Yes,I think it is.The use of carbon based fuels since the Industrial Revolution can hardly have changed the climate as much as politicians say in only 200 years(approx).The earth has been having hot and cold flushes since it was formed and will continue to do so(and,yes,farm animals produce a LOT of methane!)
2007-12-23 09:18:23
answer #1
answered by David D 2
It is natural in part, the minuscule effect Man has is not worth the loss of our freedom or standard of living or increasing taxes. The political Left says we needs more laws and restrictions and taxes, which gives the Left more power over our lives and money to buy votes.
As a conservative I too want a clean and unpolluted planet. I want to preserve wildlife, they taste good, and I want people in the future to be able to hunt and eat them. I want limits on overfishing, so people will always be able to have some fish to eat. I think we should reduce the toxic gases, chemicals and particulates we put into the system. We need to be good stewards of the Earth and use it and its resources wisely. However, we should not have to pay more for everything because it is "Green", be taxed more for "Green" programs or lower our standards of living to be more "Green".
Vader461, if you listen to all the various environmental groups and take their ideas to their conclusion you will have a world you will not live in. PETA says use no animal products and no animal labour. Vegans say eat no food made by animals or eat any animals. Organic foods people say no insecticides, chemical fertilisers, herbicides and frown at hybrid varieties. The True Believers in Global Warming want to eliminate all man-made sources of CO2 or tax them. The Free Love and atheist groups want no morality from religion. By siding with the political Left they think they will achieve their aims, but the Left specialises in lying. Their aims are to have a drastically reduced human population, so as not to encroach on the animals territory, which uses no fire, grubbing out their vegetable crops with stone tools while living naked in mud huts. Of course as soon as they help the Left get enough power all these environmental nuts will wind up in labour camps working to keep the Leftist elite in luxury.
Remember that you emit about 2 pounds of CO2 a day just by breathing, so when they tax breathing and you can't pay the tax they will simply stop you from breathing without a twinge of remorse or guilt, their conscience clear, because they are "Saving The World". Of course all the sheep and cows would be killed first.
Weak minds fall for anything that is repeated long enough, loud enough and with enough made-up "facts" to seem real and they never look at underlying motives, feeling that those who are lying really care about them.
2007-12-24 12:59:15
answer #2
answered by Taganan 3
no. climate change is the natural way of the Earth's evolution. it has been happening for a really long time, ever since the world had begun.
global warming causes the climate change to act faster than it should. global warming is due to too much emission of carbon dioxide mainly from factories, cars etc. these carbon dioxide hangs around the atmosphere trapping the heat from the sun preventing it from going out of the Earth. thus, the heat remains causing the Earth to warm up.
2007-12-27 01:22:21
answer #3
answered by rheasweetz 1
Why were temps on this planet higher in 1940's than now? Couldn't be pollution, there weren't as many pollutants in the world. Couldn't be population. there were about 1/8 the people in the world. Could it be that there are natural climate shifts and we are in one? Could be, except the temperature has been on the decline for about 10 years. Global Warming is B.S. And no I'm not a far-right war monger, so save the name people are falling for a made-up climatic condition - enjoy those hybrid cars, they work great in the snow!
2007-12-23 13:25:53
answer #4
answered by The Diggity 3
Nature is an amazing thing. The way the system works is to always seek balance. It is not as fragile or easily upset as we are being led to believe by people with an agenda.
The planet will continue to warm and cool along a continuous wave of plus or minus a degree. The scope is greater than we are.
Merry Christmas!
2007-12-23 17:19:53
answer #5
answered by Jacob W 7
Hi I strongly recommend you to watch the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore.
Also many politicians denied that global warming would necessarily be the result of human activity, in most recent times this is out of question and it IS generally accepted that the change in climate that we are observing cannot be only a natural process.
2007-12-24 09:20:51
answer #6
answered by Gabor 2
There have all ways been waring and cooling trends through out the course of the planet's history, every college student that has taken basic geology knows this. But the link has always been carbon in the atmosphere. Every time a major disaster that involved burning something or volcano's exploding caused a sharp warming trend, followed by a cooling trend. We have had many mini Ice Ages through out history and they all followed warm trends (the colonization of Greenland is proof of this. It was green and nice until the mini Ice Age hit. The last recorded event was a wedding, then the civilization died out). The volcano Krakatoa instagated a warming trend due to it's world wide effect. The significants of this is that a sharp warming trend has been in effect since about 1880. And every year the average temperature rises. The link is the average amount of carbon in the atmosphere mirrors this perfectly. And scientists can take core samples of ice to compare carbon ammounts in the past and as of right now, they cannot make a chart to contain the amount now. It is off the scale. Yes it is real, yes it has happened, and the only way to reverse it is to stop burning fossil fuels. Then maybe our great grandchildren will be able to enjoy the earth as it was meant to be.
