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should guy who drive car absorb all the exhausted fumes? Becoz he cause it and also global warming.

2007-12-21 02:22:25 · 6 answers · asked by krazzzykevin 1 in Environment Global Warming

6 answers

Not fair or practical. To be fair, you would need to absorb an equal amount to account for the electricity you use. Electric power plants emit an enormous amount of greenhouse gas. And what about the furnace that you use to heat your house, why not punish people for trying to survive in the winter.

To me, the best alternative is to target the emissions from the factories and power-plants.

See the links below for more information.

There is new technology that is not only green, but profitable. If corporations can make money from it, they will be more likely to accept the expense of purchasing and maintaining the equipment.

The new technology passes emissions through algae to suck the CO2 from the factory exhaust. The algae in turn gives out oxygen. After a while, the algae is turned into bio-fuel and replaced with fresh algae. The byproducts from turning the algae into bio-fuel are then used as fertilizer.

Although not discussed in these websites, this technology could be taken even further. The exhaust gas from your furnace and gas hot water heater could be piped back to a processing center. It could be processed using algae in a similar manor. The profits from the bio-fuel sales and fertilizer sales could help pay for the operation of the processing plant.

The real solution to Global warming is not to just throw money at the problem. The solution must be affordable to the consumer and profitable to the manufacturers.

2007-12-21 02:38:24 · answer #1 · answered by Mad Jack 7 · 2 0

Oooh.. lots of dead people in cars.
Global warming is not only man made the planet is a living organism and changes happen, we can only try to make it less so.
By getting those who drive cars to absord the fumes is daft, do you travel by bus? perhaps you should absorb those fumes.

2007-12-21 02:33:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

How did you expect people to do that? Did you know that's one way to commit suicide?

And you have a Muffler that does help clean the emissions your car puts out. That's why your cars exhaust doesn't look black. If it does you have problems that you need to have looked into.

2007-12-21 03:29:32 · answer #3 · answered by Mikira 5 · 0 0

Exactly where would you store all of the absorbant (you do know that it is a liquid don't you)?

2007-12-22 06:58:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good idea, but the problem is that right now it's a lot easier to just make less fumes, than to trap them.

For technical reasons, that's not likely to change for cars, although it might work for big power plants.

2007-12-21 02:30:28 · answer #5 · answered by Bob 7 · 1 5


2007-12-21 02:27:50 · answer #6 · answered by campbelp2002 7 · 1 1