the stock battery's 760 mAh. I can't say if it lasts longer or not. I can't keep track of how much I use or do not use the flash, so it would not be fair to compare. It ought to last longer under identical conditions, though. I do seem to get a few frames more warning that the battery is low before the camera goes dead on me. In other words, with the Canon battery, I can only shoot 5-6 more pictures once I notice the battery icon and with the Impacy battery, I can shoot maybe 15-20 more.

It doesn't hurt that it costs half as much as the Canon battery, either.

2007-12-24 02:16:43 · answer #1 · answered by Picture Taker 7 · 0 0

I would buy one like the one that came with your camera. Generic ones may work okay, but may not. I know someone who bought a generic one, and it overheated and didn't work any more.

2007-12-23 22:06:40 · answer #2 · answered by Cat Lover 7 · 0 0

I bought my spare nb-4l from adorama.com
$19.95 - it works fine.

2007-12-23 23:19:04 · answer #3 · answered by Elvis 7 · 0 0

there are generic ones that are cheaper

2007-12-23 21:52:39 · answer #4 · answered by loser 3 · 0 0