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Does the Holy Bible play any part in its teachings or are its rules man-made?

2007-12-22 23:53:59 · 20 answers · asked by Goat Whacker 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Raymo, the Christian faith was reformed. Read the 39 articles. If there is only one mediator between God and man why do priests take confession. The RC church needs reformation too.

2007-12-23 04:53:29 · update #1

Raymo, the Protestant brand of the Christian faith was reformed. Read the 39 articles. If there is only one mediator between God and man why do priests take confession. The RC church needs reformation too.

2007-12-23 04:54:09 · update #2

20 answers

man made rules
and they say abracadabra when they supposedly turn the alcohol into the blood of Jesus and the bread into the Body of Jesus
Idolatry is the number one rule
I mean look at all the treasures
and how the Pope has the gall to drive past his starving hungry followers all destitute in the third world countries

2007-12-23 00:06:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

That guy Drew said it right!

As with most things in the Church of England everything is a compromise wisely chosen not to offend.

It is a fact the Elizabeth I (a Lutheran) brought in Lutheran theologians from the Continent to assist her Bishops in drafting a confessional document to define the English Church's doctrine. The result was the 39 articles.

These theologians were Philipists (followers of the more moderate doctrine of Philip Melanchthon) and somewhat less than confessional.

It is interesting to note that when you read the 39 articles from a Confessional Lutheran standpoint, they are Lutheran. A Catholic Priest, a good friend (now deceased) agreed, but added from his perspective it was very "Catholic". He also drew it to my attention that when you look at it from a Methodist perspective, the 39 articles are Methodist.

You may be interested to know that in the oldest Anglican Cathedral in Canada "Kingston Ontario" they reserve the Sacrament, and venerate it in the Lady Chapel, and they have two confessional booths that Are still used to this day.

These practices are NOT prohibited by the 39 articles.

Then when we read Bishop Spong, and hear the statements regarding the Incarnation, and the Magi coming out of the Archbishop of Canterbury this week, I find it hard to understand how anyone would admit to being Anglican anyway.

Keep your 39 articles, but study and practice them in the light of Scripture, get your Clergy and Bishops to do the same (they did promise God that they would when they were ordained and consecrated); Then we can talk.


2007-12-23 22:26:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Read the Bible, man.
The Gospel of John: "Jesus Apears to the Apostles"
(Jesus said): "Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven. Whose sins you do not forgive are not forgiven."

That being said, Christ was either (as I believe) the Son of God, and everything he says should be taken as TRUTH!!! Or, if I didn't believe in the Sacraments of Confession or the Eucharist (which is also completely Biblical), then I would say that Jesus was a madman. One of those must be chosen. I believe Jesus was the True Son of God, though, so I believe EVERYTHING he says, unlike some Protestants I know... (you).

2007-12-24 01:47:24 · answer #3 · answered by Catholic717 2 · 2 0

I raised a query to you yesterday as to why you had singled out the Roman Catholic Church in a question which could have included all churches. Today I see another anti-Catholic slur type question, therefore you have answered my first query.
The Roman Catholic Church is the true Church, founded by Our Lord Himself and everything the Catholic Church holds dear is revealed Truth. Sorry if you are not into what Christ teaches. May you find your God and be happy.

2007-12-23 08:27:30 · answer #4 · answered by Raymo 6 · 3 3


The Bible you have in your posession has come to you courtesy of the Roman Catholic Church.

And yes, just as one of your fellow anti-catholic hatemongers has stated, the phrase ''hocus pocus'' was coined by John Calvin as a way to slander Christ and deny His presence during the Eucharist. ''Hoc est corpus Meum'' (''this is My body'') got slurred into ''hocus pocus'' because of John Calvin's mockery and denial of the power of God.


EDIT: I can name sixteen or eighteen scriptures that teach us about confession and absolution, but the first one that comes to mind is from the Book of John, when Jesus is speaking to His disciples: ''Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.'' John 20:22-23

We in the Lutheran church practice this just as Jesus taught it.

You do nothing for the unity of the Church when you call names and make accusations, nor do you show anyone the love of Christ.

2007-12-23 08:06:35 · answer #5 · answered by That Guy Drew 6 · 4 1

Idolatry and superstition? - Never did and never will.

Some rules are based on the Bible, some are man-made

2007-12-23 10:47:37 · answer #6 · answered by Sldgman 7 · 0 1

Somebody get the Inquisition on this clown. We can do a remake of The Pit and the Pendulum.

Hunting season on Papists is over, bozo, despite what that televangelist swindler told you.

2007-12-23 08:04:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Yes - but only as much as every other organised Christian denomination!

When any one group of 'Christians' say that they're the only true church, they often turn out to be the farthest from it.

2007-12-23 08:02:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Man made by the Pope.

2007-12-23 08:14:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

why do you pick on the Roman Catholics.
There is no such thing as a religion which does not involve superstitious worship.

2007-12-23 07:58:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2