That, unfortunately, will never happen...... Atheists definitely are still the extreme minority, and that won't change anytime soon. In my opinion it's the christians that are taking over.
2007-12-21 09:25:12
answer #1
answered by Amy 3
Atheists are not winning whatsoever, just growing in population. I respect everyone's beliefs, and would never be mad at someone or think less of them for what they believe in. I think making it illegal to attend a church is simply foolish, it is the person's beliefs. Of course I disagree with many religions, but not just to be a jerk - I have my reasons, and very good ones. But I really believe the problem is not being prejudice to people of other faiths. I've always respected what someone believes in, and I've always had a very open mind. We all know that many Christians will bash on Atheists or jews, or muslims, which is our main problem. If everyone was kind to each other and simply let people believe what they wanted to, the world would not be this way and everyone could get along. I really wish that could happen, but deep down I know it never will.
2007-12-23 12:28:09
answer #2
answered by √τom 5
Winning what? What conspiracy? I strongly urge you to seek counseling for you as you sound somewhat delusional and paranoid. Also, please ask yourself this question: If you were Jewish or Roman Pagan at the time of Christ or when Christianity was burgeoning, do you think you would have converted, or do you think you would be steadfastly holding on to your beliefs, afraid, and asking people "Are there any Jews or Pagans left in the world; it seems like the Christian conspiracy is winning!?" After all, Jesus was quite the liberal in his time, teaching things that the right wing didn't want to hear, like "Love your enemies." (PS - I am Christian, and I teach Sunday School - but I strongly oppose faith-by-intimidation.)
2007-12-21 09:41:44
answer #3
answered by I-wunder 3
Who says liberals can't be Christians or churchgoers? Tell that to most Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Unitarians, other mainline Protestants and more open minded Catholics!
Some of the people (like me) with a very deep and abiding faith in the teachings of Christ don't darken the door of any church for a variety of reasons. Instead, they pray in their rooms or out in nature by themselves and try not to act like the bombastic "fundie" hypocrites who are constantly showing off their faux piety off at every turn. To the "silent Christian", their spirituality is personal and between that person and their God.
Don't kid yourself. Despite what we're seeing in early 21st century America, true Christianity is NOT the province of the right wing conservative Republican fundamentalists keeping their butts warm in the pews ~er~ stadium seating of self-styled megachurches which actually CLOSE on Christmas so that the nuveau riche minister and his trophy wife can go skiing in Aspen rather than actually carry out the Great Commission as Christ asked them to in the very Bible they love to thump!!!
If you ask me, what some people mistake for Christianity is really nothing more than modern day Phariseeism and jingoism.
Besides, to make it illegal to attend church, you'd have to abolish the 1st Amendment of the Constitution with the Bill of Right which establishes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. I'd like to see the congressional leader foolish enough to try to introduce a bill that would eradicate the freedoms that folks have fought and died for, that our founding ancestors established back in 1776.
Not gonna happen....
2007-12-21 09:32:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
18Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.
That was God's answer to Elijah when he asked the same question that you asked.
No one is even close to making it illegal to attend church. They can't even make churches pay taxes.
By the way, if your church was reaching out to lost and hurting people like Jesus called it to do, no one would question what good the church does for society that it should be tax exempt. It is Christian indifference and disobedience, not liberals anything that will cause the churches to fall.
If you would read your Bible you would know that the world shouldn't agree with your agenda. The "moral majority" scares me because my Bible says that if the world loves you (i e you are in a majority) you are not of Christ.
2007-12-21 09:41:11
answer #5
answered by Truth 7
I believe that you Christians outnumber us by about a 10 to 1 margin actually. I for one would never ever vote to make attending a Church of any kind illegal. I would fight that same Chuch trying to legislate their religion into my Country's laws though.
2007-12-21 09:42:32
answer #6
answered by ? 6
The atheists wish they were winning. God wins. I've read the back of the Bible. The atheists really do not want to live without the Christians. They just think they do. A world where every person does as they want is not a place for decent folks to live.
2007-12-21 09:32:38
answer #7
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
1) the liberals making it illegal to practice a religion? Not all liberals are atheist, jackass. They just believe everyone should be free to do their own thing. Thus, the title, liberal. As in to, liberate?
also, "the meek shall inherit the earth" thing; The bible also says stuff about spreading your religion, right? Which is far from meek. So the bible says christians are not getting the earth?
2007-12-21 09:29:52
answer #8
answered by Dissent21 3
Hello, I am a christian and I love my Jesus with all my heart and soul. I know my redeemer lives. People that believe in God live healthier and happier lives,. If only many knew my God , as I do. The liberal may try keeping me out of my church, but I would die before that happens. I walk by faith and not by sight but if everyone would just look around, they would see the power of God everywhere. . . . .
2007-12-21 09:39:00
answer #9
answered by lucylocket7258 7
Once again the Christian majority crying about how persecuted they are. Look around, my friend. Christianity is not in danger of disappearing. You're just upset that those of us of other faiths (or no faith) exist at all and that you now have to share your world with us. It's too bad you feel that it's your religion 100% or nothing. I don't feel that way. I rather enjoy living in a free country where freedom of religion includes ANY religion (or lack thereof).
2007-12-21 09:29:41
answer #10
answered by swordarkeereon 6
I am a liberal and a Catholic, and the only conspirators I see in this country are the fundie Christians.
Why do you holy rollers have this unnatural idea that you are superior everyone and everything else in existence on this planet, and the audacity to believe you have the right to dictate how people should think and live??
Atheists may personally reject the idea of a higher power but they will fight until the bitter end to protect everyone else's right to believe in a higher power of their choosing, because after all, this is America... not Iran.
2007-12-21 09:29:43
answer #11
answered by tiny Valkyrie 7