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we are thinking of getting a loft conversion for extra space but not sure if we need planning permission or not. we live in wales

2007-12-21 23:52:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Home & Garden Decorating & Remodeling

the house was built in 1900. we bought it in 2006. we have noticed that our neighbour has a roof window but he doesn't speak to us for us to ask him advice. none of other neighbours have done roof just rear extensions. we thought attic may be cheaper

2007-12-22 00:11:34 · update #1

9 answers

Many loft conversions do not need planning permission at all. However you should obtain advice as you may need it in your case. Some examples of those which require planning permission are

* if the loft conversion changes the outside appearance of your property
* if the new room(s) will constitute a change of use, for instance an office
* if the area exceeds 50m²
* if the loft is converted into more than two habitable rooms
* if you live in a conservation area

An architect will be able to advise you on whether you need planning permission, or you could contact your Local Authority yourself

2007-12-22 00:01:53 · answer #1 · answered by Leo 7 · 2 0

There are some loft conversions which do not need any planning permission, but on the other hand many do. There are quite a few conditions involved in conversions, for example whether it will change the outside appearance of your house or if it exceeds a certain area. I think it would be best for you to ask an architect for advice, or you could always contact your local authority direct for help.

2007-12-22 00:01:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Likelihood is yes because you will be changing the loads in the roof trusses by being up there. You should be ok if you have an older house but the newer ones may need a bit of beefing up to make the structure sound enough for its new purpose.

2007-12-22 00:04:09 · answer #3 · answered by Chewbydoo 5 · 0 0

you all ways need both planning and building regs when it comes to loft conversion ..for a start you will need stairs ..ladders wont do .you will need an escape window ..you will all so have to converts all other doors in house ..upgrade the loft floor etc

2007-12-23 03:40:43 · answer #4 · answered by boy boy 7 · 0 0

I think it depends on the local council.I was suprised to find that I needed council approval to have new windows even though they were the same as the old ones! Easy enough to check with the town hall just to be safe!

2007-12-22 00:02:20 · answer #5 · answered by grumpyoldman 4 · 2 0

The best thing to do is if you have questions, ask the officials if you need it. Be sure to have the details with you when you do. Such as: how big the area is, if you will need to add electricity, if you will need to reconstruct the area, if you will need to add stairs to the area, if you need support beams that aren't already there, and if you need to add plumbing to the area.

2007-12-22 00:35:34 · answer #6 · answered by ilovepoison2820 5 · 0 0

dont need planning permission unless in the future you sell your home and describe your conversion as an extra room.

see my source for more details

2007-12-21 23:57:12 · answer #7 · answered by The Ghost 7 · 0 0

to be honest, you'd be better contacting your local council anyway, just in case. i know you definately need permission if it is a council home you're in but i'm unsure if you do for a bought house.

2007-12-22 00:02:25 · answer #8 · answered by Emily M 2 · 0 0

No it is not required.

2014-09-24 19:45:33 · answer #9 · answered by Jack 2 · 0 0