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And change the monkeys into humans?
And start the big bang?

2007-12-21 13:01:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Im an athiest who is looking for some opinions from religious people if this could have happend.

2007-12-21 13:06:32 · update #1

22 answers

Someone had to light the fuse on the big bang...

And no he did not turn monkeys into humans....

2007-12-21 13:04:41 · answer #1 · answered by gabeerwin 3 · 1 5

God said that He created all things after their seeds. When you plant an apple seed, you don't expect it to give you oranges. Yet, a man named Darwin, born during the 19th century, thought that apparently. He had another theory that a specie can lead to another, such as a fish into a monkey into a man.

Well, well, well, what to believe? Of course, your starting assumption will determine the result you will get because every deduction will be made in the light of your premises.

There is no proof that a monkey’s ADN even though 98% identical to man that it ever came from it. This is where the distinction between inferences and deductions should be made. An inference is the act or process of deriving a conclusion based solely on what one already knows. AGAIN, it is based on what he knows. It is also the act of extrapolating the smaller and assumes the bigger picture. This is exactly what the evolution theory (yes, it is not a law) is all about. No one ever proved that a man came from a monkey. Isn’t possible that though a monkey and a man are closely related in terms of physiology (though it is important to note that only 2% of difference makes a very great distinction) that God created them separately in the first place? The inference is to say that they look similar in most part, so man had to come from the monkey. That is a very wrong reasoning, but again it all started with the assumption that man “evolved”.

On the other hand, God said:

"11 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." (Gen 1:11-12)

"26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all[b] the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. " (Gen 1:26-27)

2007-12-21 13:47:34 · answer #2 · answered by checkmath 2 · 0 0

No God did not have anything to do with evolution. It is a lie, there is no proof of evolution. It is a theory. There has never been any proof that man came from monkeys or any other animal. There have been several scientist claim to have found proof but none have stood up under scientific testing. Some have been outright forgeries.
As far as the big bang, it isnt like the science books teach. God spoke and bang it happened. But not billions of years ago. If you would like some scientific facts to back up where you really came from go to
this is the most scientific proof I have found on the subject in one location.

2007-12-21 13:48:49 · answer #3 · answered by johninjc 6 · 0 1


There is nothing wrong with the basic theory of Evolution and Religion -- they are NOT mutually exclusive or contradictory

Evolution in its simplest form is merely change from one generation to another. -- Nothing biblically wrong with THAT.
Mankind has been around long enough to observe small adaptations in species -- thus a change in one generation to another.

I think the problem arrises when we take evolution too far. Atheists will use Evolution to try and Explain EVERYTHING.
They are under the false assumption that merely because of the fact that we can logically deduce the process of change that we have somehow surplanted the creator from his role as "author" of life.

So I think the larger question is WHY evolution and HOW does it merge with the creation story??

Assuming there is a God, then he could have created the universe in countless ways. We can observe evolution on a very small scale within the span of written history, so we can all agree evolution happens on some level.

So does Evolution contradict Creation as told in the Bible?
Not necessarily IF God created the universe and natural law then he DID create the heavens and the Earth, the Animals, and MAN, even if the exact mechanism was evolution.

Now as for MACRO Evolution... monkeys into humans...
When you look at the gaps in DIRECT evidence, you'll come to realize EVOLUTION as a mechanism to explain EVERYTHING is just as much a religion as Christianity...as in, it takes certain leaps of faith, albiet seemingly logical, still leaps of faith, to believe evolution can explain EVERYTHING.

But to answer your question Straight away... YES, I do believe God kick started evolution.

I believe that he is an orderly God and once he created natural laws, he works within them whenever possible. He wants us to be curious about his creation and thus, he created natural law so that we might understand it.

**Personal Opinion** I think God gives us the Universe so that we can explorer. Like homework, it gives us something to work on. It's much better that waging war... so I see nature as a creative outlet for Mankind to have something to DO, other then wage war.
I think God creted the Universe SOOO huge and the laws of Physics SO complex that it will take us millenium to unravel. Each time we THINK we know everything, we find another layer of complexity.. why is that?
Why have elements, are really just arrangements of atoms, which are really just arrangements of sub-atomic particles?...why is the universe SOOOO complex? -- Cause I think he wants us to be too busy studying it to get into trouble.

