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I have had this thing for about 4 years that is slowly growing. It looks like a whitehead and is about the size of a pencil eraser. I think it might just be a pimple trapped beneath the skin so it has no place to go and keeps growing. I thought eventually it would go away on it's own but now I don't think so. It's neither hard nor soft... kind of feels like puss inside of a sack. From researching on the internet I believe it is what is called a "sebaceous cyst" but I am not sure.

My question is can I remove it by puncturing it with a (sterile) pin/needle, will it drain out like a regular whitehead pimple? Or do I need to go and get it cut open by a doctor? Lastly... will it bleed at all or a lot? Does anyone have anything that matches my description?

I know a lot of people will say "see a doctor" just because they don't want something bad to inadvertantly happen, but please be honest. I won't hold you liable for anything that happens from your advice :P.

2007-12-23 02:30:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

I have seen people with calcium deposits under their skin, but what I have is not like that. Normally those are much more hard/solid. It looks similar in size and appearance to that though.

2007-12-23 02:37:16 · update #1

So it is safe to do this procedure myself? I'm not going to inadvertantly cut a vein and bleed badly, or get an infection afterwards?

2007-12-23 02:43:23 · update #2

12 answers

My ex had one of those things on his back years ago. Just like you describe, same size, etc. It may be a sebaceous cyst. Does your "pimple" ache, is it sore or otherwise painful? My ex asked me to try to pop his for him, as it gave him no pain, just a tad worrisome.

First, I washed my hands and his back with hot soapy water. Then I proceeded to attempt to pop it just like a pimple. Sqeeze on either side. The first two or three tries over the course of a few days failed. One day we were sitting on the bed, and I decided to try again. I squeezed, and stuff actually shot out of that thing and hit me in the face. Eeeeewwww. It smelled bad. It was trapped pus, apparently, that had nowhere to go. I kept squeezing and the thing drained a little more pus, then the waxy stuff like from a whitehead or blackhead started coming out. I did this for him every day for the next several days, until the thing went away completely and healed up. Bump gone.

Of course, you could go to the doctor, let him lance it professionally, and have it gone immediately. Good luck.

2007-12-23 02:46:28 · answer #1 · answered by ~RedBird~ 7 · 3 0

Self Cyst Removal

2016-12-11 11:40:45 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2016-04-05 17:19:59 · answer #3 · answered by Jenny 3 · 0 0

You would need to palpate (feel) the cyst to make the determination if it is fluid filled. If the sebaceous gland has infection then yes.. you can puncture it with a needle and drain it.. though this won't 'cure' the issue permanently. You have to be careful of causing infection from opening the cyst though. If you are adamant about draining the cyst -- then find a needle.. place it in rubbing alcohol and let it sit for 5 minutes or so to sterilize the needle. Clean the area of the cyst and around it with antibacterial soap. Get a towel and rinse it with Hot water -- then wring it out. Puncture the cyst so it has a hole in which the fluid can drain. Apply some gentle pressure (if needed) to empty the pus/fluid inside.. and wipe clean as you go with a sterile cloth. Then apply the hot towel to the cyst which will help drain excess fluid that is likely still residually built up in the gland. After you have drained it, clean it with hydrogen peroxide (if you have it (H2O2) ) and if not apply a bit of alcohol (yes it will sting). Then dry and apply a topical antibiotic like neosporin (or similar) and a bandage. Keep it clean, and change the bandage for at least 2 days, reapplying topical antibiotic each time. Many times these glands will continue to refill with this fluid,.. so if this occurs you will likely need to revisit the doctor (perhaps schedule an appointment with a dermatologist this time) and get something more permanent done about the issue. If the cyst feels like a hard nodule, don't puncture it. Instead go to a physician for proper treatment. Take care,

For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDDaG

2016-04-14 10:48:41 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Popping Sebaceous Cyst

2016-10-04 03:22:34 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Get Ovarian Cyst Miracle!

2016-07-24 00:24:10 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I had a small cyst on my face for years - it didn't get bigger over time, but a few times a year it would get infected, the area would get all red, and it'd feel hard for a week or two, then subside. It won't 'drain' like a pimple - the only way I got rid of it was to see a dermatologist, who made a small incision through the skin and removed it. Do NOT attempt this yourself, or you run the risk of scarring. The procedure was minor... took about 20 minutes... it doesn't bleed much, and you'll probably have a couple stiches there... takes about a week to heal up, and doesn't leave any real mark.

2007-12-23 03:09:47 · answer #7 · answered by buz 7 · 1 2

You want know how to permanently Cure Your Acne/Pimple, end the breakouts, regain your natural inner balance and achieve the lasting clear skin you deserve?

Free Presentation Reveals 1 Unusual Tip to Eliminate Your Acne Forever and Gain Beautiful Clear Skin In 30-60 Days - Guaranteed! - http://howtotreatacne.biz/natural-182.html

The video presentation shows you some unique and rare tips on How to Eliminate Acne and achieve perfect clear skin in as little as 7 days!

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2014-08-13 04:31:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Right now my skin is perfectly clear, for the first time in 3 years. It's been about 9 weeks and all my acne is gone. It is such a great feeling to wake up with clear skin.

Holistic Acne Treatment Guide?

2016-05-21 05:14:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear Acne Sufferer,

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2014-09-23 20:26:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3