2007-12-23 09:39:58
answer #7
answered by Brandon I 1
Temperatures and CO2 levels have slowly been declining sine the age of the dinosaurs (65 mya), they should be continuing to decline as we head towards Earth’s next ice age in around 20,000 yrs time. But temperatures and CO2 levels are rising again. Farming and farm animals do produce methane, all part of human activity.
Volcanoes do contribute CO2, but only around 1/50th of the amount produced by human activity. If they were the main cause then there would be sharp spikes in the CO2 records showing each eruption; but there isn’t. It’s a slow steady increase.
The two major periods of warming and cooling in the past 1000yrs - Medieval warming & the little ice age - were due to an increase, then a decrease in solar activity. (Sun spots.) There’s nothing comparable today.
The time of the dinosausrs had a constant globally warmer greenhouse climate regime because the positions of the continents allowed the main ocean currents to circulate around the equator. These currents transport heat around the planet (the thermohaline circulation) and the resulting atmospheric circulation patterns (that transport heat and moisture) were also very different to those of today. This brought into play various feedback mechanisms that amplified temperatures. The lack of ice sheets at the poles for example meant that albedo (the amount of reflection of the sun’s energy) was much reduced.
We have had an overall cooler global climate regime during the past few million years because this circumequatorial ocean current circulation pattern was much later shut off by South America separating from Antarctica together with South America and Africa’s collision with other land masses; this forced the ocean currents to then circulate in a north/south Interpolar pattern between the northern and southern hemispheres.
A second reason is that the collision of landmasses produced new mountain chains. In particular the collision of India with Asia at around 50 mya began the uplift process that resulted in the Himalayan Mountains and the massive Tibetan Plateau; these are so extensive and high they disrupted atmospheric circulation patterns. Both these reorganisations began to produce a much cooler global climate.
At around 45 mya ice sheets at both poles began to grow. Any rise in temperature today, comparable to that of the time of the dinosaurs, wouldn’t lead to a simple reprise of their climate regime, simply because today’s ocean current and atmospheric circulation patterns are now so very different. Two additional explanations are that atmospheric CO2 concentrations have slowly fallen as both volcanic activity and the rate of seafloor spreading has declined over the past 100 million years.
The planet is now much less volcanically active and more geologically stable than it has been in the deep past. Secondly, the formation of the Himalayan Mountains and Tibetan Plateau both increased regional rainfall and exposed great amounts of freshly shattered rock; this increased the rate of chemical weathering by which CO2 is precipitated from the atmosphere and absorbed into the land and oceans. (The carbon dioxide dissolved in rainwater helps decompose rock minerals, especially silicates, and forms bicarbonates - HCO3- - a form of inorganic carbon. These bicarbonates are soluble and are transported by rivers downstream to the coasts where they are deposited on ocean floors as sediment.) The rate of volcanic CO2 emissions declined at the same time as the rate of its absorption into the ground was increased.
Though astronomical (Milankovitch) cycles had caused the amount of solar energy to vary over the eras, (These cycles show clearly in the sediment cores covering the Cenozoic era.) the first of the present series of ice ages, where ice sheets advanced and retreated across the northern hemisphere, only began three million years ago. But the Earths tilt and wobble altering the amount of solar energy only account for 5 degrees of temp. change, the rest can only be accounted for by falls and rises in CO2. Yes Earth and its climate has changed over millions of years, but factors affecting CO2 concentrations have changed as well. The two are inextricably linked.
2007-12-23 22:54:49
answer #8
answered by Tim D 4
NO. There are natural warming cycles--but they take thousands of years, at least. The CURRENT global warming is occuring over a period of decades--and has a specific cause: it is primarly due to human actions, specifically CO2 emissions and deforestation.
The notion that animals are responsible is one more of the lies the "deniers" (acutally, special interests like the oil companies) have dremed up. Here's proof: a couple of hundred years ago, there were MORE animals--herds of millions of buffalo in North America, wildebeast in Africa, adnd so on. So--if they were the cause, we'd be seeing LESS warming, not more.
2007-12-23 14:06:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Here's an article and a picture for you:
Carbon cycle
It has all been worked out, not perfectly, but enough to determine that human contributions to greenhouse gasses far outweigh the natural ones.
2007-12-24 08:43:24
answer #10
answered by J S 5
Yes, I believe it's a natural cycle, but our over-polluting ways aren't helping the situation any. I believe politicians and the media are getting us all worked up for no reason. Instead of preparing the world for the upcoming changes because of the warming trend, they're focusing too much on trying to stop the trend. This will be disastrous. We should be working to relocate cities near the coastlines, and working on developing new ways of growing food. Those are the things which we need to do, instead of all the arguments we hear in the news today.
2007-12-23 13:04:59
answer #11
answered by Shayna 5