As for the Big Bang... the Bang only makes sense if you don't question Red Shifting (AKA the expansion of the Universe), If you take that assumption out of the equation..then the Universe did not necessarily expand from a single point. This opens the door to additional theories of how the universe was created. -- So you see, you have to BELIEVE in a particular theory before you can more forward, because we lack the means to do repeatable experiments on the entire universe.

Even with the Big Bang, our mathematical models break down at some point. (Remember Physics doesn't have a Grand Unified Theory yet) That is, we can not adequately explain the laws of physics at a certain point BEFORE the big bang.
Is it crazy to assume that the point at which our math becomes fuzzy..that this isn't where GOD was in control? Let me say that again.. that the reason we can't perfectly predict the behavior of the universe before the bang is because that was at a point BEFORE God created the laws of nature...and that AFTER our math can accurately model the universe..that this is where God let his Natural Law take over???

Why is that soo hard for some people to admit?

I don't see Science, or Evolution ever surplanting God.

As my Biology Professor once put it.. Science was never designed to prove God or disprove him. It just turns out that the things Science IS good at TESTING, aren't the type of things that proves God. God just isn't someone you can do repeatable experiments on.

I liked that answer...seemed humble and honest to me.

2007-12-21 14:24:25 · answer #4 · answered by John S 7 · 0 0

every mutation isn't a coincidence. Evolution is about mutations... what are the odds that any one of these mutations could actually help a multi-celled organism obtain more mates, catch more food, and live at a more comfortable level overall than any of his competitive siblings? Why did an unamed primate species (missing link) suddenly get an opposable thumb instead of a horn out of his back? Dark matter is God penetrating every level of matter, every cell, and ever molecule. This is the hand of God manipulating every second of every day

2007-12-21 13:22:31 · answer #5 · answered by robbo 3 · 0 0

Quite possibly. Had to start somewhere. Why not with God? and a day is like a thousand years to the lord so that 7 days could be 7 yrs, 7,000 years 7 million...only He knows.

There are two separate creation accounts in the Bible so who knows?

At the end of the day, it doesn't concern me in the least. Why? Because neither evolution nor creation can be proven. We're here and now so we ought to enjoy the time we have on earth instead of dwelling on this specific topic and making it an article of faith over anything else and feeling threatened if you're a Christian...or getting defensive, angry and disrespectful of others over it if you're not. (that's for the thumbs downers regardless of belief or disbelief lol)

2007-12-21 13:06:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You should do yourself a favor and learn about evolution, you clearly don't have a clue about it as it stands now.


As for god kick starting things. This is a common god of the gaps fallacy. If we don't understand something then god did it? Gaps in our knowledge is evidence for gaps in our knowledge, not for supernatural explanations.

If everything that exists has to have a cause then what kick-started god? It's god? And who kick-started that god? ... Infinite regression is going to happen no matter how you think about things. I think that simple matter and/or energy has always existed and that things change over time. Theists think that something as complex as a god could just pop into existence without a cause, or has always existed. The big difference between my belief and their's, is that we know that matter exists and can neither be created or destroyed (1st law of thermodynamics), and their belief is based on faith, which is an admission that they don't have evidence.

2007-12-21 13:19:55 · answer #7 · answered by AiW 5 · 0 1

I believe God created the universe, the plants, animals, humans and then evolution took off from there. So yes God started evolution

Catholic Christian

2007-12-21 13:23:43 · answer #8 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 1 0

Yes. I have always said that evolution dose not rule out creation. I'm Pagan so maybe I have a different view point.

2007-12-21 13:27:59 · answer #9 · answered by raven blackwing 6 · 0 0

It's spelled 'evolution' and there is no need to bring a non-existent sky pixie named god into the equation.
Monkeys did not evolve into humans. We share a common ancestor with monkey, chimps and apes.
The big bang has nothing to do with evolution.

2007-12-21 13:05:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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